You Do NOT Need Qualifications or a Degree to Start Living Your Dream Life!

HOW God created us IS the KEY to our purpose and passion in order to live a happy and fulfilled life.    

We weren’t taught in school that God gave us a unique calling and purpose and then equipped us with our very own set of unique gifts, talents, and abilities to fulfill that calling and purpose and THAT IS THE recipe to living a fulfilled and significant life. 

Your experiences are valid.  Your knowledge is valid. You expertise is valid!

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

God created you with your own unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, experiences, and passions, your own God-given genius zone, and that merged together with what you love to do, what you were created to be, is the perfect recipe to make income and impact my friend.

Your experiences are valid. Your expertise is valid. And your knowledge is valid. You can turn your ideas into a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business and actually live the life of your dreams.

Resources mentioned:

Ready to create Your Powerful, Profitable and Impactful Online Business?

The 5 Day Bootcamp – “From Idea to Income & Impact” begins September 29th, 2020!

Sign up at:

Becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur™ is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income so you can finally leave that 9-5 that is sucking the life out of you.

Join me for the 5-day “Idea to Income & Impact” Bootcamp and learn the first steps to becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur, taking your idea to income and impact.

 In the Bootcamp you will learn how to:

  • Extract your God-Given Genius Zone (a.k.a Your Knowledge and Expertise)
  • Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online course
  • Get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have
  • Gain the confidence to step out in Faith and bring that dream to life

After the Bootcamp:  You will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences, and expertise and turn it into a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business and know exactly WHO it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact so you can eventually leave that 9-5.

Get on the waitlist today!! This 5-day Bootcamp starts on September 29th, 2020!

Lastly – don’t forget to share this podcast!!  Let’s all do our part to empower Christian Career Women who know they have a bigger purpose than their 9-5, step into who God created them to be so they too can fulfill their God-given Destiny!

I would LOVE it if you would rate and leave a review on iTunes! This helps me bring more amazing guests on the show!  You can do that by clicking here!

Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

You don’t need to hold yourself back or play small, or even feel like you’re inferior or not good enough because you don’t have a degree or a qualification, because you are amazing. Just as you are. God created you with your own unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, experiences, and passions, your own God-given genius zone, and that merged together with what you love to do, what you were created to be, is the perfect recipe to make income and impact my friend.

Yeah. Your experiences are valid. Your expertise is valid. And your knowledge is valid. You can turn your ideas into a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business and actually live the life of your dreams. You can do this and I am here to show you how.

Do you know, you have a bigger purpose than that nine to five? Yes. Yes. You do. Welcome to the Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll.

Right now, you are joined by other faith-filled women. Who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love. My goal is to inspire you, to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to that Christian CEO, and create that powerful profitable, and impactful business that has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact, and have the financial and time freedom to do what you want, when you want, then crank up that volume, and let’s do this.

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. If you are new to the show, Welcome! I am Kristin Dronchi and the founder of the Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. My goal is to inspire you that nine to five Christian career woman, who knows that you have a bigger purpose, than that nine to five, that is sucking the life out of you.

And to help you explore what it really means to turn your God-given gifts, passions and expertise and extract that knowledge you already have to create your powerful, profitable, and impactful online business that allows you to make income and impact. So you can do what you want when you want and live the life of your dreams.

After you listened to this episode. Head on over to episode one, to hear more about my story and how God led me here and drop me a comment, leave me a review in iTunes. And let me know if it resonated with you. I know without a shadow of a doubt that if you are listening, you truly do have a dream in your heart, and God has placed there for a specific reason.

And if you’re feeling stuck, Unfulfilled and lost, or even a tad resentful because you know, you’re creative to do some amazing things to make an impact in this world, but you are at a job that drains, you know that it isn’t technically all your fault. Yes. We have to take responsibility for where we are today but listen, there isn’t a dream clarity class in school and we definitely are not taught.

