Quick Tip Thursday: Debunking Myths About Online Course Creation

Welcome to another Quick Tip Thursday Episode!

These quick tip episodes, are where you’re going to learn a tip or a strategy that will help you transition from that 9-5 employee mindset to the Christian CEO and Step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur™ to create & grow that Powerful Profitable and Impactful digital business God is calling you to create so that you can make that impact, help more people, increase your income and finally leave that 9-5 that is draining you.  It’s time to live the life God has designed you to live!

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Welcome to another Quick Tip Thursday Episode!

These quick tip episodes, are where you’re going to learn a tip or a strategy that will help you transition from that 9-5 employee mindset to the Christian CEO and Step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur™ to create & grow that Powerful Profitable and Impactful digital business God is calling you to create so that you can make that impact, help more people, increase your income and finally leave that 9-5 that is draining you.  It’s time to live the life God has designed you to live!

Let’s dive in…..

Key Takeaways To Tune In For

      • [1:50] Free Masterclass that’s going to walk you through how to start creating your online business utilizing your expertise while still at a 9-5
      • [5:24] What is an online course
      • [6:13] Knowledge-based Industry
      • [7:23] Myth no. 1 – The Expert Myth
      • [10:33] Online Course Myth no. 2 – The Trend Myth
      • [12:25]  Myth no. 3 – Competition Myth
      • [14:17] Recap
      • [16:27] Win a private coaching call with me!

Resources Mentioned:

Grab your seat in the FREE MASTERCLASS that will be starting October 21 here!

Episode 2: https://kristindronchi.com/02/

Episode 12: https://kristindronchi.com/12/

I’ll be having a free masterclass starting October 21. It is a free class that’s going to walk you through how to start creating your online business utilizing your expertise while still at a nine to five.

My goal is to help you that nine to five faith-filled Christian career woman who’s at a nine to five that is draining you and you know you have a bigger purpose to make an impact and do what you love serving who you are meant to serve. Grab your seat in this free class that will be starting October 21. Go to kristindronchi.com/october. You’ll be able to pick your day and time.

If you’re ready to turn your years of experience and expertise or a hobby that you just absolutely love into a thriving online business that allows you to live life on your terms, doing what you love making that impact you crave. Well then head on over and grab your seat at kristindronchi.com/october.

You will learn how to launch an online course that stands out and sells utilizing your expertise and learn the exact steps on how to extract your God-given genius zone and bring your dream and your idea to life.

I’m super excited!

So go grab your spot in this free class to learn how to start creating your online business, utilizing your expertise while still at a nine to five. 


Join us in The Abundant Christianpreneur™ FB Group: https://tinyurl.com/y6o8t4tc

Follow me on Instagram: @kristindronchi


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theabundantchristianpreneur

Grab my FREE 10 Day Prayer Journal: https://kristindronchi.com/prayerjournal

Do you want more focus and clarity throughout the day while creating daily habits to help you find your purpose and direction?  Yes?!?   Then you are at the right place…grab this prayer journal today!

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Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. And I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. Today we have another quick tip Thursday episode. And I kind of have to chuckle at myself when I say quick tip, my goal has been to make these 15 minutes or less, but they tend to go a little bit over that. And I hope that is okay.

But my goal for these episodes are to make them short, sweet, and actionable. So you can learn a tip and a strategy that will help you transition from that nine to five employee mindset to the Christian CEO and step into the role of the Abundant Christianpreneur so you can create and grow that powerful, profitable and impactful and online business.

Today’s five-star review comes from I am arhat Thomas. She writes looking forward to I am a budding Christian entrepreneur and looking for the tools to help me build my business God’s way. This podcast seems like it will fit the bill. Christian story is inspiring and I cannot wait to hear more from her.

Thank you so much. I am arhat Thomas, I appreciate you. And if you’re listening and this podcast has been adding value to you, I would love it if you would quick pause and head on over to iTunes, rate the show and leave a review. This not only helps me bring more expert guests to the show, but it also helps spread the word of the message of this podcast. So I thank you and appreciate you.

I am going to debunk three myths about an online course creation and creating your online business. Before we dive into this week’s episode, I want to talk to you about a free masterclass I have starting October 21. It is a free class that’s going to walk you through how to start creating your online business utilizing your expertise while still at a nine to five.

