Step Into a Place of Power & Confidence

Step Into a Place of Power & Confidence Connect to your relationship with God instead of feeling invisible in all your roles as wife/mom/entrepreneur – with Kirstin Baxter

Kirstin Baxter is an empathetic clarity coach. What is that, you might ask??

She takes her God-given strengths of empathy, connectedness and leadership and helps busy moms to discover their own God-given potential and to truly make their own mark on the world.

She believes that God has given special strengths, perspectives, passions, and knowledge to each person and values each as precious, important, and wonderful.

The trouble that moms often have is that self-doubt, high expectations, or comparison get in the way of understanding that they have value to offer the world and truly living in our greatness.

Kirstin’s mission is to help each mother truly see, and believe in herself and become her own best friend to truly be an amazing leader in God’s army!!

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Kirstin’s mission is to help each mother truly see, and believe in herself and become her own best friend to truly be an amazing leader in God’s army!!

  • Learn what an empathetic coach is
  • Learn how to step into a place of power and confidence so that you she can connect with your  mind/body/spirit, and relationship with God!
  • Kirsten gives some tips that for a busy and stressed out mom who is feeling overly tired, unmotivated, disconnected from her true self, that you can start applying today!
  • Kirsten talks about the mark she is making on this world and her amazing promotion she has coming up!

How to connected with Kirsten and her promotion:


FB: Kirsten Nordstrom Baxter

Soon to Be YouTube Channel:  Kirstin Baxter


Promotion link to get on call with Kirstin:

Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

Today’s guest Kirsten Baxter is an empathetic clarity coach. What is that you might ask? She takes her God given strengths of empathy, interactiveness, and leadership, and helps busy moms to discover their own God given potential and truly make their mark in this world. She believes that God has. Given special strengths, perspectives, passions, and knowledge to each person and values each as precious important and wonderful.

The trouble that moms often have is that self doubt, high expectations and comparison can get in the way of understanding that they have value to offer the world and truly. And their greatness Kirsten’s mission is to help each mother truly see and believe in herself and become her own best friend to truly be an amazing Nader in God’s army.

Do you know, you have a bigger purpose than that? Nine to five? Yes. Yes. You do. Welcome to the abundant Christian preneur podcast. I am your host, Kristen. . I am a wife and mom who loves. And I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll. Right now you are joined by other faith filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences.

Or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love. My goal is to inspire you, to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO and create. Powerful profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christian preneurs tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact and have the financial and time freedom to do what you want when you want. Then crank up that volume and let’s do.

Welcome back to the abundant Christian preneur podcast. I am so excited to have a special guest with us today. Kirsten Baxter. I am so excited to have you on our podcast again today. How are you? I’m fantastic. And it’s so fun to be chatting with you again. Yes. For having me, you are welcome. I know you’re going to add such tremendous value to our listeners today, and I just thank the Lord for having you with us today, and I pray blessings over your business.

And I just thank you, Lord, that you will. Give us the words that the listeners need to hear today. So Kirsten, let’s just dig into this. How did you decide to become an empathetic clarity? Oh, my goodness. Okay. So coming home. So I am a middle school teacher by trade and coming home to have my babies. I felt lost like incredibly lost, and I thought I’m supposed to love motherhood.

What’s wrong with me. And I have had empathy on my life, but. There’s been a lot of, um, issues with people not understanding it. And so I kind of felt like from different comments and, um, feedback that it was a flaw of mine. So compounding my personality with the stay at home struggle that I was having, I just felt broken and invisible.

And. Loss. And I had faith in Jesus, but it just was hard to really take the conceptual knowledge I had and turn it inward to where like I actively understood and believed how he would walk with me, you know? And so I tried out a network marketing business and I love the. I love the people. It was really great, but I still felt like super anxious and awkward and like, it wasn’t working for me, but I yearned to connect with people.

And every time I would connect with them, I would feel with them, I’d walk with them. I’d give them encouragement and ideas. And it just felt so good. I was able to lift others up and I pointed them back to Jesus. And like, he’s your partner? Just walk with him. And I just felt. It was amazing to be able to do that.

