How To Find Your Purpose

It’s not about you. It’s not about me.

The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness, it’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions as humans.

It’s kind of a hard pill to swallow, right? When we think that it’s not all about us!  God created us so let’s turn to HIM and ask what our purpose is.

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

It’s not about you. It’s not about me. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness, it’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions as humans.

It’s kind of a hard pill to swallow, right? When we think that it’s not all about us!  God created us so let’s turn to HIM and ask what our purpose is.

Action Item to Ponder:

  •  How can I remind myself today that life is really about living for God and not myself
  • Journal down some thoughts on:  “The purpose of my life is far greater than my own personal fulfillment, my own peace or even my own happiness.”

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Full Episode Transcription:

It’s not about you. It’s not about me. The purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your peace of mind, or even your happiness, it’s far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions as humans. It’s kind of a hard pill to swallow, right? When we think that it’s not all about. 
Welcome to another quick tip Thursday episode, these quick tip episodes where you are going to learn a tip, a strategy or something inspirational that will help you transition from that nine to five employee mindset to the Christian CEO and step into the role of the abundant Christianpreneur to create and grow that powerful, profitable, and impactful digital business. 
 God is calling you to create so that you can make that impact, help more people. Increase your income. And finally leave that nine to five. That is dreaming you. It’s time to live the life. God has designed you to live well  today is going to be short and sweet and give you an action item. Something that you can take in ponder throughout the next couple of days. 
 And I pray that it blesses you today. It all starts with God Colossians. One 16 says for everything. Absolutely everything above and below visible and invisible, everything got started with him and finds his purpose in him. The number one question I hear a lot is what is my purpose? What am I here for? 
 And when I first read these words, it’s not about you. It’s not about me. I was kind of sticker shocked. Like, what do you mean? It’s not all about me? The purpose of our life is far greater than our own personal fulfillment, our own peace of mind, or even our own happiness. The purpose of our life is far greater than our family, our career, or even our wildest dreams. 
 And I know that kind of is a hard pill to swallow, especially when we live in a MI society. Right. We always tend to ask our questions or ask the questions of why am I here? What do I want to be right there? I centered, but if we want to know why we were placed on this planet and this side of heaven, we have to first begin with God because we were born by his purpose and for his purpose and the search for Hillman’s purpose. 
 Our purpose in life has puzzled people, honestly, for a thousand years. Right? I mean, probably more than that. That’s because we started. At the wrong starting point, we’re asking the wrong questions. The of our life is determined by the questions that we ask. So we need to learn to ask better questions, but we tend to ask, what do I want to be? 
 What do I want to do with my life? What are my goals and my ambitions, my dreams for my future, but focusing on ourselves really never reveals our life’s purpose. And the Bible says it is God who directs the lives of his creatures. Everyone’s life is in his power. So we need to start asking better questions. 
 If you think of an invention and someone created something, you didn’t know what it was for in order for you to understand what this invention was. You would ask the creator, right? So we didn’t create ourselves. Why are we asking ourselves what our purposes? There is no way that we can tell ourselves what we were created for. 
 Right. So if I handed you an invention, you had never seen before, you wouldn’t know its purpose and the invention itself, wouldn’t be able to tell you only the creative. Or the owner’s manual could reveal that inventions, purpose, only God. And going to him, asking him what he has in store for your life is the only way to reveal his purpose in what you were created for, to make an impact with. 
 And this side of him. And life is about letting God use us for his purpose to make an impact to do what ignites our soul umpire in order to serve those who we’re called to serve. How then can we discover the purpose that we were created for? Well, we only have two options. Our first option is speculation. 
 Dibble dabbling and this and that and getting self-help books. This is what most people choose to do. When people say, I’ve always thought my life is this. They mean, this is the best guess I can come up with. And I can definitely relate to that. I wasn’t taught like most of them. And no fault to her parents or those who helped raise us. 
 But we weren’t taught that who God created us to be our gifts, our talents, our experiences, that passion, that just lights, that fire inside. Something that we can do for hours and hours and hours is the key to who God created us to be on this side of heaven to make an impact and live a fulfilled. Happy successful life. 
 And the second way to which is an alternative to the speculation and guessing about what our purpose is here in this life is revelation. We can turn to God who has revealed it in his word. And like I mentioned, at the beginning, the easiest way to discover our purpose. Or the purpose of an invention is to ask the creator. 
 And the same is true for discovering our life’s purpose. Ask God it is in Christ that we find out who we are and what we are created for. So let’s quick recap. Before I give you an action item today, three insights into our purpose one, we discover our identity and purpose through a relationship with Jesus. 
 We turn to the CRE eight or to discover. Who we were created to be second. Remember that God was thinking of you long before you were ever conceived. He has it planned out before you even existed without your input. Mind you, right. You may choose your career, your spouse, your hobbies, and many other parts of your life, but we don’t get to choose our purpose. 
 Those gifts, those talents, that thing that just lights us up inside that allows us to make income and impact on this side of heaven. And third, your purpose for your life fits into a much larger cosmetic purpose that God has already designed for your eternal. And I absolutely love that, especially for those of us who are at a nine to five that doesn’t align with who God created us to be. 
 I truly believe that God is calling faithful Christian career women to create their powerful, profitable, and impactful online business using their God-given genius zone so that they can eventually leave that drainage. Create something amazing from who God created them to be. So they can make income and impact on this side of heaven to be world changers, to change broken systems, to create those nonprofits that need to be created or poured into their ideal clients. 
 The people that they are meant to serve, to make an impact on this side of heaven. I truly believe that we will be so much more happier content and fulfilled doing what we are created to do. God made us and shaped us to do some wonderful things. So your thought to ponder today in the next couple of days is it’s not about me. 
 And here’s your action item or question to consider. How can I remind myself today that life is really about living for God and not myself. And then I want you to take some time. And either come back to this or pause and journal, journal down. Some thoughts that come up regarding the purpose of your life is far greater than your own personal fulfillment, your own peace of mind, or even your own happiness. 
 It is far greater than your family, your career, or even your wildest dreams and ambitions. Spend some time journaling your thoughts down regarding that. The easiest way to discover the purpose of an invention is to ask the creator, right? And the same is true for discovering our life’s purpose. We need to turn to God and here’s my prayer for you today, father, as we begin this journey, help us to realize that building our life around ourselves, instead of you will only lead to emptiness. 
We were made by you. For you. And we want to discover our purpose in life. Amen. Thanks. Have a blessed day and I will see you on the next episode. That’s it for today, friends. It’s your time to step into the role of the abundant Christianpreneur and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. 
 Someone is out there waiting to hear. I want you to know this, feel this, and most importantly, the, this never underestimate the impact and power you have. And Hey, real quick, before you go, do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. 
 And tag me @kristindronchi using the hashtag #theabundantchristianpreneur and if you feel extra daring, share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it. If you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. 
 This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from, but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode. .

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