Getting Clear on Who You Want to Serve
Who is your Ideal Customer Avatar

EP 04

In today’s episode we are getting clear on who you want to serve – who is your Ideal Customer Avatar.

I see a lot of people struggling with this especially early on in their adventure as an entrepreneur, especially when they don’t really know who they are going to be serving or they haven’t had enough time to do the work to really know who want to serve and what it is that they are offering.  

I struggled with this too.  I had an idea of what I wanted to do and who I wanted to serve and it evolved over time.  

Maybe you aren’t even really too sure on your idea for creating your online course or business yet and that is ok!!  

Today we are going to dive into WHO is your ideal client – the person you want to serve and WHY is it important to get specific on who this person is. 

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Welcome to Episode 04 of The Abundant Christianpreneur™ Podcast!!  

In today’s episode we are getting clear on who you want to serve – who is your Ideal Customer Avatar.

I see a lot of people struggling with this especially early on in their adventure as an entrepreneur, especially when they don’t really know who they are going to be serving or they haven’t had enough time to do the work to really know who want to serve and what it is that they are offering.  

I struggled with this too.  I had an idea of what I wanted to do and who I wanted to serve and it evolved over time.  

Maybe you aren’t even really too sure on your idea for creating your online course or business yet and that is ok!!  

Today we are going to dive into WHO is your ideal client – the person you want to serve and WHY is it important to get specific on who this person is. 

Ready to create Your Powerful, Profitable and Impactful Online Business?

The 5 Day Bootcamp – “From Idea to Income & Impact” begins September 29th, 2020!

Sign up at:

Becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur™ is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income so you can finally be leave that 9-5 that is sucking the life out of you.

Join me for the 5 day “Idea to Income & Impact” Bootcamp and learn the first steps to becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur, taking your idea to income and impact.

In the Bootcamp you will learn how to:

  • Extract your God-Given Genius Zone (a.ka. Your Knowledge and Expertise)
  • Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online course
  • Get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have
  • Gain the confidence to step out in Faith and bring that dream to life

After the Bootcamp:  You will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences, and expertise and turn it into a powerful, profitable and impactful online business and know exactly WHO it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact so you can eventually leave that 9-5.

Get on the waitlist today!! This 5 day bootcamp starts September 29th, 2020!

Resources mentioned in the Episode: 

Lastly – don’t forget to share this podcast!!  Let’s all do our part to empower Christian Career Women who know they have a bigger purpose than their 9-5, step into who God created them to be so they too can fulfill their God-given Destiny! 

 If you found value in today’s show, I would love it if you would subscribe, rate and leave a review on iTunes! This helps me bring more amazing guests on the show!  You can do that by clicking here! 

Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

The number one reason I have heard from most nine to five career women that stay stuck in an unfulfilling career that drains them working hard so they can eventually retire and then have the freedom of time and financial freedom to do what they love and live the life of their dreams is that they don’t think they have anything special to offer.

They think to themselves, I don’t have any special talents or skills. No one would ever pay me for my knowledge or expertise. I could never get paid to do something I actually love to do. And they stay stuck at that career. Not living a fulfilled life, not making an impact, doing what they love and the small amount of time they do tab outside of work is prioritized with enjoying life as much as possible.

My question to that is. Do you really think that God created you just to live a solo? So life, no. He created you to live a life of abundance and enjoyment, doing what you love with the gifts, talents, abilities, and life experiences. He gave you to make an impact in this world.

No, she was created for so much more and has a bigger purpose. And her nine to five successful women that take that step of faith and extract their God, even genius zone and create a powerful, profitable and impactful online business. So others can learn from their experiences and their knowledge are those who bring their idea to life, serving others, making income.

So they can finally leave that job that is draining them. The abundant Christian manure. No, she can truly live the life she wants. Now before retirement age, making an impact in income. Are you ready to turn your years of knowledge, expertise, career successes, or life experiences into a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business that allows you to live life on your terms and eventually leave.

That nine to five that is draining you becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income. So you can finally leave at nine to five, if so, you’re ready for that. Join me for the five day. Idea to income and impact bootcamp. You will learn the first steps to becoming the abundant Christian manure and taking your idea to income and impact.

And the bootcamp you’ll learn how to extract your God. Given genius zone, also known as your knowledge and expertise. Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online profitable course. Get paid for the knowledge and expertise you already have. And gain the confidence to step out in faith and bring that dream to life.

By the end of the bootcamp, you will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your all knowledge, experiences, and expertise, and turn it into a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business. And you will know exactly who it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact. So you can eventually leave that nine to five.

