The World Needs Your Special Gift!

You have a unique special gift the world needs. 

If you don’t do anything to bring that dream and idea to life, you are stealing from those who need you most.

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

You were born with an amazing power to create change that spoke the world into existence. You have that power inside of you, your words, your ideas, and your thoughts matter.

When you have an idea and even the tiniest little glimmer of a dream inside your heart that you want to bring to life to make an impact in this world for yourself and others, you have a unique special gift the world needs. 

And if you don’t do anything to bring that dream and idea to life, you are stealing from those who need you most. By holding back and playing small, you are robbing the person that you are meant to serve of the goodness and joy in everything that they can learn from you.

Key Takeaways To Tune In For

      • [2:19] One of the biggest obstacles that hold us back in creating your online business
      • [3:45] It takes just that right person saying it in their unique voice at the right time for someone to understand
      • [4:30] It doesn’t matter how many versions are out there of the same thing!
      • [6:08] Your ideas matter
      • [8:15] The world needs that special gift that only you have
      • [10:26] If you haven’t done your version yet, it has not been done before
      • [13:20] You still have time to take that step of faith & live out your God-given destiny
      • [14:35] Reach out to me!
      • [15:30] Action items for you to do
      • [19:30] Win a private coaching call with me!


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Full Episode Transcription:

The world needs your special gift.

Do you know you have a bigger purpose than that nine to five? Yes. Yes, you do. Welcome to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. I am a wife, and mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll. Right now you are joined by other faith-filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset, and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love.

My goal is to inspire you to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO. And create that powerful, profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart. This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs, tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact, and have the financial and time freedom to do what you want. When you want, then crank up that volume. And let’s do this.

Do you know when you tell your kids something and you repeat it over and over again until you’re blue in the face? And they still don’t comprehend or understand until their aunt comes along? Or their teacher comes along? And says the same thing in a different way? And then they’re like, Oh, yeah, hey, guess what? So and So said this, and it clicks right in your thinking, child?

I have already told you this. Why weren’t you listening. And relating that to the point that I’m trying to make here is that one of the biggest obstacles to creating your powerful, profitable and impactful online business, doing what you love by extracting your experiences, what you love to do your gifts, your talents, your abilities, and creating something from that teaching others so they can learn from your life experiences.

One of the biggest obstacles that hold us back is that you incorrectly assume that it’s all been done before, you don’t believe you have anything original or valuable or worthwhile to contribute. You don’t feel special or talented enough to add your voice to the mix of those who are already out there doing that.

And I want to set the record straight no matter how many times you think an idea, a creation, a online business, a course a program has been shared in the world. Sometimes it takes just that one person expressing it and their own unique voice at the right time in the right place. For it to actually make a difference to that one person, that person that you are called to serve. 

Just like the examples I gave you at the beginning of this episode. Sometimes it takes just that right person saying it in their unique voice at the right time for someone to understand.
It doesn’t matter how many people have gone before you, it doesn’t matter how many different versions of the same thing you think already exists.

For example, let’s say you love to manage your time. You’re amazing at time management, and everyone keeps asking you, how do you get so much done? How do you time block what needs to get done? How do you prioritize? How do you be a mom? How do you be a wife? How do you work at a nine to five and how are you creating and doing the side hustle at the same time? And you’re like, Ah, it’s easy. You know, you just have to do this, this and this.

No matter how many people are already out there teaching time management skills to entrepreneurs or busy moms are busy career women. It doesn’t matter how many versions are out there of that same thing. It hasn’t been done by you. And there’s over 7 billion people here on this planet and counting. There are more than enough humans with a diverse set of knees perspectives, problems, preferences, desires and tastes.

Yes, there’s other faith filled Christian women out there teaching the same thing. I am helping other nine to five women who are at a job that drains them to create their online course their online business, but not everyone’s going to resonate with so and so not everyone’s going to resonate with me. So we always need different perspectives, and you have a unique special gift The world needs, there is always room for you.

And you are here for a reason. Every person matters. And every individual has a role to play. God did not make extra people just for the fun of it, right? He didn’t sprinkle some extra fairy dust and Dean Graziosi, or Amy Porterfield or me, he didn’t sprinkle some extra magic fairy dust in us. No, everyone has a unique blend of talents, strengths, perspective and gifts.

