4 Steps to Reprogram Your Mind For Success!

The best strategies won’t work if your mindset is in the gutter.

We have to have both a great strategy, great tools, and an unrelenting positive mindset in order to be an Abundant Christianpreneur.

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

You can have the best strategies in the world. You can have the best tools and strategies and how to get more traffic, get more views, get more sales, but it’s not going to matter if you don’t have the right mindset. The best strategies won’t work if your mindset is in the gutter. We have to have both a great strategy, great tools, and an unrelenting positive mindset.

In this episode, I’m going to walk you through key mindset things we need to do, but also take you along on the journey that I recently went through. And sharing lessons that I’ve learned and things that you can apply as well. 

Key Takeaways To Tune In For

      • [2:01] Free Masterclass that’s going to walk you through how to start creating your online business utilizing your expertise while still at a 9-5
      • [3:48] You can have the best strategies, best tools, etc but it’s not going to matter if you don’t have the right mindset
      • [5:50] Key mindset things we need to do and walking you through my journey
      • [7:17] Your beliefs create your destiny
      • [9:30] My recent 5-day Idea to Income and Impact Bootcamp mindset experience
      • [13:58] Two different mindset lead down to two different path
      • [16:45] Recognize the limiting beliefs that hold us back
      • [17:05] Write down that negative thought that doesn’t serve you!
      • [19:10] Flipping the script
      • [20:39] Reprogram your brain
      • [22:44] Win a private coaching call with me!

Resources Mentioned:

Grab your seat in the FREE MASTERCLASS that will be starting October 21 here!

Episode 5: https://kristindronchi.com/05/

Episode 6: https://kristindronchi.com/06/

I’ll be having a free masterclass starting October 21. It is a free class that’s going to walk you through how to start creating your online business utilizing your expertise while still at a nine to five.

My goal is to help you that nine to five faith-filled Christian career woman who’s at a nine to five that is draining you and you know you have a bigger purpose to make an impact and do what you love serving who you are meant to serve. Grab your seat in this free class that will be starting October 21. Go to kristindronchi.com/october. You’ll be able to pick your day and time.

If you’re ready to turn your years of experience and expertise or a hobby that you just absolutely love into a thriving online business that allows you to live life on your terms, doing what you love making that impact you crave. Well then head on over and grab your seat at kristindronchi.com/october.

You will learn how to launch an online course that stands out and sells utilizing your expertise and learn the exact steps on how to extract your God-given genius zone and bring your dream and your idea to life.

I’m super excited!

So go grab your spot in this free class to learn how to start creating your online business, utilizing your expertise while still at a nine to five. 


Join us in The Abundant Christianpreneur™ FB Group: https://tinyurl.com/y6o8t4tc

Follow me on Instagram: @kristindronchi


Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/theabundantchristianpreneur

Grab my FREE 10 Day Prayer Journal: https://kristindronchi.com/prayerjournal

Do you want more focus and clarity throughout the day while creating daily habits to help you find your purpose and direction?  Yes?!?   Then you are at the right place…grab this prayer journal today!

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Full Episode Transcription:

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host Kristin Dronchi. If you are new to the show, welcome! I am so excited you are here. And if you are a returning listener, welcome back. I am so excited you are here as well.

Today’s five-star review comes from Miss Melissa three. She writes eager for more. Can’t wait to hear more such a great concept. Thank you so much, Miss Melissa three. I appreciate that.

Do you know you have a bigger purpose than that? nine to five? Yes, yes, you do. Welcome to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll.

Right now you are joined by other faith-filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset, and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love.

My goal is to inspire you to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO and create that powerful, profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs, tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact, and have the financial and time freedom to do what you want when you want then crank up that volume and let’s do this.

Before we dive into this week’s episode, I want to talk to you about a free masterclass I have starting October 21. It is a free class that’s going to walk you through how to start creating your online business utilizing your expertise while still at a nine to five.

My goal is to help you that nine to five faith-filled Christian career woman who’s at a nine to five that is draining you and you know you have a bigger purpose to make an impact and do what you love serving who you are meant to serve. Grab your seat in this free class that will be starting October 21. Go to kristindronchi.com/october. You’ll be able to pick your day and time.

If you’re ready to turn your years of experience and expertise or a hobby that you just absolutely love into a thriving online business that allows you to live life on your terms, doing what you love making that impact you crave. Well then head on over and grab your seat at kristindronchi.com/october.