So get on the wait list today. The five day boot will open towards the end of September. You can get on the wait list at www dot idea to income and impact that come idea to income and impact that come. And I will have that link in the show notes as well. Speaking of show notes, let’s move on to our episode.

Do you know if you have a bigger purpose than that? Nine to five? Yes. Yes. You do welcome to the abundant Christianpreneur podcast. I am your host, Kristin . I am wife and mom who loves Jesus and I’ve also been known to. Bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll. Right now, you are joined by other faith filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences.

Or even their hobbies into a powerful in business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love. My goal is to inspire you, you to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO and create them powerful, profitable, and impactful business. That has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live here, life by design, make an impact and have the financial time freedom to do what you want when you want. Then crank up that volume and let’s do this.

Welcome back. I am so excited. You are here today. We are going to be talking about our ideal client or customer avatar. You’re going to hear those terms used interchangeably, ideal client, customer avatar. Basically it is the person you want to serve. With your powerful, profitable and impactful online course.

And I see a lot of people struggling with this, especially early on in their adventure, as an entrepreneur, especially when they don’t really know who they are going to be serving, or they haven’t done enough of the work yet to really know who wants what they have to offer. And that is okay. I struggled with this too.

And it actually became clear and clear. The more I took action on what I wanted to do. I had an idea of what I wanted to do and who I wanted to serve. And it evolved over time. Maybe you aren’t even too sure right now. On your idea for creating your online course or business yet. And that is okay. We talked a little bit on how to extract your God given genius zone.

What you’re good at your expertise, your knowledge love to do, and you can extract that and turn that into an online business. And course in episode two, Today, we’re going to dig into who is your ideal client, the person you want to serve. And why is it important to get specific on who that person is? Who is your ideal client and what are they all about?

Well, your ideal client represents your perfect person, the person you want to serve, because it brings you joy and filament to help them. This one, single person is a potential customer who wants and needs what you have to offer. Your content, your products, your services, your online course, or program, you have the solution for them specifically.

And it’s that one person you are going to think of helping as you create eight, your online course, and idea. Why is this important? Because you could have the best marketing campaign, the best online course, the best of everything. But if you’re trying to serve the wrong person, they are never going to buy from you.

And you may be wondering what, only one person, Kristin, there are tons of people in this world. And even more people who need what I have to offer. So why would we be focusing on just on person? And here’s the answer to that? Because by focusing your efforts on this one single person, the person who needs the solution to what you have to offer, you are actually helping yourself to be laser focused and confident that you are headed in the right direction.

You will have less overwhelmed and you can focus exactly on what your ideal customer, your ideal client wants and needs. You will have more clarity and that breeds excitement, knowing you are on the path to making an impact. When you can get specific around what you are offering, what problem you can solve.

What transformation you can give your person, your ideal person feels as though you are talking just to them that you are just what they need. And there’s a saying that goes like this. When you try to attract everyone one, you really end up attracting no one. So when it comes to figuring out who you want to serve and how you want to help them, the more specific, the better.

There’s so much noise and messaging out there online. So when you get specific and narrow it down, it cuts through the noise and your ideal client hears your message. Their ears perk up. They think, Oh, she’s talking to me. She gets me. And then she wants to know more. The number one thing. You are going to want to do it very clear and specific on the transformation you are going to provide your ideal client where they are now and where your ideal client wants to be.

When people I’ll have a problem, they are laser focused on trying to solve that problem. What do you do when you have a problem? We Google it. We’re on Google typing in how to whatever, right. How to get ketchup out of a tee shirt or how to solve whatever problem you’re having. When people have a problem, they’re specifically looking for a solution, they are looking for that specific solution to that specific problem they have.

So when you get clarity on what problem you are solving, For your ideal client, they will know you have the answer for them. Here are some questions you’re going to want to answer, to identify who you want to serve and how you can serve them. So question number one, what do you want to be known for? And this is going to go back to extracting your God given genius.

So your set of gifts, talents, abilities in life experiences. What lights you up inside? What is something that excites you you to teach or help others with? What’s a transformation you’ve gotten for yourself that you can get for someone out. Every one of you has something special to offer the world something so unique, something that you do better than anyone else.

Maybe it’s an experience you went through and had a positive transformation, and you can teach the steps by step process to your ideal client. Let me give you an example of Katrina. Katrina was a busy physician who found herself 50 pounds overweight. She was tired of feeling exhausted and burnt out. She made it her mission to lose weight.

Now she’s made it her mission to teach other busy female physicians to do the same. She had a problem. She was overweight, tired of feeling exhausted and burnt out. And she was a busy position. She lost the weight. Other physicians were coming to her asking her, how did she do that? She solved the problem for herself and got a positive transformation.