That how God created us is the key to our purpose and passion in order to live a happy and fulfilled life. Let me repeat that. We are not taught that how God created us is the key to our purpose and passions in order to live a fulfilled life. God gave us a unique and specific set of gifts, talents, abilities, and passions, your own unique recipe.

He sprinkled in you to do some pretty amazing things on the side of heaven. So that inner craving to do something more, to be more. And to live that life of significance and impact is a sign that where you are is not where you are meant to stay and you can’t experience success on your own terms and be who God created you to be, to live a life of joy.

So you can make an impact in this world. We aren’t taught in school that God gave us a unique calling and a purpose and then equipped us with our very own unique set of gifts and talents are God-given genius zone. We were taught instead to work hard. Get good grades. Then go to college, work hard, get good grades again so they can get a job, pays the bills in a sense.

School teaches us to be an employee. And then when we look back and realize that we’re just trading time for money at a job that doesn’t fulfill our soul because it’s not what God created us to be and do. A mindset shift needs to take place. And it definitely needed to take place with me too.

So today, instead of a quick tip Thursday, I wanted to talk with you about something that I see holding so many women back from doing what they love and stepping into who God created them to be. And it’s this feeling that you need a degree or a qualification or someone to give you permission to do something new, to create that powerful online business from the idea you have, you want to start or to build the business.

You want to do something that you love, but you don’t know where to start or even what to do. And I am here to tell you that you can extract your knowledge, your experiences, and skills. And create that dream that has been on your heart. I am actually in the middle of creating a new group coaching online program that gives you the exact roadmap on how to extract your knowledge, your experiences, your skills, your expertise, and create that amazing online digital business.


So you can do what you love, make an impact and serve those who you are meant to serve. And make income doing so. So you can eventually leave your nine to five and that is in the works. And I’m so excited. The first step to that is my free five-day bootcamp. That will take your Idea to Income and Impact where you’re going to learn the first steps in that roadmap to step into your role as the Abundant Christianpreneur and how to figure out what you want to be known for who you want to serve.

And my secret method to extracting your knowledge and creating your own roadmap to help others. So you can make that impact and income. So I want you to join me and other Abundant Christianpreneurs in the Idea to Income and Impact Bootcamp. That’s going to start September 29th. 2020. So this month, September 29th, and you can get signed up at

And I will, I have that link in the show notes as well. I really want to teach you how you can actually take your knowledge, your expertise, your experiences, your skillset, your passion, eight something amazing. Sell it and make an impact on helping other people. So that is what we’re going to do. And I’m so stinking excited.

One of the biggest things that I want to address today is the feeling that you need a qualification or a degree. You don’t need qualifications to be able to share your own skillset. Your own expertise and your knowledge. And I know how this feels because when I wanted to start the Abundant Christianpreneur podcast and create my online group coaching program, I literally sat on this idea for almost two years, because I was like, who am I to create this?

Who am I to do this? Who am I to talk about this? I’m an accountant for goodness sakes. I got a degree in accounting. I don’t know. I have qualifications in business. I don’t have an MBA. And who am I to teach someone? I don’t have a teaching degree. I haven’t gotten any kind of qualification. So that, thought was going through my head.

Who am I to talk about this? And it literally stopped me from moving forward from doing anything for a long time. This false limiting belief that I needed to have a certain type of degree or certain type of qualification in order to do something I loved stopped me. And I know it’s stopping you too. And I want to tell you that the only thing you need is faith.

And thankfully I saw others doing what I wanted to do. I hired a mentor, someone who was where I wanted to go, and I got over myself. I got out of my own way and I thought I’m going to do it anyway. Now here’s the thing. What I did have was experience leading others, coaching others, teaching others, and building a team through my network marketing company, years and years ago, I learned how to stretch myself.