You will learn how to launch an online course that stands out and sells utilizing your expertise and learn the exact steps on how to extract your God-given genius zone and bring your dream and your idea to life. I’m super excited. So go grab your spot in this free class to learn how to start creating your online business, utilizing your expertise while still at a nine to five. Alright, let’s dive into today’s episode.

This episode, we’re going to talk about mindset. I love mindset. Because you can have the best strategies in the world. You can have the best tools and strategies and how to get more traffic, get more views, get more sales, but it’s not going to matter if you don’t have the right mindset, strategy is important.

Yes, but it’s only half of the equation. The best strategies won’t work. If your mindset is in the gutter. It just won’t. Because we have to have both a great strategy, great tools, and an unrelenting, positive mindset.

This thing called mindset was kind of a new concept to me a few years ago, in my network marketing company, they used to say that this is a personal development program with a comp plan. And they were definitely right. Because they had all the tools they had all the strategies.

There’s a complete blueprint on how to leave your nine to five and create an online program. There are blueprints and strategies out there that you can follow right but a great strategy is nothing without the right mindset and transition into what I do on a daily basis, my personal relationships, my online business, everything starts with mindset.

And today I’m going to be open and vulnerable and transparent about a launch that I just went through the mindset that I had through that. And the mindset I had, after I closed the cart, to the Abundant Christianpreneur Roadmap, a six-month business mentorship program, that I take nine to five faith-filled women through to help them get from A to B, where they are now stuck at that nine to five that is draining them to be creating that powerful, profitable and impactful online business, doing what they love.

So they can eventually leave that nine to five that is draining them. So I’m going to walk you through key mindset things we need to do, but also kind of take you along on the journey that I recently went through. Because if you remember from Episode One, where I mentioned that I am going to be taking you along on this journey with me.

And sharing lessons that I’ve learned and things that you can apply as well, I will kind of take a step back. And we’ll start at an overall big picture on understanding how our thoughts work, our mindset, I am not a scientist, I am not a doctor. But like I said, I love mindset.

And when I heard about neuroscience, I really started digging into it, I don’t know a whole lot. But when I do read about it, it clicks, it makes perfect sense. And neuroscience teaches us that we have a circumstance or a situation that happens, right, whatever that may be, that’s usually followed by a thought.

So we have something that happens. And then it’s followed by a thought. And that thought creates an emotion. And that emotion inside of us affects our energy right affects our heart. Whether it’s a positive emotion we have or a negative emotion, it affects our energy in our heart. And then our emotions eventually lead to a decision that we take or an action that we take, which results in a result.

And I’m a firm believer that your beliefs create your thoughts which lead to your emotions or your feelings. And those emotions or feelings lead to your actions, which lead to your results or your destiny. So basically, where you are right now in life is the sum of your results.

Which if you look at that equation and go all the way back to the beginning if you want to change your life if you want to change the results, you need to start at changing your beliefs.

And I believe episode five and six of The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I dive into that a little bit more. So if you want to head back to episodes five and six once you’re done with this one that will give you a lot more resources as well.

Let me give you a quick example before I dive right in, but we have a situation or circumstance that happened. So let’s say my newly teenage daughter just got her license and she wants to go to a friend’s house. Great. Text me when you get there. Half Hour, we don’t hear anything. don’t hear anything. Text her: Did you make it? Are you okay? We don’t hear anything.

We have a situation or circumstance that happened. We don’t hear anything that leads to a thought, Oh, no, she’s in the ditch, right. And then that thought leads to an emotion we start getting worried, we start having all these anxiety and worried feelings like oh my goodness, you know, she’s a new driver. So our thought led to those emotions of worry.

And then our brain starts going and we have this belief of oh my goodness, maybe she is in the ditch. And that belief that we have would lead to our decision or actions like now we’re gonna pick up the phone and call her or we’re gonna grab our keys and get in the car and go find her, right.

So that’s kind of an example of how a circumstance leads to our thoughts and our emotions, and then we take action or make a decision based on that. So let’s take this example and use the launch that I just went through. I recently did a five-day idea to income and impact boot camp, where at the end of that five-day boot camp.

