3 Myths About Online Course Creation Debunked

woman at computer

Creating an Online Course

Believe it or not, creating an online course isn’t as hard as people think. The problem comes in when you overthink and listen to other people’s opinions more than you do yourself. Having confidence is paramount in this situation.

The knowledge-based industry, especially on online platforms, is rapidly growing. Research shows that it is scheduled to skyrocket by the year 2023. The industry is currently at over 350 billion dollars! Its potential is limitless. Creating a business based on virtual knowledge-sharing has tremendous benefits:

  • You get to be your own boss.
  • You get to do something you love!
  • You get to impact people on a global scale.
  • The online space is here to stay.
  • Its virtual nature eliminates unnecessary costs e.g. transport and accommodation for you and your students/ clients.

Online business and courses literally have the power to transform you life and your income!

Similar to everything else in this world, creating an online course is subject to myths and misconceptions.  Therefore, they are sometimes masked as “people’s opinions” but that doesn’t mean they are true.

Further more, I am here to debunk for you the 3 main myths that prevent you from taking the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur so that you can create your powerful, profitable, and impactful online business, get to do what you love, and make that income and impact that you’re craving so that you can eventually leave that 9-5 job that’s draining you.

Listen to the Episode on The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast:

Debunking The 3 Main Myths About Online Course Creation

The Expert Myth

The Expert Myth says:  “I can’t teach something that is just my hobby or passion because I’m not an expert at it. I don’t have a degree or certification. I didn’t study it in college.”

I hear such declarations every day from people looking to start an online business.

From the dictionary:  the definition of an expert is, someone who’s gained knowledge or skills from experience. It has nothing to do with credentials, your job or the degree you have.

You only need to have that 10% edge and always be one step ahead of the person who is looking to learn from you.

“Experts” who have been teaching in their field for decades can no longer relate to the students they’re teaching anymore. They can’t remember the pain points they dealt with 30 years ago.

Furthermore, the things they struggled with back then, are now second nature. They no longer have the knowledge of their struggles and pain points to help and address the student’s pain points or struggles.

In addtion, someone who has just learned something can connect with the students or ideal client a whole lot better because their ability to relate to their pain point is heightened. The students or clients want to know that you understand where they are, and you have a roadmap to take them to where they want to go.

They want someone to understand and empathize with them, someone who can explain to them how to fix their problems in a way that’s easy and concise.

Your experience, skills, talents, abilities, and passions make you a better teacher than someone who has merely studied the material and now has the credentials.

In relation to your target audience, the person you are meant to serve want to learn from you and you being able to teach them something they don’t know, that solves their problem, is what makes you an EXPERT!

The Trend Myth

The trend myth is the idea that you have to pick an online course topic that is trendy and popular. Seeing other people succeed in those topics doesn’t mean you should be tapping into that space and start doing the things they are doing.

The whole idea of creating your own powerful, profitable, impactful online course, is to extract your skills, passions, experiences, perspective, and your unique God-given genius and apply them to the marketplace. You get to connect to your ideal client/that person you’re meant to serve, and they will resonate with you.

You will be missing out on all this if you do something mainly because someone else is doing it.

The goal is to use your PASSIONS and area of EXPERTISE to connect with people looking to you to solve problems only YOU can solve.

The Competition Myth

The Competition Myth is the most destructive of them all. Opportunities to create successful online businesses have been lost because of it. Maybe you’re ready to get started but realize that there are two, three, or even 20 online courses already covering your topic.

You say, “Oh, no, I can’t teach on that! There is too much competition, I won’t focus on online course creation anymore. It will be impossible to keep up with so and so because she is killing it!”

Competition is a GOOD thing!! Why??

  • It shows that there are are already people interested in learning in that market space.
  • It is a creativity booster (you get to come up with new ways to be different and stand out)
  • There are already people who are looking to learn and pay for your area of expertise

By creatively utilizing your unique God-given genius, you will find your place in that virtual market.

The only requirement is for you to look at the situation from an entirely DIFFERENT PERSPECTIVE and create a road map that stands out from the rest. Do this and you will resonate with your ideal clients on a new and wonderful frequency!

Most importantly, NEVER underestimate the impact and the power you have. THAT is how I got from destination A to B.

There it is. The three main myths debunked!

You can now create your powerful, profitable, and impactful online business. It is time to step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur you are meant to be and create your desired online course so you can serve those who you are meant to serve and make impact and income so that you can finally leave that 9-5 that is draining you!

Don’t forget to connect with other 9-5 Faith Filled woman who know they have a bigger purpose than the career that is draining them in the free FB Community The Abundant Christianpreneur


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A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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