What is this $355 Million Dollar a Day Knowledge Industry & How Do You Create Your Powerful Online Business?

Ep 2

Welcome Back to The Abundant Christianpreneur™ Podcast!!

Everyone of you has a skill, an expertise or knowledge on something that took years to figure out… or you went through an experience in life where you came out the other side with a positive transformation … and there’s somebody out there right now wanting to learn from you and willing to pay you for that knowledge and expertise!

The 1st step in creating your Powerful, Profitable and Impactful Online Business and stepping into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur is to figure out your God-given genius zone… how you are wired so you can extract your unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, knowledge and experiences so you can clearly determine what you want to be known for.

That is the #1 struggle up and coming entrepreneurs have….

– they struggle to figure out what they do and who they serve. 

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

How do you tap into this $355 million a day industry … how can you share your expertise, knowledge and skills?

The world is realizing that the fastest way to get to where you want to be – that next level is just simply learning from somebody who’s already done it!

I love this quote:  “Model Success! Find Someone living an example of the life you want to life and model them to a T – there is no point in recreating the wheel.” 

In this episode, I give you a real life example on how I tapped into someone else’s knowledge and expertise…and paid them to help me go faster. 

My goal is to give you the courage to step into your space and teach what you know, share your passions, experiences and knowledge and turn your passions into a profitable online business so you can make that impact and income you crave, to eventually leave that 9-5 that doesn’t feed your soul.

I also give you you some tactical steps to take and questions to ask yourself to get the idea juices flowing so you can begin to pin point your God-Given Genius Zone.

Don’t forget to down load your free resource below!  

That dream that gives you fulfillment, that aligns with WHO God created you to be, has already been spoken over you way before you were born.  That dream and desire you have to make an impact is STILL inside of you!

I hope you find value in today’s Episode!!

Lastly – don’t forget to share this podcast!!  Let’s all do our part to empower Christian Career Women who know they have a bigger purpose than their 9-5, step into who God created them to be so they too can fulfill their God-given Destiny!

I would LOVE it if you would rate and leave a review on iTunes! This helps me bring more amazing guests on the show!  You can do that by clicking here!

Thank you!! ~ xo Kristin.

Resources mentioned in the show:

Ready to create Your Powerful, Profitable and Impactful Online Business?

The 5 Day Bootcamp – “From Idea to Income & Impact” begins September 29th, 2020!

Sign up at:  www.ideatoincomeandimpact.com

Becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur™ is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income so you can finally be leave that 9-5 that is sucking the life out of you.

Join me for the 5 day “Idea to Income & Impact” Bootcamp and learn the first steps to becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur, taking your idea to income and impact.

 In the Bootcamp you will learn how to:

  • Extract your God-Given Genius Zone (a.ka. Your Knowledge and Expertise)
  • Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online course
  • Get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have
  • Gain the confidence to step out in Faith and bring that dream to life

After the Bootcamp:  You will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences, and expertise and turn it into a powerful, profitable and impactful online business and know exactly WHO it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact so you can eventually leave that 9-5.

Get on the waitlist today!! This 5 day bootcamp starts September 29th, 2020!  www.ideatoincomeandimpact.com

Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

Every one of you listening has a skill and expertise or knowledge and something that took you years to figure out, or you went through an experience in your life and came out the other side with a positive transformation and there’s somebody out there right now willing to pay you. For that knowledge and to learn from you the first step in creating your powerful, profitable, an impactful online business and stepping into the role of the abundant Christianpreneur is to figure out your God given genius zone, how you are wired, so you can extract your unique setup, gifts, talents, abilities.

Knowledge and experiences to determine what you want to be known for that. My friend is a number one, struggle up and coming entrepreneurs. Have they struggled to figure out what they do and who they serve?

Do you know if you have a bigger purpose than that? Nine to five? Yes. Yes. You do. Welcome to the abundant Christianpreneur podcast. I am your host, Kristin . I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to just a few moves to some old school rock and roll. Right now, you are joined by other faith, build women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences.

