Reclaim Your Power Over Money

As long as you’re giving away your power to what you think money is doing. 

And say that it has power over you and you choose how to feel or how not to feel or who you say you are or not, because you’re giving away your power to this thing called money, you’re going to remain a slave to it. 

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Our decision to believe that money has power over us makes us powerless. It makes us powerless in our lives, because these things that we say money gives us like freedom, happiness, peace, certainty, safety, or security or status, are things that are truly important to us. 

As long as you’re giving away your power to what you think money is doing. And say that it has power over you and you choose how to feel or how not to feel or who you say you are or not, because you’re giving away your power to this thing called money, you’re going to remain a slave to it. 

Key Takeaways To Tune In For

      • [0:00] Abundant Money Mindset
      • [4:35] You have to stop giving away your power to money
      • [5:28] Join the Abundant Christianpreneur private community
      • [6:09] Let’s start our walk through of our questions
      • [9:35] The paradox of money
      • [10:44] When you give away your power to money, it has power over you!
      • [14:00] What would be present in your life if you could just let go of all these stories about what money gives you?
      • [17:01] Win a private coaching call with me!

Resources Mentioned:

The Abundant Christianpreneur™ FB Group:

Hey did you hear? November and December are all about the abundant money mindset!

You want to build a successful business (network marketing – coaching, ect) but you can’t do that with an unsuccessful relationship with money

Inside of our free FB group every day I will be dropping a video or recording you can listen to the group to help with your money mindset and work through your money story

These are bonus podcast episodes you will only get to catch inside the free FB The Abundant Christianpreneur fb group save in the units tab!  

30 Days to an Abundant Money Mindset 

Because the Abundant Christianpreneur is that faith-filled Christian women who is abundant in Spiritual Health, Mind and Body Health – we are multi-dimensional beings and those are the 3 most important dimensions.  We need to be healthy in all 3 areas spiritual, mind and body so that we can build a successful biz that makes impact and income while following the prompting from the h.s. and not sacrificing our health and family to do so. 

You want to build a successful business (network marketing – coaching, etc) but you can’t do that with an unsuccessful relationship with money. How you bridge that gap to make your financial goals reality…starts with your money mindset – your money story and beliefs

Our money mindset forms our thoughts around money, our thoughts determine our emotions about money, our emotions drive our actions with money. And if you have never thought about your money story at all before, you probably haven’t paid that much attention to those things

What I know, is that it’s so FREEING when you’re able to understand your money story, where it came from and then ask yourself – is that belief or story SERVING you – most of the time it isn’t. Once you understand your money story, it’s easier to shift your limiting beliefs and create a story that empowers you.  

Creating a shift in your money belief pattern not only glorifies God in the process, but you are creating a huge impact on the world!  You want to make impact and income and income = impact. We NEED to make money because wealth needs to be in the hands of those who follow Jesus — who use money as a means to impact. 


Join us in The Abundant Christianpreneur™ FB Group:

Follow me on Instagram: @kristindronchi



Grab my FREE 10 Day Prayer Journal:

Do you want more focus and clarity throughout the day while creating daily habits to help you find your purpose and direction?  Yes?!?   Then you are at the right place…grab this prayer journal today!

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Full Episode Transcription:

Hey, did you hear November and December are all about The Abundant Money Mindset. You want to build a successful business, whether it’s your group coaching, online program membership, or network marketing company. But you can’t do that with a unsuccessful relationship with money inside our free Facebook group, The Abundant Christianpreneur, every day, I will be dropping a video or recording that you can listen to in the group to help with your money mindset and work through your money story. These are bonus podcast episodes, you will only get to catch inside the free Facebook group, The Abundant Christianpreneur, I’ll link that group in the show notes as well.

The Abundant Christianpreneur is that faith filled Christian woman who is abundant in spiritual health, mind and body health. We are multi dimensional human beings. And those are the three most important dimensions, we need to be healthy in all three areas so that we can build a successful business that makes that impact and income are craving to make while following the prompting from the Holy Spirit and not sacrificing our Health and Family to do so how do you bridge that gap to make your financial goals a reality for 2021 starts with your money mindset.

And if you’ve never thought about your money story at all before, you probably haven’t paid that much attention to those things. But what I do know is that it is so freeing when you are able to understand your money story, where it came from. And then ask yourself if that belief in story is serving you. And once you understand your money story, it’s easier to shift those limiting beliefs and create a story that empowers you creating a shift in that money, belief and pattern that only glorifies God in the process.

