Do You Know Why God Gave You a Dream?

God Gave you a dream

Do you know why God gave you a dream and placed it on your heart?

“I know the plans I have for you,” says the Lord. “They are plans for good and not for disaster, to give you a future and a hope.”

God gave you a dream!  Your dreams start out making your life better, but they should end with improving the lives of others and making an impact.

You have an obligation to the world to live out your dreams and passions God gave you.  The world needs you to show up and be you. 

Grab your FREE guide here to help you start to Pinpoint your Purpose and Gifts!

3 Reasons Why God Gave you a Dream in your Heart:

God Gave You a Dream to Bring You Closer to Him

From the very beginning God sowed that dream into your heart. 

Long before you were born, you were conceived in the mind of God and He set you apart for a special purpose.

God knew that you will never be able to accomplish that dream He placed in your heart, your true purpose in this world, in your own strength. 

In order to achieve that dream you would need to draw Him closer to you.

He knew in advance that in order to make that dream happen you would need Him. 

Once you get on the other side of that dream, you will always see that accomplishing that dream had a lot more to do with God’s hand than your own.

More importantly, other people will see that too!!

When you discover the dream God placed in your heart, your abilities will take off and you will connect with that passion God placed in your heart.

You Have a Dream Because You Have a Purpose and a Calling

Have you ever thought about all the events that led up to this moment in your life – why you’re here, how you have been shaped by your experiences? 

God placed specific talents, gifts and passions inside of you!

Your unique experiences…your story, is that spark that will ignite a fire inside of people that will make an impact in this world.  

God gave you dreams that align with your gifts to stir that passion within you.

Furthermore, He was very intentional about your design, your opportunities, your experiences and your purpose.  He made you uniquely significant.

No one else has ever had or ever will have your set of gifts, talents, dreams, abilities and interests.  You were shaped for a specific purpose.

When you know that dream in your heart was placed there by God to fulfill His purpose your passion is sparked.

When you truly believe that you were designed for a purpose, you will live your life with purpose.

The gifts, talents and abilities you were given are meant to be used to glorify God and touch other’s lives.  Are you using them?

Grab your FREE guide here to help you start to Pinpoint your Purpose and Gifts!

God Gave You a Dream to Make an Impact

“For we are God's masterpiece, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.”

God had already predestined you to do amazing things!

What you are supposed to do has already been spoken over you.

Your dreams start out making your life better, but it ends with improving the lives of others and making an impact.

You have an obligation to follow the dream and passion God gave you.  The world needs you to show up and be you!

The reason God created you for this particular time in history was because He knew what the world need.

He gave you those unique set of gifts, talents and abilities to make an impact, make a difference and fulfill your purpose.

That dream you have in your heart was placed there by God and He has already given you everything you need to fulfill it.

Your God-given dreams and potential are not found by following other people’s paths or fulfilling family or teacher’s expectations.

It is found by simply being yourself, moving closer to your creator and discovering who YOU really are and what you are designed to do.

Find out what God has put in your heart and follow it! He has placed it there not only to fulfill your needs but the needs of others. 

Your dream is bigger than you because your purpose is greater than you!

Don’t forget to grab your FREE guide here to help you start to Pinpoint your Purpose and Gifts!


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