Or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do, do what they love. My goal is to inspire you, to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO and create them. Powerful profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact and have the financial interest, freedom to do what you want when you want. Then crank up that volume and let’s do this.

I am so excited. You’re here with me today. The first step in creating your powerful, profitable, and impactful am I in business? So you can do what you love, have the time, freedom and financial freedom to do what you want to bless more, give more and make that impact you want to make. It’s figuring out what you want to be known for.

That is a number one, struggle up and coming entrepreneurs. Have they struggle with figuring out what is there, unique area of expertise? What do they want to teach? What are they they want to be known for in order to monetize their knowledge and create an online course or program me. I struggled with this too, even though I knew deep down I had something to offer.

And it put my mind at ease to know that I could learn from others who had already figured it out. I want to hopefully help you find that clarity and help you start the process of figuring out what you want to be known for. Because once there’s clarity around what your area of expertise is, you then start to have the confidence and certainty who you are here to serve and how you can help them.

Which is step number two, who you are here to serve and how you can do help them also known as your customer avatar or your ideal client. The terminologies used interchangeably call that person who I am here to serve, because bottom line, as a Christian manure, we are here to serve. Add value and help the person who needs to hear our message.

So step number two, figuring out your ideal client customer avatar, who you are here to serve and how you can help them is what we’ll be diving into. In the next episode. In episode three, my goal of these episodes is to make them short, sweet, and actionable because you, my friend are my ideal client. You are who I am here to serve.

That Christian career women who know you have a bigger purpose than that. Nine to five that is draining you, and you want to make an impact in this world. And you’re busy throughout my journey of discovering what I wanted to be known for and who I wanted to serve. As I stepped into this entrepreneurship world, I was always squeezing time in.

Listening to long trainings or podcasts and the courses and mentors I invested in had our group trainings during the day, which is great. And yes, something to strive for, because that is why we’re doing this right. So we can own our own time. Do what we love. But not so great when you currently work in nine to five, I know I’m getting a little bit off track here.

However, you are listening to this and following me because you are the person. I want to say that nine to five faith filled career woman who won to create your powerful profit online business to make an impact. Have the freedom of time to do what you want and to make income. So you can eventually leave that nine to five.

And that is why I decided to do things right a little bit differently. The set me apart from the competition and create my future online program and group trainings at a time that is more feasible for the working woman who wants to change their legacy. So you’re able to attend the live trainings after the working hours and have interaction with those people you want to learn from and ask the question so you can learn.

I want to take a moment and thank you for coming along on this journey with me. Okay. So back to the meat and potatoes of this episode, I talked about my story and how God led me here in the first episode. And how I was lost and stuck and fulfilled at a career that did not feed my soul. I also mentioned that I ran across these online entrepreneurs who are talking about getting paid for their knowledge, their passions, their life experiences, and expertise.

They were talking about how they were doing what they loved and how it ignited that fire inside of them all while making an impact in income, serving others and tell you the truth. My mind was blown. What was this knowledge based industry they were talking about? What is this whole concept of getting paid for your knowledge and life experiences?

All this was new to me. And honestly, I was confused. Looking back. What I found is a mindset shift needed to take place for me. And your mind might need to think about things a little differently too, because we’ve been told since we were a child, either by school or parents or just society in general, that if you want it to be cool, so unquote successful in life, you need to go to college and get a degree.

And for most of us that has been ingrained in us. So unfortunately we end up at a career that doesn’t feed our soul and we’re just trading time for money. And I am here to tell you that it is possible. Turn that all around. You can live a significant fulfilled life, making an impact, doing what you love and being who God created you to be.

All while making income, you may be thinking like I was, are these people actually making money, doing something they love something they are passionate about while making impact in other’s lives. Are they seriously waking up each morning excited to do more of what they’re doing because they’re pouring into the lives of others.

Yes. Yes, they are. I ran across the pet photographer, teaching people how to make amazing pictures of their pets. I ran across to others, teaching busy moms, how to meal prep, people, a teaching plus size, weight loss, homesteading, how to get through menopause. Someone even had an online business teaching art therapy.