I opened up The Abundant Christianpreneur Roadmap which is a six-month business mentorship for faith-filled women who want to go from A to B. A their current situation, they’re at a job that is draining them. B they’ve created their online powerful, profitable and impactful business, and they are serving who they are meant to serve, making income and impact so they can eventually leave that nine to five.

So I had this boot camp. I promoted it. I did Facebook ads. I was so excited, I had a great mindset through it because I learned in this mastermind that I’m a part of that I need to detach myself from the goal. Yes, I had a goal of opening up my program. And having a certain number of women join this program, I had this goal, but I learned to detach myself from the goal, detach myself from the outcome.

And if you don’t take away anything else from this episode, I want you to learn that you need to set a goal. But then you need to remove yourself and detach yourself from that goal. And what I mean by that is this too many times, we place a meaning on what happens in that outcome or that goal, we place meaning and what it means about us.

So if I didn’t reach the goal, years ago, I would have been like, I’m a failure. I just can’t do this. I don’t know what I’m doing. No one wants what I have to offer. But I’ve learned to detach myself from the goal because it doesn’t mean anything about me.

Remember, my identity is in Christ. And it doesn’t mean anything about you either. So you need to detach yourself from the goal and the outcome. And then take a look at it and go Hmm, what can I learn? What can I tweak to make it better.

So I have that five-day launch, I open up the carts to my online program, my group coaching program, and I hear crickets. Nothing happens. No one joined the program when the cart closed. Now I had a situation a circumstance that happened, no one joined the group coaching program instantly, I had a thought, because that situation that circumstance happened, I had a thought, now I’m going to take you down the negative path.

My thought was I suck. I don’t know what I’m doing. What am I thinking, I literally just embarrass myself these past five days, because no one wants what I have to offer. I don’t know enough, I don’t think I can do this, which leads to my emotions, my energy shrinks, the excitement shrinks.

I feel like a failure my heart sinks, which is going to lead to the belief if I repeat that long enough that I am not enough, I am a failure, I don’t have what it takes, which is going to lead to the decision of, I don’t think I’m going to do this again, I don’t think I’m going to go live in my group.

Again, I don’t think I’m going to launch again, which leads to the action of I don’t launch, I don’t do anything. And the result I get the business fails, this business that has been on my heart to make an impact, and other women will fail.

Now let’s start over again and go down the positive route. So we have a situation a circumstance, I have a five-day lunch, I opened up the cart to my group coaching program. No one buys my thought, Oh, that’s interesting information, no one bought, how can this help me next time?

What can I tweak to make it better, and I’m going to debrief the situation and go back and see Hmm, maybe my offer was off, maybe my messaging was off. And that more positive thought leads to a lighter emotion, I am more energized. And this will be the fuel for me to feel more uplifted, and have a future paced vision, a more positive emotion.

And then I have this belief of I can do it differently next time. Or I can do this differently next time after I tweak that. And then that leads to the decision of deciding to do it again, I’m going to go through my debrief of what happened, what went wrong, make changes.

I’m gonna reach out and get the support of others who have already gone through this so I can learn from their experiences, which leads to the action of I launch again, I do this again, which eventually is going to lead to the results of my business is going to be successful.

So you see two different mindsets lead down two different paths, we have a thought negative or positive, which leads to an emotion, negative emotion or a positive emotion, which is either going to increase your energy in your frequency or decrease it.

And then that’s going to lead to a belief that you have whether it’s a belief that empowers you, or a belief that hold you back and limits you either one of those beliefs are going to lead to a decision either a decision of I don’t think I can do this, or a decision to do something different, get the support of others and try again, which is going to lead to those actions of either doing it again or don’t doing it which is going to get you the result of being successful or failing.

So two different mindsets that we can have just from a situation or a circumstance that happened. So any circumstance or situation that happens in your life, you’re going to have a thought and you need to stop right there and ask yourself, does this thought empower me, or disempower me, is this thought leading to a positive emotion or a negative emotion?

Because after that, it’s going to start going through the belief that you have, which leads to a decision that you take an action that you get, and then a result that happens. So once you can start realizing the thoughts that you have, we really need to start reprogramming these thoughts, especially if they’re negative thoughts, or limiting beliefs that hold you back.

Now I like to say we flip the script on those thoughts. You just need to reprogram your brain or flip the script on those negative thoughts. And honestly, to be transparent with you a few years ago, going through this, what it probably crushed me, I started to master my mindset to take better control of my life, and my business, and the future that I want to create for myself.

