6 Key Strategies to Live on Purpose

Live on Purpose

What does it mean to live on purpose?

If you were to google how to “live on purpose”, you would get a million different definitions of living life on purpose.  Each person has a different way of looking at their life and the world.

I believe that living a life on purpose is creating a life and attitude that you will look back on and be content, be happy and having no regrets.

For me, part of that means putting God first, putting effort and time into my marriage, family and relationships.  In addition, attempting to be a good steward of the money and all things I am blessed with.

For you, it might mean something totally different. 

However, I believe there are 6 Key Strategies that we all can use to live life on Purpose. 

Here is a FREE gift:  My workbook to help you Pinpoint your Purpose & Gifts!!

6 Key Strategies to Live on Purpose:

Strategy 1 to Living Life on Purpose

Have a great attitude.  Life is too short to be cranky.  Attitude is a choice, whether we like it or not.  You create your own world and life by the way you choose to see it and react to it.

You can choose to focus on fear, worry, problems and negativity or you can choose to focus on confidence, opportunity, solutions, being optimistic and happy.  It’s your choice.  You decide.

Strategy 2 to Living Life on Purpose

Forgiveness.  Forgive everyone, especially yourself.  Furthermore, let go of past hurts and feelings of resentment. 

Carrying feelings of resentment or revenge only hurt the person carrying that burden.

Don’t let the past drag you down.  The courage to forgive (especially yourself) and move on is so liberating. 

Make it a rule to always be the first to forgive – especially yourself.

Strategy 3 to Living Life on Purpose

Move forward. Yesterday is a cancelled check.  The past is not where your potential lies.  Take all the lessons from your past experiences, learn from them and then focus on looking forward to making the future better. 

Think of the next year as a blank canvas, clean and bright.  You get to decide how that canvas is going to look. 

Strategy 4 to Living Life on Purpose

Be Grateful.  Always wake with a grateful attitude.  Always go to bed with that same grateful attitude.  You will learn soon enough that it is hard to be grateful and miserable at the same time!!

Take a moment and stop and view your life through the eyes of 6 Billion other people on this Earth.  Reflect.

I am 100% certain that there are at least hundreds of millions of people would gladly trade places with you and be ecstatic to do so.

That really put things in perspective for me.  Even on the worst of days you always can find something to be grateful and thankful for!

Strategy 5 to Living Life on Purpose

Keep your Word.  This is huge.  Keep your word to others, but especially to yourself.  Live and work with honesty, openness and integrity.

It’s way too easy to break promises with yourself.  After all, no one knows them except you right?  Well… STOP! 

The very foundation of your confidence comes from the promises you keep yourself! 

You need to have the habit of keeping promises to yourself in order to trust yourself and believe you can achieve the goals you set. 

Self-confidence and living a life of purpose comes from keeping your word to yourself. 

The most important reason to keep your word to yourself:  It creates trust and belief in YOU!

Strategy 6 to Living Life on Purpose

Stop worrying!!  Did you know that 99 out of the 100 things you worry about never come to pass?  Plus… does worrying ever get you anywhere?

Worry is a wasted thought, wasted energy and a wasted emotion.  Furthermore, it creates a worst-case scenario in your mind of an event that hasn’t even happened yet. 

Actually, worry forces you to live through all the negative emotions and most of the time you will never ever deal with the outcome you have worried yourself sick over!!

Are you living on purpose?

Don’t forget to download my free guide to help Pinpoint your Purpose and Gifts by clicking: here!

I don’t know for sure, but I suspect that if you have never given it any thought, then the answer is no.  It’s not something we tend to do naturally.

However, if you find yourself searching for fulfillment, always tired, always grumpy or often short with people; unsure of what direction your life is going or wishing you were somewhere else…

Just ask yourself, “Am I doing much on purpose at all?”  and if the answer is no, then start today.

p.s. If you struggle with limiting beliefs that are holding you back from stepping into your God-given purpose and achieving your dreams, check out the Unleash Your Unlimited Potential Course!! It is JUST what you need to BUST through limiting beliefs and achieve your dreams!!


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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