My goal is to help you that nine to five faith-filled Christian career woman who’s at a nine to five that is draining you and you know you have a bigger purpose to make an impact and do what you love serving who you are meant to serve. Grab your seat in this free class that will be starting October 21. Go to Kristindronchi.com/October, you’ll be able to pick your day and time.

If you’re ready to turn your years of experience and expertise or a hobby that you just absolutely love into a thriving online business that allows you to live life on your terms. doing what you love making that impact you crave. Well then head on over and grab your seat at www.Kristindronchi.com/October

You will learn how to launch online course that stands out and sells utilizing your expertise and learn the exact steps on how to extract your God-given genius zone and bring your dream and your idea to life. I’m super excited. So go grab your spot in this free class to learn how to start creating your online business. utilizing your expertise while still at a nine to five.

All right, let’s dive into today’s episode.

Do you know you have a bigger purpose than that nine to five? Yes, yes, you do. Welcome to the abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host Kristin Dronchi. I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll.

Right now you are joined by other faith-filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences, or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love.

My goal is to inspire you to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO and create that powerful, profitable, and impactful business that has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs, tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact, and have the financial and time freedom to do what you want. When you want, then crank up that volume, and let’s do this.

We’re going to talk about the four myths about online course creation. I am here to help you step into the role of the abundant Christianpreneur and create your powerful, profitable and impactful online business so you can do what you love, make that income and impact that you’re craving to make.

So you can eventually leave at nine to five that is draining you. So we need to talk about the four myths or misconceptions people have about online course creation, online courses quite literally have the power to change your life, people are learning from someone who has already gone through what they want to learn.

They’re learning from someone to help them solve a problem they have online courses give people of all backgrounds and talents, the power to take their knowledge, their expertise, their skills, their talents, and take their business online. It transforms their income, and they can be their own boss.

There are so many incredible benefits that come from extracting your knowledge and putting it into an online course or a program and teaching it online. Whether it’s an online course, and online membership, a group coaching program, the knowledge business industry is a 355 billion industry. And it’s scheduled to skyrocket by 2023.

Now is the time to tap into this knowledge-based e-learning industry. And if you want to learn more about what exactly that is, head on back to Episode Two, where we talk about what this knowledge base industry is all about. So online courses literally have the power to change your life and the person’s life that you are meant to serve, who’s waiting for you to show up and create that amazing online business.

And of course, there’s still going to be skeptics. And I know, I was curious too. And I had some reservations that held me back from taking the plunge and finally creating my online business. And in the process of creating my first online group coaching program.

That’s why I’m going to be debunking a few of these most common course creation and online business myths. today. I’m on course Myth number one, the expert myth, the expert myth says, I can’t teach my passion. I can’t teach what I love.

I can’t teach my expertise I have because I’m not an expert, or I can’t teach that hobby that I absolutely love to do. Because I don’t have a degree or certification. I don’t have the credentials, or it’s not my day job. Or for me, it’s not what I went to college and got a degree for. And I hear that all the time from people.

I actually did a podcast episode on this not too long ago, Episode 12, you do not need qualifications or a degree to start living your dream life. So head on over and listen to that one too. And you’re done with this episode, all you need to do is be just one step ahead of the person who wants to learn from you.

So that is all an expert is as you just know a little bit more than someone else. Think of where you were a year ago or even a few months ago. on your journey. I like to say that an expert is someone who is just one step ahead of you. And if you look at the dictionary, the definition of an expert actually says,

As someone who’s gained knowledge or skills from experience, it has nothing to do with credentials, your job, the degree you have, or how you spend your time, you only need to have that 10% edge just be one step ahead of the person who is looking to learn from you.

Think about this, there are some air quotes, I have air quotes going on experts who have been teaching in their field for decades. And the truth is that they can no longer relate to their student that they’re teaching anymore. They no longer can remember the pain points they dealt with 30 years ago.

The things that they were struggling with then are now just second nature to them. And they don’t think to address the students pain points or the struggles. Someone who has just learned the materials are just learned something can connect with the students or ideal client a whole lot better because they understand their common pain points.