But you’re creating a huge impact on the world. And I know we all want to do that we want to make impact and income. And with income comes impact. We need an abundant amount of faith build women with an abundant amount of money mindset and well, that we’ll use that to make an impact in this world. So head on over to the Facebook group and join us for the 30 days to an abundant money mindset.

Do you know you have a bigger purpose than that nine to five? Yes, yes, you do. Welcome to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll.Right now you are joined by other faith filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset, and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences, or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love.

My goal is to inspire you to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO. And create that powerful, profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart. This is your show to learn from me and other Christian printers, tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact and have the financial and time freedom to do what you want. When you want thing, crank up that volume. And let’s do this.  

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. Today we’re going to talk about the power and paradox of money. What I know and what I have found is that I was giving away my power to money. And I’m pretty sure you out there listening, have done and are doing the same thing because it’s kind of like a little shift that needs to take place. And when I heard what I’m going to walk through with you today, when I walked through it myself, it was one of those aha moments gut punch, like oh my goodness, I did not realize I was doing that.

Because my friend you are powerful, and you have to stop giving your power away to money. Alright, so in a moment, I’m going to ask you a series of questions. And if you’re driving, definitely don’t pause and write the answers down. Just come back and do this at a different time. But it’s real

Going to be more powerful. And you’re going to have more of a transformation. If you can sit down and actually do this from start to finish, and be present to whatever comes up for you. So if you’re listening to this on your commute or driving, pause, make a mental note to come back and do this again. Because it’s just gonna be more powerful if you can listen to this, the first time in its entirety, and do this in one sitting, okay.

If you have not yet joined The Abundant Christianpreneur, private community, which coincides to this podcast, make sure you do that. Join other women who are just full of faith that are super excited to step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur and create and grow and scale their online business, whether it’s something that they’re creating from their God given genius zone, or they want to grow and scale their network marketing company.

All right, we know we’re emotional creatures, right? We’re driven by emotions. And we make a lot of decisions based on emotion as well, I want you to walk through these questions and walk through what we’re about to go through and just be present. So grab a piece of paper, and I want you to write down at the top more money gives me What? Now before you write down the answer, I want you to write each answer that comes to mind on a separate line of your paper, okay?

More money gives me what, or it gives you more of what. So it may be a feeling or a sense of feeling an emotional state, like money gives me security or peace or freedom or power, or success or something to that nature, right? Whatever word that comes up for you are multiple words, things are going to come up. So I want you to write each of those on an individual unique line of this paper. And if it takes more pieces of paper, so be it pause and take some time to do that. Another way to look at this is if you had all the money that you wanted right now in your bank account, what would your life look like if you had all the money?

Or if I gave you a million dollars, I just deposit it in your bank account? What would you have now that you didn’t have before. And what I want you to do is write all those things that immediately come to mind. Just keep jotting them down like well, I would have a new car. And this is an important part of this second part, if you wrote down something that’s a physical object, like a car, or something that money can buy that I’m going to also ask you to ask yourself, Well, what would that thing give you? 

So for an example, if you had an extra million dollars in your bank, what would you have that you don’t have right now? Well, a brand new Tesla Model S, if you wrote that down, then the question would be well, what would that Tesla Model S give you? What would that brand new car give you and it’s going to be different for everyone. So for some people, it’s convenient to get from point A to point B, for other people, it’s gonna be proof that they made it or a status symbol. So what does that thing that you could buy with this money that you have? Now? What would that give you? 

In the last part once you’ve gone through that, I want you to ask yourself, why you don’t have those things now and see what comes up for you. Okay, we’re not looking for right answers the perfect answer. I just want you to notice whatever comes up for you and write that down. So the question again, was, if you had all the money you want it, what would your life look like now? Or what would money give you? Now? What does money give you? In general, if you had a million dollars in the bank, what would you have that you don’t have now? And write those tangible things down 

So if you wrote down something that money can buy, then ask yourself, Well, what does that give you? And I want you to take your time and go through this and write down as many answers that come up for you. So pause it and do that right now. And then we’re going to move on to the second part. Okay. I hope you pause that. And he took some time to go through that I asked you what does money give you? Right? So make sure you went through that if you haven’t, this is my final warning. 

Because if you did not go through the exercise, you’re going to be robbing yourself of a transformation here. So that’s my final warning. definitely make sure you went through that first part. And now I’m going to introduce you to something that we call the paradox of money. Now, paradox is defined in the dictionary as a situation person or thing that combines contradictory features or qualities. So it’s kind of what we’re going to talk about in the rest of this episode today. And I know that you want to be successful in your business, you want more money, we all want more money, right? Because money and income equals impact.