And then when I signed on with my coach, I when I first like, was willing to admit, maybe I kind of started, want to think about being a coach. She’s like, oh yeah, you need to. Because like, God has planted this in your heart and you’re filling it for a reason. He needs you to be as instrument for these ways.

And with your understanding of his gospel and his word. You can help others find him too. And that’s what it’s all about anyway. Right. And so I just kind of connected more and more and learned more about my empathy and learned about how passionate I was about making sure I did my part to help people know, especially moms know that they’re precious in God’s.

No matter if they yell at their kids on one day or their sink is full of dishes, or if they even get out of bed, you know, like they’re precious in God’s sight. And he has given each and every one of them special. That he values higher than rubies and given them for the specific purpose of making their own individual contribution to the world.

And it just, you could tell, cause I’m already getting a little teary, then feel your emotion. I love it. Oh, you have such an amazing heart. Thank you. So that’s how it all came to be. I like I’ve been, it’s funny. I’ve only been a coach for about nine, nine and a half months now, but. Like, I will say with any step I take into belief and acting on that belief, the Lord pours out his blessings on me.

And so it’s just a matter of me believing. And then the way is bruh, then I believe more. And then the ways brought. Yes. Oh my gosh. There is so many good nuggets. We could just stop that right there. Oh goodness. There’s so many good nuggets there. And I’m going to kind of recap and pull that out, that you knew that there was something slightly different about you and how you showed up and how you help people with.

The empathy side and we tend to, as women take our God-given gifts and our talents and who he created us to be, we tend to kind of overlook that and just think, oh, that’s nothing special, but honestly, that’s the key. To living a fulfilled life here on this side of heaven, who he created you to be and how you can use it to help others.

So I love that. And Kirsten, you talk about helping moms that kind of feel invisible, that feel lost. They’re really not finding their true joy anymore and their different roles of being a mom, a wife, a business owner. I know our listeners can relate. I can relate myself when I just felt like a robot doing the same thing every day, working cookies.

Going to work that mom wife role, and then repeat, we lose the sense of identity and who we are, who God created us to be and how we can show up in this world to make the impact that we’re craving to make. So how do you help women step into a place of power and get that confidence so she can connect with her mind, body, spirit, and her relationship with God.

And what is the common challenge that you find in mothers, especially your clients that stops them from finding this deeper level of competence, connection, and love. Um, So many good questions. Um, so first I, like I have a three phase process that I help these moms go through. And the first one is to take that conceptual understanding of who God is and what his love looks like.

And really. Like help it work into our hearts in a full way where we can see that we are precious when we can like, have that. Aha. Yes. Like even now in my scrubbies I am precious and like, Take that understanding of the moms, where we look at our kids. And even if they have like food all over their face and their is going in every direction, but they look up with those twinkle eyes and we say, oh, good thing.

I love you because you’re just so beautiful right now. You know, that’s how God sees us all the time. And so I take that phase. One of just really. Working that into our hearts in not a conceptual way, not like just the idea of it, but actually the belief and the whole hearted living in that truth.

Day-to-day kind of understanding. And then the second phase is taking what we understand about ourselves and like 10 X-ing it. And like, you know, How we have spiritual gifts. He only mentioned some of them in there, I think with good reason, but those spiritual gifts, each of us have our own unique set of gifts.

And like empathy is one that I mentioned before. And I have a few others that I’ve learned about through the. And just understanding that we’ll empathy can be a superpower. If I partner with Christ and walk with him and learn what is my place in this and what is his place in this and recognize that’s one of the many that he’s given me and I have others too.

So when empathy is not the best thing to use, there are others that I can use to, you know, and then just. Adding to that some more and just recognizing we are still on a journey. And even though we have our own spiritual gifts, like I, and I like to call them superpowers. They don’t need to be super right away.

It can take time. And our journey is long because the Lord knows that we need that time to walk step by step with him. And so when we slow down a little bit and recognize. That we need to be our own best friends and have mercy and grace on ourselves and speak to ourselves as if we were a friend that we were sitting next to, and truly pour love into ourselves.