Those are the things that people really want to know. They want to know that you can understand where they are, and you have the path and the roadmap to take them to where they want to go. When you’re a beginner and you’re just starting out. You want someone who’s connected with you who can explain in a way that’s easy how to fix that problem that they have.

That’s why it makes a whole lot more sense for someone to learn recently, from someone that’s been through what they’re going through your experience, your skills, your abilities, your passions, make you a better teacher, honestly, than someone who has the credentials and the title because you can relate to the person you’re trying to teach. And that makes you an expert.

Online Course myth creation. Number two, the trend myth. The trend myth is the idea that you have to pick a course topic that’s trendy or popular, doing something or creating an online course, or starting an online business just because it’s trendy, or trendy or popular.You see other people having success doing that thing, doesn’t mean you should be doing that exact thing.

Now, yes, if there are people in a certain space, who are teaching a certain thing and making income, great, that means that there is a viable market for it. But just because they’re successful, doesn’t mean you should tap into that same space.

The whole idea of creating your own powerful, profitable, impactful online business is to connect your skills, your passions, your experiences, your perspective, and your unique God-given genius own, connect that to the marketplace,

Connect that to the ideal client, the person you are meant to serve, they are going to resonate with you, you are doing yourself an injustice if you try to just pick something because it’s trendy, or so and so is making an amazing income with their Pinterest course teaching entrepreneurs how to use Pinterest to grow their influence.

Does that make sense? The whole idea is for you to take your passions, your area of expertise, and do what you love. Because you are going to resonate with the people who are looking to you to solve that specific problem only you can solve it course myth creation.

Number three, the competition myth, maybe you’re ready to get started. But you realize that there are two, three, or even 20 online courses already out there covering your topic. And we kind of already covered this, but you might think, Oh, no, I shouldn’t teach on that there’s too much competition.

I’ll never be able to keep up. Everyone’s going to be flocking towards so and so because she’s just killing it. And believe it or not, competition is a good thing. Like I said earlier, if there’s already people making money in a specific niche in a specific space, it means that people are already interested in your topic.

And you can do it differently. Just look at what everyone else is doing. And ask yourself, How can I be different? How can I stand out in this market space, because you have a unique God-given genius zone and you are going to do things differently, you’re going to have a different perspective, a different outlook.

You’re going to have a different framework, a different roadmap on how you got from A to B, and you’re going to teach it differently. In your ideal client, the person you are meant to serve is going to resonate with you. So if there’s competition, that means people are already willing to pay for it. And that is a good thing.

Remember, you bring something amazing to the table with your God-given genius sown. And the person that you are meant to serve is going to feel connected to you connected to your brand, what makes you different, and they’re going to be connected to your journey, how you got from A to B, and how you can take them on that journey from where they are now to where they want to be.

Let’s recap on the three online course creation myths. Myth number one, the expert myth, I can’t teach about my passions. What I love my expertise. Because I’m not an expert. I don’t have the credentials. Remember, an expert is just someone that is one step ahead of you. And like the dictionary says as someone who gained knowledge or skills from experience, it has nothing to do with your credentials, your degree, your day job or how you spend your time.

You only need to be one step ahead of the person who is looking to learn from you. Myth number two, the trend myth remember is the idea you had to pick a course or topic that’s trendy or popular. You need to be focusing in on your area of expertise and your dad given genius zone

Your passions and what sets you apart is going to resonate with you your ideal client, the person you’re meant to serve, and online course creation myth number three, the competition myth. I can’t do that because there’s too much competition.

I can’t do that because so and so is already doing that and rockin it. No, competition is a good thing. It also makes us take a step back. And think of how we can do it better in our own God given genius own, what can set us apart, and what can make us different.

So I hope this helped debunk the three myths or three misconceptions you may have about creating your powerful, profitable and impactful online business. Because I know, I definitely thought about these misconceptions as well. And I’m here to tell you, they definitely are debunked.

That’s it for today. Friends, it’s your time to step into the role of the abundant, Christian, newer, and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from, I want you to know this. Deal this, and most importantly, be this. Never underestimate the impact and power you have.

And hey, real quick before you go, do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. And take me @kristindronchi using the hashtag #theabundantchristianpreneur. And if you feel extra daring, share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing.

If you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it.

Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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