To go out of my comfort zone. And I learned that I loved personal development and stretching myself to learn more and more in order to become the person I am today and to become the person I wanted to be that Abundant Christianpreneur, who will eventually leave her nine to five. Looking back. I realized, I learned so much about learning, how to build websites, learning how to do online marketing, learning, how to make a sale online, learning how to build a team.

I had learned so much and I had a bunch of this knowledge from what I’ve learned, but I still felt that I needed a qualification or degree to tell me that I knew that. And I think so many of us women find ourselves in that place where we doubt the knowledge and the experience and expertise that we have is valid.

But for the majority of us, we have a desire to do something different. Our career is draining us because it doesn’t align with who God created you to be. And something wakes us up, especially during this time, these past few months with COVID and the virus and it’s given us a time to slow down to reflect.

And I’m sure a lot of you have realized what’s more important. You’ve come to the realization that being with your family, being with your kids, living a slower-paced lifestyle is more important than that. Fast-paced nine to five career that you’ve been doing. So these past few months have given us a time to slow down and sit back and reflect on.

What’s actually important to us. Maybe you have overcome a challenge of your own. You have a transformation of your own, no matter how big or small, but this sparks an idea that you want to help other people with that same thing you went through and overcame. I’ll give you an example, Petra Gordon, who will be on my podcast later in September.

So make sure you head on over to iTunes. And subscribe. So you get notifications. When this episode is out, she became an author and a speaker and a widow support coach. After her husband unexpectedly passed away. She overcame this awful tragedy and learned to rebuild her life after the loss. And now she’s helping other women.

Turn tragedy into a purpose and she is rising up the next generation of leaders who will influence and impact the kingdom of God here on earth. She is making an impact and income doing what she loves. Another example, Mary. She started her business because she was really overwhelmed. She was not enjoying motherhood.

She was extremely frustrated and fed up. And actually she was very depressed. She kept asking other people for advice on how to make things better. And everyone kept saying, well, that’s just motherhood for you. It’s messy. It’s chaotic and all this stuff. And basically they weren’t giving her any solutions.


So she was like, wait, there has to be another way. So she decided just to simplify her life, she decluttered her house. And in the process of doing certain things, she realized that she had overcome her depression. Motherhood had become so much more joyful for her and she was actually happy and she thought, wow, this worked for me.

Maybe it can work for other people. So she started helping other women just for free just helping them. And as she did that, she realized that what she had done for herself and how she had helped herself. We’re helping other mothers who are frustrated, depressed, overwhelmed as well. Then it transitioned out into a digital online product and course where she began teaching other moms how to basically.

Declutter how to simplify their lives and how to enjoy motherhood. She’s making impact and income. Now, did these two people have degrees or qualifications to do what they’re doing now? No. Were these two people in these two examples they gave you qualified to do that? I like to say, yes, God qualified them through their experiences and what they had learned.

God qualified them through their experiences and how they overcame their challenges. And God qualifies you too. Those two ladies, both their online business based off their experiences, based off their own transformation and based off overcoming their own challenges. And now they get to help others through those similar challenges and help them have amazing transformations.

They didn’t have a degree or qualification God qualified them through their experience. They had a message and a story within them. They wanted to share. And I think for so many of us, that’s where we’re at. We’ve experienced some things in our lives. And maybe you’re like me, you’ve been in a career that you don’t really like, because it doesn’t align with who God created you to be.

And you’re at a crossroads where you’re thinking I’m just lost. I’m stuck. I’m unfulfilled. Gosh, I thought I would be so much further in life by now. And you have this craving to do something different to do and be more. And once you’ve had this realization and you woken up to the fact that you want to live your dream life, you realize you can live your dream life, and you’ve been on this transformation making changes, and you’ve realized that some of the things you’ve done.

Have had a profound impact on your life. And now I feel passionate and excited to share it with other people. So maybe that’s where you’re at. But for so many people and women, they stopped themselves from actually putting themselves out there because they think to themselves, well, Who am I to say this?