And remember, you, my friend, are a one time mega event in the universe, you were born with an amazing power to create change that spoke the world into existence, right, you have that same power inside of you, your words, your ideas, your thoughts matter, when you have an idea, the tiniest little glimmer of a dream inside your heart that you want to bring to life to make an impact in this world for yourself and others.

And if you don’t do anything about it, to bring that dream and idea to life, you are stealing from those who need you most. That’s right, I said stealing. There are countless number of people out there who need the gifts that you have, they need you to show up and be you. They want to learn from your experiences, your knowledge or expertise.

If you don’t take that step of faith, and bring that dream to life, one, you’re going to look back and still be at that nine to five that is sucking the life out of you, you’re going to look back and wonder what if more importantly, the world is going to have lost something truly irreplaceable.

That is you your unique voice. By holding back and playing small, you are robbing the person that you are meant to serve of the goodness and joy in everything that they can learn from you. Think about all the things that have brought you joy over your lifetime. Whether it’s a song that made you crank up the radio while you’re driving, or a movie that made you laugh or cry.

How about an artist or an athlete who inspired you because they reached for more, think about every invention that has made your life easier, or every restaurant that served an amazing dish that you absolutely loved. Imagine if all of those beautiful people never followed the call of their heart. If they never follow the call in their soul, if they never took a step to achieve their dreams, the world would have missed out on their special gift. And the world needs that special gift that only you have. It’s true.

I know deep down you know that. I know that ever since you were little, you have had that sparkle inside that sense that there’s something special inside of you something distinct, an extra ordinary that you and only you came here to create, and express. We all have that God created each and every one of us unique and with a special, amazing purpose.

That dream, that fire that we have inside to do something amazing, is put there because he put it there. And he’s already given you everything that you need to bring that dream to life, your success is inevitable. You just have to take that step of faith. And I know I hear this all the time.

But Kristin, I really have nothing unique or special to offer. Or it’s all been done before. so and so’s already doing this and Amy Porterfield already teaching people how to create online courses and so and so’s already teaching a mom how to homeschool their kids. Now imagine if your favorite coffee shop or your favorite clothing store. Now imagine if the person who created that coffee shop or that clothing store had that same limiting thought that you’re having. Imagine them throwing up their hands in the air. And before they even started that coffee shop that you love to go to and get your latte or espresso.

What if they said oh, why even bother?   Everyone’s already beat me to it. This world already has enough caffeine, I don’t need to create my business that would stink, right? That place that you love to go to wouldn’t exist if they had that same limiting thought and that same limiting belief. And yes, there are a million books out there and songs and plays and businesses, and coffee shops and knitting clubs.

But if you haven’t done your version, yet, it has not all been done before. Because it hasn’t yet been expressed. By the once in a lifetime miracle that is in you. There was a story I read, there was a former nurse who spent years working and caring for hundreds of patients during the last week of their lives.

The level of frustration among some of her patients inspired her to write a book, and the book is called the top five regrets of the dying, there’s a specific regret that I’d like to focus on from that book, the biggest, most common regret of them all was I wish I’d had the courage to live a life true to myself, not the life, others expected of me, I hope you pause or rewind and listen to that again, because that’s kind of like a gut punch.

What this nurse discovered is at the time of their deaths, most people had not even honored half of their dreams, half of them. The point here isn’t to focus on other people’s mistakes. But the point is for you to avoid making your own. I don’t want you laying on your deathbed someday, wishing you would have had the courage to live out your true life to live out your true God, given potential and purpose here on this side of heaven.

What have you denied yourself the pleasure of exploring or expressing or doing because you don’t want to be judged or criticized? Listen, people are going to judge us anyway. They’re going to judge us for doing something they’re going to judge us for not doing something. So you might as well do something that sets your soul on fire. Right?

What are you still doing even though you can’t stand it? Because you’re terrified to attempt your dream that you have inside? How much of your life exists to gain the approval of your parents, your spouse, your family, your children, friends? Or more tragically, strangers on the internet, right? How many times do you hold back from posting something that inspires you, but you’re afraid of what people are going to say about it or comment on your post.

