#1 Mistake Online Biz Owners Are Making

What most online entrepreneurs and business owners are not doing or forgetting to do, is that they are forgetting to speak to that transformation that their ideal customer wants.

People buy results not products.

Your Ideal Customer isn’t laying in bed dreaming about that product, program or course you have to offer, what is keeping them up at night is their PROBLEM!

People are looking for a solution to their problem, they aren’t looking for what product or service to buy next.

If you aren’t speaking directly to the problem your ideal customer has and HOW you can solve that problem – using THEIR words, you are missing out on sales.


Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Get your free Info-graphic: 9 Questions to Ask to Make Your Product/Service Irresistible to your Ideal Customer!

Hey did you hear? November and December are all about the abundant money mindset!

You want to build a successful business (network marketing – coaching, etc) but you can’t do that with an unsuccessful relationship with money

These are bonus podcast episodes you will only get to catch inside the free FB group The Abundant Christianpreneur saved in the units tab!  

30 Days to an Abundant Money Mindset 

Because the Abundant Christianpreneur is that faith-filled Christian women who is abundant in Spiritual Health, Mind and Body Health – we are multidimensional beings and those are the 3 most important dimensions.  We need to be healthy in all 3 areas: spiritual, mind and body so that we can build a successful biz that makes an impact and income while following the prompting from the h.s. and not sacrificing our health and family to do so. 

Creating a shift in your money belief pattern not only glorifies God in the process, but you are creating a huge impact on the world!  You want to make an impact and income and income = impact. We NEED to make money because wealth needs to be in the hands of those who follow Jesus — who use money as a means to impact. 

Thank you!! ~ xo Kristin

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Grab my FREE 10 Day Prayer Journal: https://kristindronchi.com/prayerjournal

Do you want more focus & clarity throughout the day while creating daily habits to help you find your purpose & direction?  Yes?!?   Then you are at the right place…grab this prayer journal today!

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Full Episode Transcription:

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur™podcast.

I am your host, Kristin Dronchi

It’s quick tip Thursday. These quick tip episodes are where you will learn a quick tip or strategy that will help you transition from that nine to five employee mindset to the Christian CEO, and stepped into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur to create and grow that powerful, profitable and impactful online business or network marketing business so that you can make that impact you’re craving to make help the people that you are called to serve, increase your income.

And finally, leave that nine to five that is draining you.

Hey, did you hear November, and December are all about the abundant money mindset. You want to build a successful business, whether it’s your group coaching, online program, membership, or network marketing company, but you can’t do that with a unsuccessful relationship with money inside our free Facebook group, The Abundant Christianpreneur, every day, I will be dropping a video or recording that you can listen to in the group to help with your money mindset and work through your money story.

These are bonus podcast episodes, you will only get to catch inside the free Facebook group, The Abundant Christianpreneur I’ll link that group in the show notes as well.

The Abundant Christianpreneur is that faith filled Christian woman who is abundant in spiritual health, mind and body health. We are multi dimensional human beings. And those are the three most important dimensions, we need to be healthy in all three areas. So that we can build a successful business that makes that impact and income are craving to make while following the prompting from the Holy Spirit and not sacrificing our Health and Family to do so how you bridge that gap to make your financial goals or reality for 2021 starts with your money mindset. And if you’ve never thought about your money story at all before, you probably haven’t paid that much attention to those things. But what I do know is that it is so freeing when you are able to understand your money story, where it came from. And then ask yourself if that belief is story is serving you. And once you understand your money story, it’s easier to shift those limiting beliefs and create a story that empowers you create an a shift in that money, belief and pattern that only glorifies God in the process. But you’re creating a huge impact on the world. And I know we all want to do that we want to make impact and income. And with income comes impact. We need an abundant amount of faith filled women with an abundant amount of money mindset. And well, that will use that to make an impact in this world. So head on over to the Facebook group and join us for the 30 days to an abundant money mindset.

Today, I want to talk to you about the number one mistake or misconception even I see a lot of online business owners making when it comes to selling their product or their service. A lot of online entrepreneurs that own a business, whether it’s a business that they’ve created, and they’re offering a group coaching program, a membership or service, or you’re in a network marketing company, and you’re trying to grow and scale your online business utilizing the products your company has to offer.

The number one mistake I see is they’re trying to push their product. They’re trying to sell their course or their program to their ideal client on line. And you’re probably thinking, Well, wait a second, Kristen, aren’t we in this business to make income? Aren’t we an entrepreneur to make sales and make income and change people’s lives? Well, yes, but no one wants your course.