Then that’s when we can truly live in our greatness and appreciate and grow what God has given us and make our own contribution on the world. I love this. That’s amazing. I, yeah, I, uh, there’s a lot I could say on that. Just what you just spoken to me. So what’s a common challenge that you find mothers, especially like your clients that stops them from finding this, this deeper love pump connection.

Oh, I’d say number one is comparison. And in my opinion, there are three types of comparison. The most common one that we understand is with other people, because we could see their strengths more easily, and we look inward and see our flaws. And so we compare against their strengths and that can be really challenging, but then we also have two other forms of comparison.

One is against our expectations of what we think we should. And then the, uh, there is comparing to the past what we used to be, and it could be in a good way. Like I wish I could be like that again, or it could be in a negative way, like fearing that that might happen again. And either way, all of those can stop us from really recognizing the value of living in the present, the value value of walking actively with Christ and the value of recognizing.

We’re here for a journey, not to be perfect, but to be actively understanding how precious we are and how precious everyone is and how we have our special. Special specialists still like role to play where it’s okay to be imperfect and to have a messy middle and to contribute where we’re wherever we are at and just love our opportunity to serve in that special way.

Hmm. I love that. So comparison definitely is huge. It’s just steals your joy. It steals like who God created you to be. So what were the three types of comparison that you mentioned? Because those were good. Yeah. Yeah. So comparison with. And then comparison with our expectations. Like I should be able to blah, blah, blah, blah, blah.

And maybe you shouldn’t, maybe that day, what you should be able to do is simply just love yourself. Even if you don’t even put your bra on, like that’s enough, you know? And then the third one is comparison to our past. We’re all about learning and taking action on what we learned on this podcast, knowing something or learning something is great, but implementation on what we know or learn helps us create those results.

So Kirsten, what is a tip or tips that you would give a busy, stressed out mom? Who is feeling overly tired, unmotivated, disconnected with her true self and lonely. What are some tips that she can start to apply in her life today? So the first one is to really recognize that you have a mind, a heart and a spirit that are all meant to be your guide.

And when we have. Whether they be positive, uplifting thoughts, or a negative thoughts, they can serve as a guide to recognize where we are at and what could be something that we might want to change. And the same with our heart, our heart is there to serve as our compass and our, our path. And our heart is filled with our spiritual gifts.

It’s filled with our passions, what brings us joy. And so. Um, it’s there to serve as a guide. And then our spirit is there. That’s the eternal link to God, and that has the true answers. And oftentimes we forget about that because we feel like we’ve got to do it all ourselves, but if we lean into our spirit, then we can truly recognize that God does have all the answers and we can lean into that and trust that he will give us lineup online, what we need to know to do what we need to do.

And then the second tip I would give. Is I call this my triangle method and I’m going to hold the triangle. It, because it helps me remember how to do this. Um, and I’ll relate it specifically to my empathy because that’s where my top strength is, but you can apply it with any, so with empathy there, oftentimes when I lean into other people’s emotions, And I can get drained or I can get frustrated or I just disconnected with where I’m supposed to be and overwhelmed, you know?

And so when I’m noticing these negative emotions, since they are my guide, I can call back and recognize, okay, I am not in my corner of the triangle. So then I visualize this triangle. I put myself back in my corner, I put the other person in their corner and then I put God at the time. And if, um, if I can remember this, then there are two parts to the prayer.

The first one is Lord, help me know. Where is my place in the triangle, help me know what emotions I’m supposed to fill and where I’m supposed to connect and where that ends, where it’s supposed to be for the other person where I’m supposed to let the rest turn to you, release the rest to you, you know, surrender.

And then the second part of the prayer is the harder one of the two. Please give me the. To release that and trust that you’ve got it. You’ve got me in your hands. You’ve got them in your hands and we’ll be okay because we’re with you, you know? So that’s the other tip that I would get. I love it. Ah, so, so good, Kristen, you talk about making your mark on this world.

