Are You Letting Fear Stop You?

Are you letting fear stop you?

Fear Does Not Release You From Your Calling.

Are you letting fear stop you from your calling?

I am going to talk about dealing with fear and how fear does not release you from your calling and I will give you 4 Key ideas on WHY Fear shouldn’t be stopping you.

 Fear should not be the thing that is steering your life, your business, your boat, your dreams…your “whatever.”

Fear will cause us to buckle and settle for less than God’s best.  It robs us of our joy and peace.

It is the #1 feeling that stops us from achieving our highest potential.

Unfortunately, we give fear a whole lot of attention and a whole lot of credit. I want to use this writing to rework what fear is to you.

Plus, you have the opportunity to join a FREE 5 Day Challenge (click here) and learn how to BUST through fear and limiting beliefs!

Fear is one thing that I could talk about all day and I think that the reason I am passionate about the topic of fear is because I have been ruled by fear every single time I have wanted to step out of my comfort zone.  

I fear rocking the boat, making people upset, losing friends and mostly I fear failing.  Can anybody relate??

If you know someone that could use this today, someone that is struggling to do something because fear is holding them back, share this blog with them.  Feel free to drop me a comment below and tell me about your own fear experience.

I think this is true for the majority of women and I see so many of them allowing the fear to stop them from becoming who they were created to be.

When I talk about fear here, I am talking about that kind of fear that can keep you paralyzed and stuck.

The Type of Fear that….

 ….Brings a hot sensation up in your chest and when you know that you need to make the phone call, but fear creeps in, you know that you need to do the hard thing in your life or business, but you feel like you can’t. 

Maybe, you know that you need to go live on Facebook to tell your story to inspire other women, but…there is that fear again.  You want to change your career and do something more fulfilling, but you are afraid.

I want you to know that when I’m talking to you about this fear, it’s not like I’m on the other side of this. I’m down in the trenches with you and deal with this daily. 

Regardless of our feelings we have got to get ourselves to do the things that we are scared to do!  The phrase “fear not” is used at least 80 times in the Bible! The enemy uses fear to decrease our hope and limit our victories!  

The enemy knows we have unlimited potential, that we belong to an all-powerful, all-knowing, victorious Father who wants us to step into the will and calling He has for our lives.  The enemy also know that if we step into our calling that we WILL be victorious and powerful too.

But here’s what happens most of the time when you are experiencing fear in your life, you business, or whatever… you tend to let yourself off the hook.

No judgement, we all use fear sometime as the reason for why we are not doing “the thing.”

We say things like, I just have to get past my fear, or I need to overcome my fear or once I get past this fear, then I’ll X, Y, Z.  Fear has me stuck.

There are a couple of things I want you to know about fear.

Are you letting Fear Stop You:  Fear is not the enemy

The number thing one that I need you to know about fear is that it is NOT the enemy.  Fear is actually the tool that God gave humans to protect them.  Fear kept our ancestors from being eaten by tigers, the same instinct protects us from walking into oncoming traffic. 

When you are standing on the edge of a cliff, fear is what protects us from getting to close to the edge and falling. Fear was given to us as a gift from God to keep us safe and fear communicates using the only tool it has, the ability to make us feel. 

FEAR is NOT the enemy… waiting to do something until you stop feeling afraid is. 

Are you letting Fear Stop You: Fear is a feeling and feelings lie

Fear is a feeling and your feelings lie.  If I listened to my feelings every day, I would literally eat chocolate for breakfast, dinner and supper, because that is what I feel like doing.

Furthermore, I would probably lay in bed every morning and sleep in when my alarm goes off at 5 am because I would much rather sleep in, instead of getting my day started and being productive.  I don’t always feel like going to church or tithing, but I do it despite my feelings because I KNOW it is the right thing to do. 

Moral of the story, you can’t be dictated by your feelings and they will often lie to you.

What are these feelings?

Feelings that come bubbling up are normally the accumulation of all our past experiences and how we felt during those times.

For example, let’s say there is a girl who’s been through 8 bad relationships and she beings to date someone really nice and it is the guy God actually has planned for her to marry.  But, because she had been through 10 bad eggs she now has the feeling of not trusting men, that all men are bad, that all men are evil. Which isn’t true at all.

So, you see how our feelings can really lie to us.  Often the feeling is just based on this accumulation of experiences and it isn’t the truth.

Are you letting Fear Stop You: We can’t be controlled by our feelings (fear is a feeling)

When my niece was little, she didn’t feel like putting her boots on to go out in the snow to play.  She threw a temper tantrum and hurled herself on the floor because she didn’t feel like putting her boots on. 

Okay… yes she was probably 5, but we are adults and as a grownup you cannot let your feelings control you because there comes a time when we have to move away from throwing ourselves on the floor because we didn’t want to do something.

Are you letting Fear Stop You: The antidote to fear is action

You will always feel fear.  There isn’t a magical day that arrives when you no longer feel afraid and then and only then will you be ready to act. 

Action is the antidote to fear.  Feel the fear but take action and do it anyway.  The fastest way out of fear is through it. 

One tip:  take the feeling of fear and trick your brain into thinking it’s excitement!  Instead of saying or thinking “I am afraid to make that call, or I am afraid to ______” say “I am so excited to ______!”  Flip the script in your mind to a more positive one and then take action!

Legend has it that when Bruce Springsteen was about to go on stage to a stadium of screaming fans…his heart would beat faster, hands started sweating, legs would go numb and he would get a tight feeling in the pit of his stomach.

Sounds kind of like fear huh?!  Well he would say to himself, “I know I am excited and pumped up and ready to go onstage”

Wow! What a way to flip the script in his brain! He could have interpreted those feelings as fear but he chose to believe and speak that those feelings in his body meant that he was preparing to give his fans a great performance. 

He chose to have an interpretation of those feelings that served him.

So to recap:

Fear is not the enemy, fear is a feeling and our feelings lie, we’re not to be controlled by our feelings and the antidote to fear is action.

So, it is safe to say then that fear is not a good excuse for not doing the things that you know darn good and well you are supposed to be doing with your life.

Whether that is do your first Facebook live, signing up for a class, writing a blog post for the first time in your life, sign up for a 5K or go to a dance class.

I am sure you can think of something in your life right now that you know you are supposed to be doing and fear stops you.

You’re giving it that control. You’re giving the feeling of fear that control over your future.  

For those of you who are waiting to overcome fear, take action. 

Fear doesn’t release you from your calling. Action is the antidote to fear. Be afraid, change that feeling to excitement and do it anyway.

Have a deep conviction that you’re not going to let fear control you.

At the end of the day ~ FEAR is just a limiting belief that stops you from becoming the BEST Version of YOU.  You have UNLIMITED Potential!

Join the FREE 5 Day Challenge and learn how to BUST through the beliefs that hold you back! You can join this FREE challenge by click the picture below!


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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