3 Mindset Shifts You Need to Transition from Employee to Entrepreneur.

Welcome to The Abundant Christianpreneur™ Podcast!!

3 Mindset Shifts You need to have take place in order to step into your Role as The Abundant Christianpreneur!

You can have all the best strategies, tools and plan in the world, but that isn’t going to matter unless you have your mind right!


Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

3 Mindset Shifts You need to have take place in order to step into your Role as The Abundant Christianpreneur! 

You can have all the best strategies, tools and plan in the world, but that isn’t going to matter unless you have your mind right!

Get your free Mindset Guide Here: www.kristindronchi.com/mindsetguide

Hey did you hear? November and December are all about the abundant money mindset!

You want to build a successful business (network marketing – coaching, etc) but you can’t do that with an unsuccessful relationship with money

These are bonus podcast episodes you will only get to catch inside the free FB group The Abundant Christianpreneur saved in the units tab!  

30 Days to an Abundant Money Mindset 

Because the Abundant Christianpreneur is that faith-filled Christian women who is abundant in Spiritual Health, Mind and Body Health – we are multidimensional beings and those are the 3 most important dimensions.  We need to be healthy in all 3 areas: spiritual, mind and body so that we can build a successful biz that makes an impact and income while following the prompting from the h.s. and not sacrificing our health and family to do so. 

Creating a shift in your money belief pattern not only glorifies God in the process, but you are creating a huge impact on the world!  You want to make an impact and income and income = impact. We NEED to make money because wealth needs to be in the hands of those who follow Jesus — who use money as a means to impact. 

Thank you!! ~ xo Kristin

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Full Episode Transcription:

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur™podcast.


Hey, did you hear November, and December are all about the abundant money mindset. You want to build a successful business, whether it’s your group coaching, online program, membership, or network marketing company, but you can’t do that with a unsuccessful relationship with money inside our free Facebook group, The Abundant Christianpreneur, every day, I will be dropping a video or recording that you can listen to in the group to help with your money mindset and work through your money story.

These are bonus podcast episodes, you will only get to catch inside the free Facebook group, The Abundant Christianpreneur I’ll link that group in the show notes as well.

The Abundant Christianpreneur is that faith filled Christian woman who is abundant in spiritual health, mind and body health. We are multi dimensional human beings. And those are the three most important dimensions, we need to be healthy in all three areas. So that we can build a successful business that makes that impact and income are craving to make while following the prompting from the Holy Spirit and not sacrificing our Health and Family to do so how you bridge that gap to make your financial goals or reality for 2021 starts with your money mindset. And if you’ve never thought about your money story at all before, you probably haven’t paid that much attention to those things. But what I do know is that it is so freeing when you are able to understand your money story, where it came from. And then ask yourself if that belief is story is serving you. And once you understand your money story, it’s easier to shift those limiting beliefs and create a story that empowers you create an a shift in that money, belief and pattern that only glorifies God in the process. But you’re creating a huge impact on the world. And I know we all want to do that we want to make impact and income. And with income comes impact. We need an abundant amount of faith filled women with an abundant amount of money mindset. And well, that will use that to make an impact in this world. So head on over to the Facebook group and join us for the 30 days to an abundant money mindset.

If you’ve been following me for a while and listening to the episodes you’ve definitely heard me say before I love mindset, because mindset is the key. You can have the best strategies and tools and tactics in in the entire world. But if your mind set is not right, it’s not going to work.

And what most of us online entrepreneurs don’t know or don’t even realize I should say is that what we learned in school automatically set us up for having an employee he mind set so we are going to compare and contrast the employee he versus entrepreneurial mindset because when you step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur, a Christian faith filled woman who has an abundant in her mind, her body and her soul, so she can create and scale that online business that has been on her heart, whether it’s creating her own business or

In that network marketing business that you are a part of, you need to move from the employee mindset to the entrepreneurial mindset, being an entrepreneur is not only a great way to make an impact and earn amazing income, but it is really a vessel for self transformation. And even those highly successful entrepreneurs that you may follow like Dean graziosi, Ed Mylett, Amy Porterfield, Thomas Edison, and Henry Ford, just to name a few.