Can you tell us more about that? Yeah. So if we look out in the world today, we all have different perspectives, but we all have different passions and goals. And this mark basically just recognizes the idea that even if we choose direct sales or photography or some other business, Has a lot of people in there, nothing, no one else can do it the way we can do it because God has planted these special gifts on our heart and these special stories that we have and experiences and our own personal, uh, understanding of the gospel.

And so with all of those gifts that he’s given us, we can trust and be confident in the fact that. We are meant to share in our own unique way. So if I were a photographer and I had the gift of empathy and I had the gift of recognizing the connection between nature and people, then the way I could market my photography is.

Okay. Saying things that relate to like, I can help you and your family connect, and I can show that connection in a way that helps you capture that moment forever. And I’ll place. I’ll help place you in an environment where you can see heaven’s view pouring on you and just the way you share. Through your own passions and strengths, it will connect to those people who need that and are looking for that and are praying for that.

And so you can have that special mark and it doesn’t need to be where you’re for everyone, right? We’re not any one of us meant for everyone, but for the people we are meant to serve. They are praying for the solution that we have that is in our heart. And it is just our job to connect with God and learn about it and confidently show up to give it and let him provide the people and the way and the strings.

I love that. Yes. Cause we’re all here to make our own special mark in this world. And God already gave us everything that we need, our gifts, our talents, and our spiritual gifts. He’s given us everything that we need in order to do that. That is beautiful. So Kirsten, you have a promotion going on right now for those who feel God’s voice touching their hearts to connect with you more.

How can they get in touch with you? And then how can they get in touch with you regarding this? Yeah. So, um, I am actually preparing to start my next round of my introductory course. That’s called the, from invisible to invincible, discover your God-given greatness and make your mark on the world. And the way that I am connecting with those who are interested in learning more is I have a.

One-on-one call that we do together. It takes about 20 minutes, not very long, but it’s a way for me really to use my empathetic heart, to connect to you and to get to know where you’re at in your journey to pour the love and encouragement into you. But then also answer any questions you might have about this journey and to help, um, see if it’s the best fit.

And because I strongly believe. It is within each of us to make the best decisions for what is right for our family. I don’t have a book now. Um, sign up right now button it’s just through this call and I am leave it open for you to be able to go and pray and fill if this is the right timing and the right fit for you.

And then we can go from there. But, um, yeah, I have that link. You can also connect with me on Facebook and Instagram and you’ve got all those things, right. So. Yes. Yeah. Amazing. I will make sure that I drop those links in the show notes for the listeners who want to connect with you. And one last question.

What is your favorite Bible verse? Um, for God’s to love the world that he gave his only begotten son, because it is that love that propels us forward every day. That gives us that hope and strength. And knowing that we’re not alone. Yes. Amen. And for those of you listening to this around the Christmas season, that is an amazing verse to end this episode ad.

And for those of you who are listening to this at a later time, it is still an amazing verse to attach to your heart. So thank you so much, Kirsten. It’s been such a blessing to have you add so much value to our listeners. Thank you so much. This has been a pleasure. I want to make sure you get on the wait list, the wait list for an amazing challenge.

That’s going to make 20, 22 the most successful year ever for you, you know, deep down that it’s time to turn your years of knowledge, your gifts, your talent, your experiences, your life experiences, and your career. Now. In what I like to call your God-given genius zone. You know, it’s time to turn that into a thriving online business.

So you can eventually leave that nine to five that is draining you because it doesn’t align with who God created you to be. You know, that it’s time and you are ready to make an impact doing what you love and using the gifts and talents God gave. Wow, making income. Are you ready? Would you love support as you go through this journey of creating, building and scaling your island?

I want you to get on the wait list and we will let you know when it’s open for you to register so you can grab your free spot. You can get on the wait list at Kristin crunchy. That com chorus slash challenge. The link will also be in the show. That’s it for today, friends. It’s your time to step into the role of the abundant Christian manure and put to use the gifts God has given you.

There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from. I want you to know this, feel this, and most importantly, the, this never underestimate the impact. And power you and Hey, real quick, before you go, do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IgE stories.

And take me at Kristen. Turangi using the hashtag the above. Christian prenuer and if you feel extra daring, share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it. If you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show.

This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from, but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.