Do you want to create a Purpose Driven Morning Routine?

3 Steps to Create a Purpose Driven Morning Routine

Coffee with a sunrise

A Purpose Driven Morning Routine can create success for your entire day.  Implementing these 3 ideas I mention below, has helped me tremendously.  I am more grounded, positive, at peace and more proactive during the day.   It wasn’t always that way!  I would hit my snooze button at least 5 times… then rush around, trying to get out the door, bite my husband’s head off and reacted negatively to things that went haywire throughout the day.

More importantly, I had lost my spark, didn’t know who I was anymore, and I definitely was not living how God created me to live – we are meant to have an abundant and joyful life.

That was not a fun way to live and I certainly wasn’t living a significant and fulfilled life.  Now… I just use the 5 second rule and say “5,4,3,2,1” in my head and pop out out of bed!! 

Below are 3 specific Morning Routines that I implemented each morning to get out of the funk of feeling like a robot, stop snapping at the people I love and created a more joyful and purpose fulfilled day.   

Don’t for get to grab your 2 free Gifts!…. The Daily Affirmations and Purpose Driven Daily Planner! Click here.

Furthermore, if you study successful people, one thing that you’ll notice quickly is that they share a bunch of similar habits— and the daily morning habit is one of them.  Take all 3 ideas and implement them each day for 30 days… you will look back and see an amazing transformation, I promise!  And being busy isn’t an excuse. In fact, the busier you are, the MORE you need it… even if you just start with 1 idea… that is ok…the goal is to START.

Purpose Driven Morning Routine Idea #1: Have an Attitude of Gratitude

“Gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express
gratitude for what you have, the more likely you will have more to express gratitude for.”

~ Zig Ziglar

Did you know that it is impossible to have a negative attitude and a grateful attitude at the same time? You just can’t be angry AND happy at the same time. 

First Thing in the morning…

…even before you get out of bed, think of 5- 10 things you can be grateful and thankful for.  Even more powerful ~ say those things out loud!  Trust me, it may feel weird at first and your husband might wonder if you lost your mind (like mine did) but after a few days it will become a great habit (and he WILL see the changes in your attitude throughout the day). 

They can be the same things every day or something different each morning.  More importantly, the goal is to get into the morning routine of having a positive attitude as soon as you wake up.  Try it right now!!  Say “I am grateful for _____” (fill in the blank). 

Sometimes, it’s easier to focus on what we don’t have, rather than what we do have and it may take a few days to establish this habit. Don’t worry, I wasn’t that great at it in the beginning…. Lol!  Maybe even set a gratitude reminder on your phone!

A few suggestions to be thankful for to spark ideas:

Tip:  Purchase a notebook and call it your “Gratitude Journal”.  Start writing down 10 things each morning.

Purpose Driven Morning Routine Idea #2: Create Positive Statements about yourself​

This morning routine motivation idea is also known as “I am ____” statements.  Two of the most powerful words you will every say.  “I am….” For what follows is sure to define you, so speak on purpose! Life and death is are in the power of the tongue – Proverbs 18:21

An affirmation, or I am statements are powerful positive declarations that set your goals, life and day in motion.  Furthermore, when they are repeated over and over, (just like the gratitude statements) it affects our emotions and our feelings. 

Whether you know it or not, you are always using affirmations, but probably not the ones that you want… most of the time we are using negative affirmations like:

  • I can’t afford it
  • I am not smart enough
  • I am tired
  • I can’t…..

Especially, start to be mindful and listen to HOW you speak to and about yourself.  You will start catching this negative talk and when you do, be quick to “flip the script” and speak an “I am ____” positive affirmation in its place.  Examples from the list above:

  • I am blessed and prosperous. Money flows through me. 
  • I am smart and have the mind of Christ 
  • I am energized and can accomplish my daily tasks 
  • I CAN……

Daily use of positive affirmations can create great success habits AND interrupt and replace negative thoughts and beliefs if you let them.

Here is a free gift for you! Click here to get my list of daily affirmations to use with your daily devotions and before you go to bed.  I would also recommend that you write some of your own “I am___” statements as well.

Purpose Driven Morning Routine Idea #3: Eliminate decision-making tasks in the morning.

Another way to have a productive morning is to get a head start on it the night before.  Try and write out your daily to do list the night before! I don’t know about you, but I would wake up (and wake up late after the 5th snooze button was hit) with 20 million things running through my head.

Things I needed to do, what was going make for supper, who was getting which kid where…ugh it was so stressful and started the day off crappy.  

This idea I implemented before any of the others I mentioned.  Once I started to write down each task I needed to accomplish that next day, the night before, I noticed I was getting a more restful night sleep.  Now looking back, to be honest, I WISH I would have implemented #1 and #2 first – because those 2 were a total game changer 

Here is a Purpose Driven Daily Planner that I created and personal use to this day.  Click here I am going to share this with you as well. This is an hour by hour daily planner – I love blocking my time off in hourly increments to get things done.  It just keeps me on task and I get excited when I can check it off “done!”  

It may or may not be the right tool for you, but give it a shot!  You can always create your own or just jot something down on paper. 

How to use the Daily Planner:

  • The night before, write down everything you need to do the next day in the “to do list” section.   
  • Then look and see what are the 3 Top tasks that need to get accomplished.  Write those in the “3 Top Priorities” section. 
  • Place the 3 Top priorities in the appropriate time slots first, then place the rest of your “to do” items in the appropriate time slots.   
  • As a daily reminder to be grateful write a few things you are grateful for at the top.  Each time you looked at your to do list, fill your heart with gratitude. 
  • At the end of the day, reflect back on your accomplishments.  Write down a few you are proud of.  

Just Do it!

It doesn’t matter how small or big that accomplishment was! Write it down. Maybe you didn’t hit the snooze button… or maybe you remembered to do your gratitude and “I am ___” statements, or maybe you didn’t bite your husband’s head off (lol… that one was for me…but maybe you can relate) – whatever it is that you feel proud of write it down.  Then after the first week or so, take a look back at all the wonderful things you have accomplished and be PROUD.

P.S…. Don’t for get to grab your 2 free Gifts! The Daily Affirmations and Purpose Driven Daily Planner! Click here.


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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