How much of your life exists to gain the approval of your employer, while you’re still at a job that drains you, you’re giving your employer the best of your day. And when you come home, your family gets what left, what’s leftover. The fact that you’re listening right now indicates you have one big advantage. You’re still here, you’re still here on this earth, which means you still have time to take that step of faith and live out your God given destiny here, on this side of heaven.

You have the power within you, you already have everything inside of you to answer the call of your soul to answer that dream that God has placed on your heart. So please don’t steal your gifts from the world. your ideal client, that person you are meant to serve, needs you. It needs your boldest, bravest, most honest, and loving expressions and personality. If you haven’t noticed, the human race is actually craving change. You can feel it in the air, in our schools, in our homes, our businesses, and throughout every facet of society.

People are waiting for someone to stand up and show them the way stand up and solve a problem that they have stand up so they can learn from them. And I believe that you are that person. You have an amazing gift, a life experience, something someone can learn from. And if you’re thinking right now, no, I don’t, Kristin, I feel I do deep down inside, but I just can’t clarify that.

Reach out to me to schedule a free 30-minute clarity call so I can help you extract your God-given genius zone. And we can start putting a plan together to help you get more clarity by taking action. And I want you to promise yourself from this moment forward. You won’t waste another minute of another day saying I don’t know how to do that. Or I don’t know if I have what it takes to become that because you do my friend you do.

You have everything inside of you that you need. You just need to take a step of faith and do it and lock arms with someone that’s going to help you lovingly hold you accountable. But also lock arms with someone that is already where you want to be, and going to where you want to go. Okay to wrap this all up, there are four action items I want you to do.

If you’re driving, definitely come back at a later time and walk through them. action item number one, I want you to answer this question, what holds you back from going towards your biggest dream or aspiration? What is holding you back? What is holding you back from taking that step of faith and extracting your God-given genius own and creating that amazing business course mentorship, whatever it is, so you can serve who you are meant to serve, and eventually be able to leave that nine to five, what is holding you back? Ask yourself, if what worries you now will still worry you and 2040 or 60 years.

So whatever it is that’s holding you back, what you’re worried about what you’re in fear over? After you write that down? Ask yourself Is that something that is going to matter to me in 2040 or 60 years? Will that worry or that fear still matter? action item number two, imagine death is imminent. We know it is right. It’s going to happen, we’re going to leave this world and pass on to heaven someday. So finished the following sentence, at least 20 times or more if needed. Don’t overthink it. Just keep writing. finish the sentence I wish I had and do that at least 20 times.

Number three, if you believed to your very core that your success is inevitable. What would you do now? What would you create? How would you take that step of faith? Who would you become if you truly believed your success is inevitable. And then the last thing I want you to do is write a letter from your future self. So grab a piece of paper, turn off fire notifications on your phone, all that stuff. And write a letter from your future self, to your current self, your future self, to your current self, your name. I would love you to know that. And then I’d love you to let go of I’d love you to start, I’d love you to remember.

So you’re writing a letter from your future self to your current self. Dear Kristin, I would love you to know that time is short. And you don’t have to worry about what other people think about you. Dear Kristen, I would love you to let go of that fear that is holding you back. Dear Kristen, I would love for you to start your amazing, powerful online business. So you can take that step of faith and step into who God is calling you to be there, Kristen, I would love you to remember that you have an amazing special gift to offer this world.

Spend some time and get quiet and just walk through those questions and write down whatever comes to your heart. Thank you friends. I hope this resonated with you today. And don’t forget, if this added any value to your life whatsoever, please share but head on over to iTunes and rate and leave a review. This helps us bring more special guests on the show and get it in front of more women who need to hear this message. Thank you and have an amazing blessed day.

That’s it for today. Friends, it’s your time to step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from I want you to know this. Feel this and most importantly, be this. Never underestimate the impact and power you have.

And hey, real quick before you go. Do you want to win a free private coaching call with me. Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. And take me at @kristindronchi using the hashtag #theabundantchristianpreneur and if you feel extra daring share one of your biggest takeaways. That is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing.

And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. This not only helps smead bring you more expert guests to learn from, but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.


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