Keys to Implementing Gratitude into your Morning Routine

gratitude workbook

How to Implement Gratitude into your Morning Routine

Implementing gratitude as part of your Purpose Driven Morning Routine can create success for your entire day. 

Starting with a time of gratitude each morning is going to have you create that purpose-filled morning!

Get my FREE 30 Day Gratitude Workbook to help you start on the right path!  Click here!

Furthermore, In my previous blog “Do you want to create a Purpose Driven Morning Routine?”, I dive into 3 strategies that helped me create a morning routine that allowed me to be more grounded, positive, proactive and at peace. 

Go check it out here and get some free gifts to download!  After you read this blog, of course!

Part of a Purpose Driven Morning Routine is implementing gratitude into your mornings!

Gratitude helps us focus on what we do have instead of what we don’t have.

Your day is pretty much formed by how you spend your morning hour.  Check your thoughts, attitude and heart each morning by implementing a time of gratitude.

How to Implement Gratitude into your Mornings:

  • After that alarm goes off AND before you even get out of bed think of at least 3 things you can be grateful and thankful for. Even more powerful, say those things out loud!  Yes, while in bed!! Lol… Say “I am grateful and thankful for _____!”  Trust me, it may feel weird at first and your husband might wonder if you lost your mind (like mine did) but after a few days it will become a great habit and you WILL see the changes in your attitude throughout the day!
  •  Set a reminder on your phone! Especially if you don’t have a morning routine right now, it may be hard to remember to take time out for gratitude. So, set a reminder.  After a week, it will be come habit and just something you do as part of your routine.
  • Grab a notebook. Call it your gratitude list or your thankful book or gratitude journal – whatever you prefer then spend 5 minutes writing!

How to Write your Gratitude List:

There is no wrong or right way to spend time in gratitude. Just do what works for you, but I would recommend keeping a journal and writing.

  • Your daily gratitude journal/list can be as long or short as you like. There are no constraints on how grateful you feel! Some days, you may not feel like writing anyone – but pick something to focus on being grateful for; even if it is just your warm, cozy bed!
psst… Need some ideas?  Get my FREE 30 Day Gratitude Workbook to help you start on the right path!  Click here!
  • Bullet point the list so you can easily see the different things you’re grateful for. This way they won’t get lost in a whole load of long sentences and you’re less likely to wander off topic and ramble. Stay focused!
  • When you first start your list, you’ll probably be writing broad topics of things such as being grateful for your kids, your spouse, your family, your home etc.
  • Gradually become more detailed. When you’ve been writing your gratitude list for some time, you’ll notice that things you’re grateful for become more detailed. Not only will you be searching for more things to be grateful for (instead of repeating yourself day in, day out) but you’ll also be more generally aware of things to be grateful for as you’ll be thinking about it during each day. You’ll be keeping a look out for what you can write on tomorrow’s list!
  • Write each bullet point of gratitude as it pops into your head. Don’t spend ages trying to describe it on paper with long, complicated words. As long as you know what you’re talking about and will be able to understand and remember what you’ve written when you look back on it, then that’s all that’s needed.

The Benefits of Morning Gratitude in your Morning Routine:

At first you might think writing a morning gratitude list is just another task for your “to do list”. That is, if you even remember doing it at all! I used to think like this until I tried it myself.

Now I realize that the five minutes I spend on gratitude the first thing in the morning is probably the one of the best things I can do to set myself up for a productive and purpose-filled day!

Here are some of the benefits I’ve discovered from implementing gratitude into my mornings:

  1. It was difficult to have a bad day!

I soon found that it was really difficult to have a bad day when I’d started that day off writing how blessed and grateful I was!  Whenever I could feel myself getting grumpy, frustrated, upset, worried, overwhelmed, annoyed or just plain worn out, I called it out for what it was and put it in perspective.  Then I flipped the script on it!! I SPOKE what I was grateful and thankful for!

I found that it was impossible to have a negative attitude and a grateful attitude at the same time and that I couldn’t be angry AND happy at the same time. 

  1. Keeping a positive perspective

I could think back to my list and what I’d written that day, or the rest of the week, and focus on all the reasons that I had to be grateful. This would keep me going, perk me up, shift my bad thoughts to good ones and generally lift my spirits. All because of the five minutes I’d spent first thing that day making my little list. What a powerful and positive way to spend five minutes!

  1. Your Family will benefit too!

I think the best part about implementing gratitude into your morning routine is that it not only starts to change you, but your family will benefit!  I was much calmer, more patient, happier and definitely a better spouse and parent.  To me, that alone was worth implementing gratitude!

  1. It will help you prioritize

My list also helps me remember what’s most important to me and therefore what and where I should focus my time and energy on throughout the day.  It helped me remove that things, people, tasks, thoughts that weren’t serving me and replacing them with things that brought me joy.  When you are really grateful for something then make it a priority and spend time nurturing it.

  1. It will help you identify common themes and patterns

After a while, you will have accumulated many things you are grateful for and will be able to look back over them. Often there are common themes or things that pop up regularly. 

That is ok! Gosh! I wrote I am thankful for my faith and husband each day for years!

You can use these lists to see if there is anything, task or idea that you could start to incorporate into your daily life because you’re obviously really grateful when you’ve done them!

A daily gratitude list is really one of the best (and simplest) things you can do to help yourself have a better day. It will also help you find ways to clarify and focus on what’s important to you and adds value to your life and do more of it!

Don’t for get to grab your FREE gift! My 30 Day Gratitude Work book! Click here.


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