Are Your Limiting Beliefs Stopping You?


Do you struggle with limiting beliefs?

Limiting beliefs, our self-talk, thoughts and beliefs create our reality, whether we realize it or not. We typically act from what we believe to be true and don’t always recognize what our limiting beliefs can do to our lives. Do you hold yourself back, even though you know deep in your soul it’s time to move forward?


Let’s touch base on beliefs, limiting beliefs and how to turn them into empowering ones! Get your hands on this FREE Mindset and Belief Workbook to help you. Click here!

Thoughts are powerful – everything in the material world was first created on the level of a thought.  

This may sound familiar:  Your thoughts create your feelings, your feelings lead to your actions/behavior and your actions then lead to the results.





This is definitely true; however, I believe that beneath our thoughts lies an even deeper force that shapes our thoughts and feelings. It dictates every aspect of our behavior, how we respond to the world around us.

This deeper force is our beliefs. 

What is a Belief?

A belief is something you know with totally and absolute certainty.  It is a thought that YOU decided consciously or unconsciously, is the Truth.  Now, I feel that it is important to re-iterate that a belief is SOMETHING YOU believe to be true.

Our beliefs are the root of our reality and our results… so I think the formula looks more like this:






Beliefs create our thoughts, thoughts create our feelings, which leads to our actions and I believe the accumulation of those actions & behaviors add up to our destiny…our entire life – so Let’s start getting our beliefs and mind right! 

What is a Limiting Belief?

A Limiting Belief is an idea or thought that we believe to be true that keeps us from reaching our full God given potential and purpose.  In other words, it is a LIE, that we believe to be the truth.

It’s the little voices and thoughts in your head that tell you that you can’t be, can’t do or can’t have something.

Do you struggle with limiting beliefs or thoughts that hold you back from accomplishing goals or making a positive change in your life?  I know I do!

I will share with you a few things that have helped me stop those negative thoughts and step into God’s purpose for my life.

Examples of Limiting Beliefs:

I want you to ask yourself…. “What is ONE thing I want to do or have in my life right now?”  Now, what are your beliefs around this ONE thing?  What is holding you back right now from that ONE thing you want to do or have??

A few common limiting beliefs:

  • I will never be good enough
  • I don’t deserve more than this
  • This is as good as it gets
  • I am too old
  • I can’t afford it or don’t have enough money
  • I don’t have the time
  • Successful people are just lucky.
  • A feeling of not being worthy

The only thing that keeps you from getting what you want is the story you keep telling yourself.

This story is limiting your potential, limiting your income, limiting your passions and purpose and not allowing you to live the life you were created to.

So, we need to figure out what your limiting beliefs are, then turn them into empowering beliefs and re-write your empowering story.

Transforming Limiting beliefs:

I believe we all have unlimited potential and we were created to do some pretty amazing things to impact the world.  A lot of the time, the results in our lives don’t reflect that.  Why?  More times than not, it’s the limiting beliefs we are holding onto and the stories we tell ourselves of why we can’t HAVE something or can’t DO something. 

Our human nature is to do something, invest in something, or take a step of faith towards are goals only if we BELIEVE we are going to get the desired outcome we want to achieve.  

So, if we don’t have faith, if we don’t believe that it is going to work out or we won’t reach our goals, even if it is something subconsciously rooted – we will sabotage our own efforts.  Meaning, we won’t go all in and take 100% action. 

The important thing is to identify these limiting beliefs and stories and then turn them into empowering ones!

It all starts with awareness. Remember, beliefs are not facts. They are just opinions based on your past experiences and perceptions of the world.

Here are 4 steps to help you start transforming your self-limiting beliefs into empowering ones.

Don’t forget to download your free Mindset & Belief workbook. Here!

Step #1 Identify your limiting belief and story

To challenge and overcome your limiting beliefs you need to know what they are. Think of all the negative, self-doubting thoughts that chatter in the back of your mind and write them down.

Here’s my example… YES…those limiting beliefs constantly go through my head too!  BUT I knew that if I wanted to step into my purpose and help others transform their lives and step into THEIR purpose, I needed to get my mindset right and get ready for success!!

My Example: 

  • I am too old to make an impact or change careers!
  • I am not valuable enough to make a difference.

Step #2 Flip the Script!

Words have power!!! Stop telling yourself negative junk – flip it!!  Flip your words and flip your limiting beliefs into more empowering beliefs and stories. I had to take control of those thoughts – those limiting beliefs and turn them into EMPOWERING beliefs!  

My Example: 

  • God’s timing is perfect and all my knowledge and experiences from the past 40 years has equipped me to make an impact!
  • I am highly valuable and who I am makes a huge difference for others.

Step # 3: Create Empowering Affirmations

Keep your new empowering statements nearby. It’s so easy to slip back into our old patterns of thinking, especially on those tough days. Write them in a notebook that you can carry in your purse or keep in your desk. Write them on post-it notes and attach them to your mirror at home. Write them in your phone, so they are easy to find when self-doubt begins to creep in again.

You can also find a list of my favorite affirmations here to print out or download.

Step #4 ACT as if it is True!

I could spend hours writing about this step!! It’s that important!  Act as if your new belief is already true. Speak as if it is already true!  What small step can you take or actions goals you can set each day to solidify your new belief and live aligned with that truth? The more you practice living it, the easier it will become. 

Use the free mindset and belief workbook to help you put all of this into practice.  Use it to help change your mindset and each limiting belief you have.


You have this calling this “something” inside of you because GOD placed it there – and he wouldn’t have placed a dream in your heart if he hadn’t already given you everything thing you need to fulfill it! 

When you change your thoughts and beliefs you change everything! 

Yes, limiting beliefs are real and can prevent you from igniting your spark, finding your passions and walking in God’s Purpose for your life.  They CAN be transformed into empowering beliefs!

The steps above are only a starting point. They are an example of how you can challenge your beliefs, rewrite them, take new actions and start to move in the direction you want to go. 

I can’t tell you that my journey to overcoming limiting beliefs was easy, it didn’t happen overnight and I still deal with negative beliefs and thoughts. It’s a process, a process that will leave you feeling liberated, joyful, and gives YOU back YOUR power to be amazing!

Don’t forget to download your free Mindset & Belief workbook.

Until next time! Connect with me on Social!

Let me help you Ignite that Spark & Find Your Purpose! 


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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