Who am I to do this? I needed a degree of qualification if I’m going to start helping other people. And the reality is you don’t remember, God qualifies you through your experiences and your specific and unique God-given genius zone. So you don’t need to hold yourself back. You don’t need to stop yourself and stop playing small.

Because you are amazing just the way you are. Your experiences have shaped and molded you for such a time. As this, my friend, your expertise is valid. Your knowledge is valid. You don’t need someone else to give you a certificate or permission to tell you that you’re good enough to tell other people your stories, to share your experiences, to share your knowledge.

And if you want, I’m giving you my permission right now, you have my permission to live the life of your dreams and make an impact. This is one of the biggest things that stop women from actually getting themselves out there and creating so much success because they think they need qualifications. And if this is you leave me a review and with a comment, I want to see how many of you feel like this, because I know I’m not alone.

And I know I’m not the only woman that has sat in on an amazing idea for a very long time. Feeling like I wasn’t worthy or qualified to share my knowledge and what I have learned, and people are waiting for you to show up and share your story and your knowledge so they can learn from you. You have a unique take on things.

No one else has the experiences that you have. That is why what you have to share is so valuable and so valid. There’s only one you. You were created with a specific set of gifts, talents, and abilities and past experiences that make you unique. There’s not another person. Exactly. Right? Like you, you have a unique message to share and the world needs you to show up and be amazingly you and teach and share from your personal experiences.

The person you are called to serve will resonate with you because you understand the struggles, the hurdles, and the pain points. They have, you are an expert because you have experienced it and you do have the knowledge and maybe some of you have just recently started on your personal transformation journey.

Maybe something just recently happened in your life or something’s occurred, you’ve had a challenge and you’ve started to overcome it. You feel like you’ve got a long way to go, but don’t discount that part of the journey that you’ve already had because. That part of your journey might actually be really valuable to someone else.

And that part of the journey might be something that you can really focus and double down on and turn into an amazing profitable online business, where you share your knowledge, your expertise, and your stories to help other people. It could be that you create, let’s say a digital planner or something profound that has helped you.

Let’s say you’ve discovered a way of journaling or a way of goal setting that has significantly changed your life. You might only be a fraction of the way through your journey, but that one thing has helped you so much. You can create something out of it that, and make an impact. And income. So you don’t have to be at the end of your journey.

For example, me, I haven’t left my nine to five yet. But I am taking other nine to five Christian career women on this journey with me. I am teaching them what I already know because I’m a few steps ahead of them. I am able to share my experiences, my lessons, my mistakes, and what I’ve learned so far, I’m able to share what I’m learning from my mentors.

All you need to do is just to be a few steps ahead of those who want to learn from you. You’re showing up as you. And that is good enough because remember God qualifies you. You just need to be. 10% ahead of the person who wants to learn from you. We call that the 10% edge. That’s it just teach and share from the place you are at now.

Let me share with you some quick things that you can do to build your confidence with where you are at right now to help you get to a point where you can take what you’re passionate about, what you’ve got experience in what you’ve got knowledge and expertise in. And turn that into a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business, creating digital products or online courses, or building a membership site or having a coaching or a service-based business, whatever it is that you are called to create.

First thing I want you to do is to sit down and I want you to write down the results you’ve gotten in your life. It doesn’t matter how long ago does it matter if it was something recent? So, whether you’ve had a challenge, you’ve overcome a transformation. Maybe you’ve got an area of expertise or experience or knowledge in a certain field, whatever it is.

I want you to think about the results you have gotten in your life or the results you have generated through that knowledge and experience and skillset you have or the results you’ve generated from going through something. Write down all the results and the impact that it’s had for you. So that’s the first thing, start to see how powerful what you actually know is because so often we have so much knowledge or something that just comes so naturally to us that we often think that everyone knows this, or everyone can do what we can do when actually they don’t, they don’t know.