To nourish creativity and reduce anxiety. Another was empowering moms to confidently feed their child who has celiac disease. All of these people had extracted their knowledge, expertise, or used a life experience where they learned how to do something. And took that along with their passion to serve others in are now making incredible income through an online business with a course or a program they created from what they know.

And that my friend is what the knowledge based industry is. It is literally one of the fastest and biggest growing industries in the world. Right now it is a $355 million a day industry. And it’s scheduled to double by 2021 because people are realizing that the fastest way to learn might not be going back to college or getting your master’s degree or getting another job and taking 10 more years to figure it out.

They’re learning that the fastest way to learn and to get to where they want to go is to learn from someone who’s already done. It. Think about this college has gone up eight times and it’s even significantly more expensive than when I went while at the same time, our salaries and starting salaries have not moved at all.

Recent statistics show that only 27% of people, a college degree. Get a job, even remotely in the industry, they went to school for and of that percentage over 52% hate the job they’re in. That’s a large percent. So roughly 13% of people who go to college actually get a job. They like plus think about this.

Technology is moving so fast. Things are constantly changing. There’s new discoveries popping up that what you learn in the first year of school. Is already obsolete by year two or three, we are realizing that the fastest way to get to where you want to be, that next level is just simply learning from somebody who has the expertise and has already done it.

How do you tap into this $355 million a day, the industry, and how can you share your expertise, knowledge, and skills. Let me give you a real life example of my journey. Last year, I invested roughly $6,000 in a six month program to learn from someone who has already created multiple streams of income.

She was already at the place I wanted to be at doing what she loved and making an impact and income model success. Find someone living an example of the life you want to live and model them to a T. There is no point in recreating the wheel. My coach Rachel Angum had started her first business when she was 23.

Back in 2010 was zero social media experience. She had her master’s in social work, not social media or marketing. She couldn’t even find a job with her master’s degree, pregnant and on food stamps with negative $400 in her checking account, she decided she needed to learn how to start her own business.

She had no clue what she was doing. But was determined to figure it out. She went from earning $20,000 in 2013 to over a hundred thousand in 2015 in her online fitness business in blog, she saw how many entrepreneurs were struggling and started a new business teaching her Pinterest strategies. She had learned over the past few years.

With a small email list and two weeks into her new business, she pre sold her very first online training course earning over $3,000 that first month and the next month she tripled that her first year in business, she served over 1700 clients and made over $430,000. She had a passion to help other people.

And took her experience and her knowledge, what she learned over those years and created an online group program that helped others solve a problem, how to create an online business and do what they love. This is a prime example of the knowledge based industry. I invested in learning from someone who had already done it, so I could learn and go to the next level faster.

No. Sure. I could have spent time Googling it and trying to figure it out on my own, spinning my wheels, but why not learn from someone who’s already been there? And I did the same thing. Starting this podcast. I bought an online course and learned from someone who already did it, what would have taken me months to Google to figure out of my own what steps to take and what order to put them in that would have taken me months.

And it only took me three weeks when I was able to learn the exact blueprint and steps from someone else. That is why I want to give you a step by step strategy to help you monetize your passions, what you are supposed to be doing in life. The thing that gives you fulfillment, that aligns with who God created you to be, has already been spoken over you way before you were born.

I want you to hear me right now. So if you’re multitasking, come back to me. Any desire born within you means you already have everything within you to turn that desire into reality. That dream and desire was placed. There by God in every human being has unique talents and skills so unique that no one else alive in this planet has your unique and specific set of gifts, talents, and abilities, which means that there’s one thing that you do in such a specific way that is better than anyone else on this planet.

First Corinthians seven seven says that each of you has your own gift from God. One has this gift and another has that. So any desire born within you means you already have everything you need to turn that desire into reality, and it is never too late to use your gifts, talents, and passions, to make a difference on this side of heaven.

