Stop Preparing Just Do It!

Just Begin

Just Do It! 4 Strategies on How to Motivate Yourself

Just Do It – take action!!  If you truly want change in your life, you shouldn’t need someone to be pushing you.  I say that in the most loving way!! (insert smiley face)  

Nike created a huge marketing and advertising campaign with these three words:  JUST DO IT!  Pure genius if you ask me.

I was reminded of this slogan the other day,  “JUST DO IT.” 

It made me think. 

The phrase doesn’t say “prepare to do it” or “wait for someone to tell me or push me to do it”….  it says JUST DO IT!

Too many times we prepare to do something, or we wait for someone to motivate us (aka push us) to act.  Furthermore, we think we need to wait until if feels right or until we have just the right words to say.

Consequently, we want everything perfect or someone to push and motivate us before we DO IT.  Which probably means we will never do it.

Below are 4 strategies you can use to motivate yourself.

You don’t need to feel like someone has to push you or constantly motivate you.  The truth is, we will probably never be prepared enough to “JUST DO IT” but we CAN take a step of faith and take action anyway. 

I will say this again, if you truly want change in your life, you shouldn’t need someone to push you.

There is a difference between needing someone to push you in order to change and that knowing, in your heart of hearts and having that super deep conviction, a feeling, that you need to change.

Certainly, that “change” is different for each one of us. Maybe you want to become a better version of you, maybe you want to start your own business to make an impact and help others.  Or, maybe you want a different career – something that aligns more with your purpose and passions.  On the other hand, It could just be that you want a better relationship with your loved ones. 

Whatever that “change” is for you, YOU need to push yourself to start making that change.  Self-Motivation.  Not always easy.

Fear Stops us from the JUST DO IT!

If we are honest with ourselves, the one reason we are always “preparing” or “waiting for someone to push us” is that we are afraid.

Afraid we might make a mistake and turn someone off, or lose an out on an opportunity, or offend someone.  We are afraid that we might look silly or get embarrassed if the words don’t come out just right.  Sometimes, we are worried about what people might think of us.

While we are waiting for something or someone to push us, or give us permission to move, God is actually waiting for us to take a step of faith, and JUST DO IT, so He can show up in our lives!

What we forget is that God is much bigger than all our inadequacies and mistakes.

Ladies!! if you have a dream in your heart and that deep conviction to do something, God has already driven you all the tools to be successful!!  Just take a step of FAITH and DO IT!

Furthermore, even if we get it all wrong, mess it up or leave people scratching their heads… God will bless it!  In fact, He promises that He will and His word will produce fruit.

JUST DO IT – Strategy #1

Get around like-minded people!

When you get around people who are DOING what you want to do or people who are BEING who you want to BE, you will instinctively veer in that direction and pick up their habits.

For example, let’s say you want to get healthy and lose weight and you go to lunch with 5 women with the same health goals.  They all order a healthy meal, chicken breast and a salad.  Are you going to order fettuccini with heavy alfredo sauce and a cream pie for dessert??? 

Heck NO!!  You just won’t do that because you are surrounded by like-minded women with the same goal. 

I want you to take an inventory of who you surround yourself with.  You are the sum of the 5 people you hang out with.  

If you want to grow your income, grow your faith, grow your motivation and achieve the next level in your life, whatever that is for you…   You NEED to get around people who are a few steps ahead of where you want to be.

JUST DO IT – Strategy #2

Get a Deep Conviction

You need to get that super deep, deep conviction deep down in your heart and let that conviction motivate you.

I am almost certain that you have people in your life that need you to rise up and move to that next level.  Whether that is your kids, husband or someone else you are close to. 

These people need to see run after your goals and dreams with everything you got.  You are setting an amazing example when you do this.

Even if you fail. Which you will (we all do), but that deep conviction needs to push you through those failures.  Pick yourself back up.

That deep-down conviction in your heart of hearts will help motivate you.

JUST DO IT – Strategy #3

Get desperate!

If you are needing to be pushed, you might not be desperate enough.

That might be a tough pill to swallow, but when you are finally at a point in your life when you are sick of who you have become, fed up with that mundane of life, or done with relationships that don’t serve you – you will change.

“That which you do not hate, you will begin to tolerate”

I am convinced that there has to be a point in your life, that what you want, who you want to become, is so much greater than where you are. 

You are in such discomfort and pain, that you need to chase that next version of you!

For example, if you get to the point where you can’t tie your shoes without breathing heavy or playing with your 2-year-old outside without having to sit down after 2 minutes…you will make a point to start losing that 40 pounds.

I “hated” where I was…

My example:  I was done with feeling stuck, lost, discontent and not knowing who I was anymore.  I was done feeling lonely in the bedroom by myself, watching a movie, drinking wine and sulking because I was still mad at my husband from something he did or said 3 days ago.

I knew I was created for so much more than this mundane, lack of purpose life.  That was enough super deep conviction to motivate myself to change.  After all, we can only change ourselves.

Sometimes, there comes a time in your life when you just can’t take any more and a shift needs to happen. 

Now… I pray that those of you reading this take a step of faith towards your “change”, whatever that may be for you, BEFORE your world is rocked or you are sitting in your bedroom by yourself with your 3rd glass of wine sulking like I was.

JUST DO IT – Strategy #4


Ask God for motivation and inspiration to change then… wait.

The Bible says, “you have not because you asked not.”  God loves to help us; we just have to ask and then wait.  Remember though, you can’t ask God and then not like the way in which He delivers the answer.

During a season of my life, I remember asking for patience and to be slow to speak, quick to listen and slow to anger.  Boy, did I get a lot of opportunities to practice that!

Remember if you truly want to see a change in your life, you shouldn’t need someone to push you or motivate you.

Implement those 4 strategies above. 

If you want to add a successful Purpose Driven Morning Routine to add to these strategies, click here and you will get my FREE Purpose Driven Daily Planner and Affirmation guide as well by clicking here.


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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