No one wants your product. And I know that may be a hard pill to swallow. But the person that you are called to serve your ideal client, your ideal customer, they don’t lay in bed wanting or dreaming about your online course your membership or your product that you have to offer. What is keeping them up at night is the problem that they have. And they are looking for a solution to that problem. So when you are communicating to people online, you’re posting your content, whatever that looks like, whatever your content is, it should be talking to the specific problem your person has and providing a transformation. So if I had a pill in one hand that you could take that would magically give you $10 million dollars a year. Yes, we have to suspend disbelief for a second here that I actually have this pill and it would actually do that and there’d be no side effects, right.

So if I had this pill you could take that would magically Give you a $10 million a year business. And in the other hand, I had an online course that was priced the same, what would you choose? What would you take? Well, the pill, of course, you would actually purchase the pill because you’re actually buying the transformation. And the result, you’re not buying the pill, or the course, you’re buying the transformation. And let me repeat that, again, no one wants your course or your product, your person your call to serve is buying the transformation and the result they want the transformation and what it will do for them. And if you aren’t directly speaking to that specific transformation, you’re leaving massive amounts of sales on the table and denying your customers the help that they actually need.

And what I see most entrepreneurs forgetting is they’re not speaking to that specific transformation. Instead, they’re posting about their product, they’re posting a before and after picture about a product, they’re posting information about their course, what people want to know is what it will do for them not that you have a course or that you have a product or you have a membership, they want to know what transformation you can give them to solve the specific problem they have. So my question for you is, are you spending more time talking about your business about your course about your program, or about your product instead of your prospects transformation, and if you are, that’s okay, here’s your chance to turn around the words that you are using. When you’re creating content and posting on social media, you can start clarifying the transformation and solution, your product, your service, your course, can provide an offer your ideal client. Now, I will say that if you do not know who your specific ideal client is, who you are targeting, who you want to serve, and help with your online business, no matter what business you have a group coaching program membership or a course or you have products through your network marketing company, you still need to niche down and talk specifically to one person, who are you serving, there is so much noise on social media.

And if you are not speaking directly to the pain points directly to the desires and directly to the problem that your specific person has, you’re not speaking to anyone, when you try to speak to everyone, you’re speaking to no one. And you will get a lot further when you niche down, no matter what industry you are in and get specific on who you are wanting to serve. And most of the time, our ideal client is us a few months ago, a few years ago.

So take a look at you and see where you were, before you got the transformation you have. Now I’m going to give you a few questions you can ask yourself and start doing some market research on figuring out how to clarify your message. So you can speak to the transformation of the person you want to help and serve one. What is the specific problem or struggle that your ideal customer is experiencing right now? How are they describing it? in their own words? That is super important? Not how you would describe it, not words that you would use? How are they describing it in their own words. And you can go into Facebook groups where your ideal client is hanging out. And you can ask questions to get those answers. add value, but also ask questions. So for example, maybe your ideal client is struggling with weight gain. Well, what are the words they’re using? How is it making them feel? How are they describing that in their own words? Just saying, I want to help people that want to lose weight? Well, how much weight and who? Right? You need to be specific in what circumstances are they currently facing in their life? What do they have that they don’t want? What do they don’t have that they do want? And then what thoughts do they say to themselves exactly? How are they feeling? What are they telling themselves? Then the next question would be, why haven’t they been able to solve this problem already. And once you get that information, you’re going to be able to write content and speak directly to your ideal clients pain points, and then come alongside of them. And provide a solution to their problem. Then after you have that, you’re also going to want to ask how they’re going to feel once they get that transformation. And once again, you need to be clear, specific and tangible.

How do they feel now? What are they saying to themselves? Now, another important question, because you can use this in writing content is what is the consequence of not solving this problem? If they stay where they are at right now? What’s that consequence? What is it going to cost them in a year, a few years down the road? If they don’t solve this problem? What is it going to cost the ones that they love in a month or a year if they don’t solve this problem?

And then the last question, how to solving this problem positively affect all other areas of their life. So these are the questions you need to get really specific on and do market research in order to grab the words that your ideal client is using. So when you are providing value on social media, you’re writing your posts and you’re writing your content, you can speak directly to that struggle, that pain point that your ideal customer has an offer a transformation offer a solution. I know I went through those questions pretty fast. So I created a infographic for you that kind of breaks down what we walk through and how to make your product irresistible. Because remember, your target customer is not lying in bed, not able to sleep, thinking about the product or program or online course you have to offer. What is keeping them up at night is their problem and they’re looking for the solution.

So you can get the link to that infographic in the show notes. And I hope this added value to you today. Be blessed and have an amazing rest of your day. That’s it for today. Friends, it’s your time to step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur. And put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from. I want you to know this. Feel this, and most importantly, be this. Never underestimate the impact and power you have. And hey, real quick before you go, do you want to win a free private coaching call with me?

Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. and tag me @kristindronchi using the hashtag, #TheAbundantChristianpreneur. And if you feel extra daring share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.


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A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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