It’s important to us to be financially free, it’s important to us to be able to make an impact in this world, and we want more income and more money. And you just went through an exercise that helped you discover and uncover your why, of what money gives you. But here’s the real problem, or the paradox, whatever you wrote down on that piece of paper, is what you said money gives you. And the moment you decide or declare, or wrote down what it is that you think money gives you, you gave away your power to money.

And when you give away your power to money, it has power over you. So notice what you wrote down. Some of you may have written down, that money gives you freedom, happiness, and peace. And if you’re really completely honest with yourself, does money really give you any of that? No, there are plenty of people with less money all over the world that have more freedom, more peace and more happiness. And there are plenty of people that are extremely wealthy, that don’t have peace, happiness, joy or freedom.

Money does not give you any of these. But our decision to believe that money has this type of power makes us powerless. It makes us powerless in our lives, because these things that we say money gives us like freedom, happiness, peace, certainty, safety, or security or status, are things that are truly important to us, right. But when we decide that is money that gives us those things, and it really doesn’t notice how much your life is driven by money. Notice how much of your mental and emotional state is determined by your bank account? Or how many sales you’ve made today? Or how many people joined your team today? Or Didn’t you become a slave to it, maybe what’s driving you to do and be and create every day.

But as long as you’re giving away your power to what you think money is doing. And say that it has power over you and you choose how to feel or how not to feel or who you say you are or not, because you’re giving away your power to this thing called money, you’re going to remain a slave to it. And that’s why I said it feels like a paradox. 

So here’s an opportunity just to take a look an assessment of your own life and ask yourself, Is there any truth to this in you in your life in your business? Do you feel that you see yourself being driven by money, your emotions, your feelings driven by money, that money has power over you that if you don’t make the sale you, you want it on your launch of your new group coaching program, or you don’t make your quota in your network marketing company, that month or that week, you start to feel like a failure. If you don’t have the money you’d like to have in the bank account, you start to feel an unsuccessful, that’s you giving away your power, your personal power to this thing we call money.

That’s why I’m here to say that in direct proportion to your ability to regain your power that you’ve been giving away to this thing called money is the degree to which you will experience abundance in your life, you, my friend are the creator of your life, you are connected to God the Creator, who is the God of abundance, who is the God of more than enough. So I want you to take a look at what you wrote down in the first part of this episode, when you said what money gives you. And this is what I want you to do. I want you to think into and ponder on this for a moment. But what is the consequence of holding on to these stories about what money gives you like if you said money gives you safety?

What is the consequence of holding on to this story, because we know that you can create money you can bring abundance into your life. But if you don’t have money, and you correlate money to safety, what is the consequence of that story? So pause and write down anything that comes up for you. And the next question I want you to think about is what would be present in your life if you could just let go have all these stories about what money gives you. 

In other words, all these things that are important to you, whether it’s security, safety, peace, status, or being successful, what if you didn’t need money or a certain amount of money in order to have or to be or to feel and experience those things because you don’t? What would be present in your life if you could just let go of those stories. You’re holding on to about what money gives you. And then here’s the last part of the assignment.

I want you to take a look at everything you wrote down the beginning of this episode. What money gives you money gives me success or status, whatever you came up with, and if you want to reclaim your power and let go of those stories one by one, you are going to out loud in front of a mirror say I let go of the story.

That money gives me blank, I let go of the story that money gives me security. And don’t move on until the to the next one, until it really feels true that you’ve let it go. When you really know in your heart of hearts that you let it go, and you can move on, and just rely on God to be your source, your source of abundance, your source of happiness, your source of security, and you may need to go through these a few times, it may get a little challenging. And notice if some of these get really challenging, just stay present to it. And let go. 

When you say that money is responsible for giving you something that you couldn’t have any other way unless you had money, you’re giving your power away to this thing called money. And when you give your power away to money, it has power over you. And indirect proportion to your ability to regain your power back is the degree to which you will experience abundance in your life. 

I hope this added value to you today. I hope that when you walk through this, you took time and was present with everything that came up for you. Because when I walked through this, it was really an eye opener, an eye opener that made me realize that I was giving away my power to this thing called money. I hope you have an amazing blessed day and see you on the next episode. 

That’s it for today. Friends, it’s your time to step into the role of the Abundant Christianpreneur, and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from. I want you to know this. Feel this. And most importantly, be this. Never underestimate the impact and power you have. 

And hey, real quick before you go. Do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. And take me at @kristindronchi using the hashtag, #theabundantchristianpreneur. And if you feel extra daring share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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