I want to give you the courage to step into your space and teach what you know, and to share your passion, experiences, and knowledge. And know that you can do that while making an income, serving other people. Step one, figuring out what you want to be known for, what skill know-how or experience do you have that can be extracted and taught to them person who is waiting to hear from you.

I know many of you may be thinking, well, Kristen, I’m not an expert. I heard this the other day from someone who went to law school is the definition of a subject matter expert in a court of law. That definition for that person is someone who knows more than any other person in the room. That’s it? That is how a court defines an expert.

If that person knows more than any other person in the room and a court of law, they are a subject matter expert period. End of story. Wow. How cool is that? Listen, you only need to be one step ahead. One chapter ahead of the person who is waiting to hear from you and learn from you. You are a subject matter expert.

And honestly, that is exactly what I am doing with you here. I am just one step ahead and teaching you extracting the knowledge I have from what I learned and teaching you. I want to leave you with some tactical steps and questions to ask yourself, to get the idea juices flowing. And I also have a free resource that you can download.

It’s in the show notes with questions that you can walk through. So make sure you grab that and write down everything that comes to mind. But here are a few questions to start triggering some ideas. What do you love to do? What do you have a passion for? What do people always come to you and ask for help with, have you gone through a divorce and now can look back at the steps it took you to get to where you are now living a healthy, successful life, full of love for yourself and others.

Have you dealt with a death of a child? There is someone in this mastermind program. I am in that lost a child a few years ago and she teaches others how to cope. Live again and eventually move on after the death of a child or loved one. So take a look back on your life. What transformation have you gotten for yourself or others?

And what steps did you take to get through that hard time or that experience in your life? The others love to learn from your expertise, what you can teach others and get paid for. It also does not have to be something you went to college for, or even the profession you’re in right now. Maybe you have a passion for time management.

You are great at managing your time and so organized and structured, and people ask you all the time. How do you accomplish so much? You can teach that, even ask a friend or family member. Because a lot of times we don’t realize that we are skilled in a certain area or even an expert just because as it comes naturally to us and when it’s natural to us, something we do so easily, we tend to think that everyone can and do it.

So what does that one thing you do so well, so naturally with such ease that stands other people and they look at you and go, huh? How did you do that? And you’re thinking this is easy. Everyone can do that. Well, no, not everyone can do that. That my friend. And is your unique God given genius zone, your knowledge, your skills, you can do that because of the unique recipe.

God gave you your unique skills, talents, gifts, passions, knowledge, the experience. Do you live through that? All come together. They’re in a perfect storm. That is your God given genius zone, your expertise. And you can extract that and get that valuable information into the hearts and hands of people who need it.

So you can make massive impact and make life changing money in the process. You who you are right now, who God created you to be. And with what you know. Can create a powerful, profitable and impactful online business, afford a five figure a month and beyond business. That makes an impact, serving the people that need what you have to offer.

After we clear out the clutter, the limiting beliefs, and you start gaining clarity. Thank you for spending your time here with me today. I hope this was valuable for you, and don’t forget to download that free resource and walk through answering those questions. And let me leave you with this prayer today.

I pray Lord that the Christian woman listening to this episode. Feels that stirring in her heart, that stirring to recover that adventure, that dream, that desire you wrote on her heart when you made her, I pray Lord that you read, feel that deepest desire and that deepest calling you have for her life.


That’s it for today, friends. It is your time to step into the role of an abundant Christianpreneur and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one view and you are the expert. Your people are waiting to hear from. I want you to know this, feel this, and most importantly, be this never underestimate the impact and the power you have.

And Hey, real quick, before you go, if you found value in today’s podcast, I would love it. If you could take a screenshot and post it on your IgG or Facebook stories and tag me at Kristen, Darren G. Hashtag the abundant Christian manure and together we can inspire other women to step into who God created them to be.

Don’t forget if you have not yet left a review or subscribe to the show to get registered, to enter special B I P the launch giveaway that we will be doing in the field. First four episodes of this podcast, make sure you head on over to iTunes. Subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me.

I appreciate you and see you next episode. .


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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