Now she is teaching other busy female physicians to do the same very specific person. She wants to serve busy female physicians. The next question you want and ask yourself, what specific problem do you solve for your person? How can you make their life easier? Or provide them with a shortcut to get to where they want to go, or what kind of transformation can you help them achieve?

So back to Katrina’s example, the specific problem to lose weight, the specific person, the busy female physicians who struggle with feeling burnt out, being exhausted because they are overweight. The third question you want to ask yourself, What are your ideal client, that person you want to serve? What are their pain points?

What are they go with? What are their desires? What are they craving to do or learn? And Katrina’s example, these female physicians were burned out. They were busy and struggling to lose weight. That’s a pain point. What is your ideal client struggling with right now? What is their problem? What’s their biggest pain point, their biggest desire.

And most of the time, your ideal client is you before you made that transformation, who you were five years ago, a year ago, even a few months ago. So let’s use me as an example. My ideal client is you that Christian career woman who knows she has a bigger purpose than that. Nine to five, and I help her recreate her powerful, profitable and impactful business.

So she can leave that nine to five. This sucking the life out of her is specific and clear. One type of person that faith filled Christian nine to five working woman. Now that’s not to say that I won’t work with women who aren’t faith-filled or Christian or who don’t work a full time job. I will attract other people.

That resonate with my message, but my focus is, and my ideal client is specifically that Christian career woman who works in nine to five. So don’t worry about narrowing down your ideal client. Don’t be afraid to narrow it down and get it very specific. You are not limiting your reach. Trust me. You want to be specific the power of specificity.

I help who specifically. And how specifically, for example, maybe you want to help mothers. Okay, great. Who’s specifically. And how specifically I help first time moms with newborns that can’t sleep through the night. See how specific that is. I actually have a descriptive word document that breaks down the person who I.

Want to serve down in greater detail and I help my clients do the same. So here’s a little blurb from it. Just to give you an example. My avatar, my ideal client is Becky she’s in her mid thirties, early forties. She is married with two to four kids. She drives by herself to work every single day. It’s a 25 minute commute to work.

She gets to her cubicle at a job she’s at for a little over eight hours. After the 35 minute commute home, she’s stuck in a little bit of traffic. When she finally gets home, she starts supper and helps the kids, their homework. She is tired beat from the day, but manages to get enough strength to hang out with her family before bedtime.

And then she has a little breakdown at the end of every single night because she’s sitting on the couch sane. Why do I spend 90% of my waking hours doing the things I don’t enjoy doing and commuting to a job? I don’t even like being at the job. I don’t like commuting home in only 10% of my waking hours doing things that I love, like spending time with my kids and family.

She knows she was created for so much more and craves to make an impact doing what she loves so she can have freedom of time to do what she would love to do. My ideal client is basically me a year ago. So when you can, sir, those following questions that we went through, who specifically do a serve and how specifically do I say serve them, then you’re going to start speaking to your people.

They’re going to say, Oh yes, she totally gets me. Why do you want to know intimately and specifically who your ideal person is, who that person is you want to serve? Well, like I mentioned before, it’s going to help you gain more clarity on the direction you’re headed, but it’s also going to help you with your content marketing, knowing your person inside and out will help you decide on what content to put out there.

What blog posts, what videos to make. What lead magnets to create or podcast episodes to create knowing your person will help you create that online course and program that your customer needs and wants. Here is an action step for you to take today. I know starting this online business journey seems daunting and there are so many questions.

Like where do I start or do I do, what do I want to be known for? Oh goodness. What transformation or experience have I gone through where I can help someone learn from that? What would make a great course idea? So for the next three days, I want you to write down every idea that pops in your head and how you can help someone, every idea that pops in your head for your online course, write down every thought that pops up.

About an experience you had or a transformation you’ve been through actually take time and sit down and brain dump everything that comes to mind. And don’t judge any of the ideas. Don’t ask yourself, how are you going to do this? I just want you to write everything down and get your creative juices flowing.

Then I would. Absolutely. They love it for you to book a free strategy call with me. And we can work through this process together. I will put the link to that free 30 minute strategy call in the show notes below. I also want to remind you to make sure you get on the waitlist the five day bootcamp, the idea to income and impact bootcamp.

When you are done with that five day boot camp, you will have a complete roadmap on how to package up your own knowledge and experiences and expertise, and turn that into a powerful, profitable and impact online business. And you will know exactly who it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact.

So you can. Live the life that you are designed to live. So make sure you get signed up on that wait list, idea to income and impact that come. I will also have that in the show notes as well. And once again, thank you so much for spending time with me today. I truly appreciate you and I would love it. If you would subscribe, leave a review and rate this episode.

Thank you. And be blessed.


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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