Those are some entrepreneurial greats that have come before you and me. And they change the world because they first saw the world in a different way. their unique perspectives, beliefs and thinking about things allowed them to see what others couldn’t, it allowed them to do what others wouldn’t. The entrepreneurial mind is absolutely amazing as taking an idea, something that has not ever been done before, and creating something from it. And whether you’d like to admit it or not, we were indoctrinated into a certain way of thinking, acting and being from a very young age, five days a week, seven hours a day for close to 18 years of your life. And if you don’t think that experience in the school system made an impression on you, you need to think again. For starters, in the school system, we’re told from day one, that the path to success is to work hard, right? Work hard, do your homework, do what you’re told, and then you’ll graduate and get a good job, work hard becomes ingrained in us as a child, it literally becomes our strategy for proving our worth to the world. If I work harder, I’ll be more worthy and more deserving right. And no fault of our own. I grew up on a farm and I know all about hard work and a work ethic and, you know, that was instilled and ingrained in us and it was in school as well. get good grades, work hard, go to college, work hard, get good grades, so you can get a job that pays the bills. Well, my friend, if working harder, was the key to success. If working harder was the key to earning a massive income so you can make an impact in this world, we would all be there, right? So working harder is not the key. And it definitely does not determine your worth. And if you’re more deserving than someone else in this world. Try looking at your beautiful newborn baby in the eyes and say you’re not worthy get to work, you’re not working hard enough. That’s just absurd, right? So that’s a mindset shift that needs to happen. Christ in what Jesus did on the cross already made you worthy in working harder has nothing to do with your success. It’s working smarter, and shifting your mindset. Because back again in school, remember, we’re taught to ask permission, raise your hand, wait your turn, only go to the bathroom when you you’re told you can. In the world of entrepreneurship, it’s your job to literally create what has never been done before you and permission will never be granted to you. Have you ever noticed that 99% of our classes only greatest on how smart we are? And if we never question it, we don’t know any different. And do you think success as an entrepreneur is reserved only for the smartest?

No, I know countless numbers of successful personal brands, podcast hosts, best selling authors, multimillionaires, who are see students at their best Dean graziosi never graduated college and he was dyslexic. So how smart you are, what grade they give you in school, and your performance in school does not correlate to the performance in the world of entrepreneurship.

The public school system did a great job grooming us to be hard working, wait your turn, ask permission do what you’re told work hard employee ease. And that’s just my view. That’s just my opinion. You can take it for what it’s worth. I would encourage you to kind of have an open mind about this. And yes, we need employees, right. We need people to work the assembly lines. We need dentists and doctors. But for the person who wants to step into the world of entrepreneurial ship that has that spirit to create inside. You need to switch from that employee mindset to an entrepreneurial mindset. So I truly believe that we don’t have to learn to be an entrepreneur because it’s already inside of us that spirit to create that spirit to imagine to have new ideas has been given to us by our amazing creator. We just need to unLearn how to be an employee. He and that is why it is so hard for us to transition to an entrepreneurial mindset, because we’re applying the rules of being an employee he in entrepreneurialship, and it’s totally different. And if you’re saying to yourself, Well, I don’t have great ideas, or I’m not creative. Like I said, that is not true. God place amazing abilities in you. And you are so powerful, and want to read you this study that was done about 40 or 50 years ago, there was a study done a test done at NASA. And it’s actually the NASA test that’s used for creativity that NASA uses to select astronauts. And this test found that 95% or so of all, five year olds score at a genius level for creativity. And then, as they’re sent through the regular school system, and high school and post secondary education, this scientist tested them again, once they reached adulthood. And by that time, when they were 30 years old, only 2% tested at the genius level for creativity. So if that is not blatantly obvious, and evidence of how we are indoctrinated into the idea that new ideas or harmful new ideas are dangerous, do what you’re told, I don’t know what is.

 And unfortunately, society shuns new ideas. We shun intervention, creativity, and ideas are at the heart of who we are. And if we didn’t have Thomas Edison and Henry Ford, where their creativity and their new ideas, we wouldn’t have the electricity, we wouldn’t have the car. And if we did, we would have probably had it so much later, right. So I want you to kind of sit and think about that and wrap your head around that for a second. Because when I heard about that study, my mind was blown. So we are going to talk about three shifts that you need to make as you step into the role of an abundant Christian printer. There’s so many more, but I’m just going to talk about three of them today. And I want you to think which way you lean towards more when we’re talking about these and no judgment here. Because I definitely work on this too and deal with this as well. So do you lean more towards the entrepreneurial mindset, or the employee II mindset. And I just want you to start getting more aware that there’s shifts that you need to take as you step into the abundant Christian printer and creating and scaling the online business that has been on your heart shift. Number one, employees tend to be threatened by successful people and entrepreneurs are inspired by successful people. So as an employee, most of us are trying to climb that ladder of success, we’re striving for the next promotion or the next raise. And we tend to be in competition with our coworkers, or we’re worried or threatened by our coworkers who know more than us, and who are more successful than us in air quotes. I mean, they might take her job, right. entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are inspired by successful people. They know that it’s crucial to surround themselves with the right people, people who are winning people who are doing the things they want to do, or people who are where they want to be surround themselves by people that challenge them to grow and push them outside of their comfort zone. Whereas an employee, they like to be comfortable. They like the familiar. They like to know what to do. They’re told what to do in an exchange, they do what they’re told in exchange for a paycheck. So you see, it requires a different mindset. And most of the time with the entrepreneurial mindset is very counter intuitive to what we’ve been taught entrepreneurs know that being around people, doing the things they want to do, is going to help them grow and evolve faster in the direction of their dreams, which is totally counter intuitive to the employee mindset where you’re always competing against each other in the corporate world, you’re trying to be one step ahead of your coworker and and move up that corporate ladder faster or get that promotion first. And entrepreneurship. People want each other to be successful. They have an abundant mindset that there is unlimited success, an abundant amount of wealth available for everyone versus the employee who has one position they’re trying to keep or climb. To get to the corporate ladder, mindset shift number two, employees need to think before they act or start something. And entrepreneurs just start in the corporate world. The employee needs to think before they act because if they act and make a mistake, they’re going to be reprimanded. There’s usually negative consequences most of the time right