And they can’t do what you can do so naturally because God gave you that ability. He didn’t give it to them. He gave it to you. We think they know. And we think they can do what we can do, but they don’t. Let me give you an example. My mom called me one night and she was like, Kristen, I know this is kind of funny, but I was at my weight Watchers class and I was bored.

So I was just drawing a picture of the lady next to me. And my mom is an amazing artist. She loves to draw. She was always very creative when we were growing up. We always did arts and crafts. And she’s a very good drawer. I, on the other hand, am not, she’s like, and I was kind of funny, but I sent it to the lady and she was just so in awe, she sent it to her daughter and her daughter wants a copy of it.

How do I get. What I drew over to the daughter on Facebook. How do I send that through a message or email? I can’t quite remember what she asked me, but she’s like, I know it’s kind of silly. It’s kind of crazy. It’s just the drawing. And I was like, mom, it’s not just a drawing. That’s a gift. You have, you’re an amazing artist.

You can look at someone and draw their face perfectly. Not everyone has that gift. That’s why they think it’s so amazing. It comes naturally to you. So you think other people can just do that when they can’t, it comes naturally to you. So you think it’s no big deal. While others are in awe and like, Oh my goodness, that is so amazing.

And my mom was like, wow, I never thought of it that way. So what comes naturally to you? What you love to do, isn’t necessarily the same thing that other people love to do, or what comes naturally to them. It’s your gift that God gave you. And they look at you and go, how did you do that? And you’re thinking.

Uh, can everyone do this? No. No, they can’t. That is your God-given genius zone. Okay. The second thing I want you to do is to start helping other people get results. Like you’ve gotten results, be a service to others. Think of some people in your life that you could reach out to. It could be friends, it could be family.

Go and join a Facebook group where people are hanging out and see how you can help them. How can you help someone get that same result or transformation you have gotten? Focus on how you can take your knowledge, your expertise, your experience, and help someone else get a result or transformation. How can you add value to them in some way?

Do you think you could go and help five people in the next month or even just one person in the next month? Sharing the knowledge you already have? My answer to you is yes. You, 100% can. So start because it’s going to help you build your online business. And it’s going to help you take your idea to income and impact, and it’s going to make you realize and give you the confidence that you’re actually amazing.

And you can do this. The third thing I want you to do is to continue to learn and expand your knowledge, expand your skillset, and get more and more results for yourself because the more you do that, the more your competence is going to grow. And I’m not talking about going out and get into the degree.

Or a qualification all’s I’m saying is read books, dig into personal development, listen to more podcasts, hire a coach, hire a mentor who is just a few steps ahead of you. These are the things you can do to help expand your mind. So you learn more and more, and then you can apply what you’ve learned. It’s going to help you as you go along in your journey.

And it’s also going to help the people you are meant to serve. Because the people you are meant to serve, do I need your valuable stories, your valuable experiences, and your knowledge and expertise. You need to realize that you already have so much within you. That is going to be so valuable to someone else.

And you can build an online, digital business around something you are passionate about. You can make income and impact doing something that you love, helping other people, and you don’t need, need to have someone give you a qualification or a certificate. Or degreed, it’s how you, that it’s okay to do it.

Thank you so much for tuning in today. And I hope this was very valuable for you. Lastly, I want to remind you to join the free 5-day from idea to income and impact Bootcamp, where you will learn the first steps to stepping into your role of the Abundant Christianpreneur. How to figure out what you want to be known for.

How to extract that knowledge, who you want to serve. So join me and other abundant Christianpreneurs and the Bootcamp that starts September 29th. Get signed up at and have a blessed day.

That’s it for today, friends. It’s your time to step into the role of the abundant Christian newer and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from. I want you to know this, feel this, and most importantly, be this never underestimate the impact and power you add.

And Hey, real quick, before you go, do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. And take me at Kristen to raunchy using the hashtag the abundant. Christianpreneur. And if you feel extra therein share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing.

And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it. If you would subscribe, leave a review. And rate the show. This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from, but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me.

I appreciate you and see you next episode.


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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