So people are slow to make a decision in the corporate world, they don’t want to think outside of the box because they need to make a calculated decision so they don’t make a mistake or fail. And as an entrepreneur, it’s the total opposite. We have to do first, then think, we know that things don’t become clear by just thinking about them. The path to success, and the path to our dreams become clear, when we start taking action, and start taking steps forward. Clarity comes with action, we just don’t sit there and think about it, you start taking action, then we know what’s going to be required of us. And if we make a mistake or fail, we know that’s just the stepping stones to success. And we tweak what we do, we change what we do. And then we try it again. Entrepreneurs aren’t afraid of failing or making mistakes, we know that we learn from them. And like I mentioned, they’re the stepping stones to success. And we live in a dualistic world, you can’t have success without failure, you can’t have up without down. So we know when we fail, we’re just one step closer to being successful. So you see two very different mindsets, entrepreneurs act fast. Once they get that inspiration or idea or that solution to the problem. Entrepreneurs tend to have the most breakthroughs and create the most results for their business and the people that they’re meant to serve. by acting fast when they’re inspired. And entrepreneurs enjoy breaking the rules. As an employee breaking the rules could mean dismissal, reprimand, doing things differently, tends to be frowned on. And they don’t do things outside of the box. entrepreneurs, on the other hand, are interested in the status quo. They’re always looking for ways to do things differently. do things better streamline the process, the employee versus entrepreneurial mindset shift number three, employees feel the need to do it all themselves. And entrepreneurs know that the power of delegation and building a team and outsourcing is powerful. employees need to do it themselves. I need to get this done. This is my job. Great. They do it, they do their job, they do what they’re told they get paid for doing a service, right, they get paid for doing something for the company. Sometimes they may be even afraid to ask for help if they don’t know, because that shows a sign of weakness. Employees tend to focus on improving their weaknesses, to avoid the pain of someone doing it better, because they think that the promotion is at risk. Or to avoid some other sort of negative consequence. They’re always focusing on improving their weaknesses and trying to be the best at everything. On the other hand, entrepreneurs are laser focused on only improving their strengths. They know they’re not good at everything. And they can only operate in their gifts and strengths. And they outsource them hire people who are gifted in the places they’re not. Plus, delegating. Hiring the team gives entrepreneurs more time to do what they’re good at, to be the visionary and step into the role of the CEO for the company. So let me ask you a question. Is it smart to hire a meal planner for your family? Well, it depends, right? If you’re an entrepreneur, you’re going to be way more likely to do this, because you see your time is so much more valuable. Because you can either pay for your success and create your online business with time or money. Those are the only two things you have time or money if you know how much you’re worth an hour as an entrepreneur. And if you don’t know that, you definitely need to figure that out what you’re charging an hour to work with someone. So for example, if I’m charging someone $497 an hour, because in my group coaching program, but if I’m spending an hour cooking and preparing a meal, and I could pay someone else $100 to do that, that I’m losing $397 every hour I spend trying to prepare and cook a meal. And as an entrepreneur, that’s how you need to think. So instead of spending your time on five or $10 tasks, hire and outsource that to people that that can do it, who has a gift in doing that and enjoy doing that. So you can focus on other income producing activities. And you may not have the funds to delegate out to assistants or virtual assistants right away in the beginning of your business. But I would like to challenge you with this thought. You can’t afford not to delegate and hire a virtual assistant for a small $10 task. As soon as I hired a social media VA it freed up so much time and it held me more accountable. Because she’s waiting on things for me to send her she’s waiting for me to give her a vision of what I want next week and next month to look like and it makes you feel more professional and it starts getting you into this co ownership mindset because you are Running a business, whether it’s an online business, or whether it’s a business, you’re scaling and your network marketing company, it is your business. And you need to take a step of faith because you can’t afford not to delegate tasks. When you are living out of your field of excellence, when you’re trying to do things that you are not gifted at, it’s just going to slow you down. And you’re not working in your God given genius zone and gifts. So those are my top three mindset shifts that needs to happen to help you transition from the employee mindset to the entrepreneurial mindset. entrepreneurialship is a personal development program on steroids. It doesn’t matter if you’re creating your own business, if you’re in a network marketing company, if you are an entrepreneur, you know, that is one of the best personal development programs out there. We know that it’s not all about the tactics, and the strategies and the tools. It’s about adapting and transitioning to the right mindset. I hope this added value to you today. I also have a mindset action plan guide that you can actually download. And it can kind of help you walk through creating a shift in different mindsets. I will put that link in the show notes. But you can get that at www.kristindronchi.com/mindsetguide

Thank you and have an amazing blessed day. That’s it for today. Friends, it’s your time to step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from. I want you to know this. Feel this, and most importantly, be this. Never underestimate the impact and power you have.

And hey, real quick before you go. Do you want to win a free private coaching call with me. Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your Igy stories. and tag me@kristidronchi using the hashtag #theabundantchristianpreneur. And if you feel extra daring share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.



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A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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