So I can help other Christianpreneurs start doing the same, because like I said, a few years ago, this would have crushed me, I would have attached a meaning to that outcome, I would have attached a meaning to the goal. And that meaning I would have attached to it would have been Gosh, I don’t think I can do this, I don’t have what it takes, I’m definitely not good enough.

So it is super important that you reprogram your thoughts, flip the script and those negative thoughts, and turn off that negative self-talk that goes on within our minds, because it’s going to eventually lead to the results that you get in life, the results that you get in your business you’re trying to create.

So how do we do this? Kristin, I’m glad you asked, I’m going to give you four steps on how to flip the script and those negative thoughts. The first place is to recognize it, we have to recognize the thoughts in limiting beliefs that hold us back. We have to slow down and become aware of those thought patterns as they come up.

And as soon as we realize that we’re in a negative thought pattern, we need to quickly move to step two, which is record it or write it down. Yes. I said write down that negative thought that doesn’t serve you. And you’re probably thinking Kristin write it down. Doesn’t that reinforce it? No. Because the next step we’re going to take is to refute it.

Because we are harder on ourselves than we are other people. Once you write that negative limiting thought down or that negative limiting belief that’s holding you back down, I want you to refute it.

Imagine saying that limiting belief or that negative thought to the person you love the most? So who is that? Is it your daughter isn’t your husband? Is that your son is that your mom? Is your grandma? Imagine yourself saying that to them.

So for me my limiting belief in thought after the launch and opening the card of my program, and then closing it and no one joined was, oh my goodness, I don’t think I’m good enough to do this. So imagine myself saying that to my daughter that I love more than anything.

Imagine yourself saying, Oh my goodness, I don’t think you’re good enough to do this to your daughter, your son, your husband? Talk about gut punch, right? You would never say that to them. I mean, we tell our kids that they can do and be anything. But when it comes to us, we don’t think like that.

So we would never say that to them. And honestly, if they said it to us, if your husband or your daughter or your son said to you, Hey, Mom, I just don’t think you’re really good at that. I don’t think you should try that again. Or you’re just not good enough to do that. If they said that to us, we would be refuting it, right, we would think of a million reasons to prove them wrong.

So I want you to write those reasons down. Write the reasons down why you wouldn’t say your limiting thought or your limiting belief that holds you back to the person you love the most. And then if they said it to you what would be all those reasons that you would be saying to prove them wrong.

So write them down and refute that limiting negative thought and that limiting belief that holds you back. And then step four, is to rewire it or I like to say flip the script. So you have all the truth.

You just wrote those down in Step three, you have all of the truth of why that negative thought and that negative belief is not true. So you have all that you’re going to repeat them to yourself every day in every morning. And that is how you reprogram your brain and flip the script.

So let’s quickly go back through those steps again, and how you can reprogram your brain starting at your thoughts and beliefs one recognize recognize that fleeting thought, for example, I don’t know if I have enough value to bring this to people.

Second, record it write it down. Well, what did I just say? I don’t know if I have enough value to bring this to people. So I write that down. Third step. Refute it. Imagine the person who means the most to you imagine yourself saying it to them, Allie, I don’t think you have enough value to bring this to people. Oh, my goodness, I would never ever say that to her.

And if she said it to me, I would think of a million reasons why that wasn’t the case. Why would I say that to her because I know that she was created to do something amazing. I believe that my daughter can do and be anything that she wants.

So I’d be writing all of that down why that negative thought or belief wasn’t true. And then fourth step, rewire it start reprogramming your brain every morning and night with the new thoughts, whether it’s you writing an index card and keeping it by your bed, setting a reminder on your phone, whatever that takes to reprogram those limiting negative thoughts and creating empowering thoughts that serve you.

It’s all a learning process I could have had, and I believe I did have the best strategy and the best five-day idea to income and impact Bootcamp, showing people how to extract their God-given genius zone, and the first steps on creating their powerful, profitable and impactful online business.

So the strategy was there, it’s just that the people weren’t there. And that’s okay, because I get to do it again. And I get to tweak and make changes to make it better. So I hope this added value to you today. And thank you so much for being with me on this podcast. I am just having so much fun, and I can’t wait to do more things, learn more things, take more lessons and have more failures that lead to success.

So I can come alongside of you and help you create the success and impact that you are craving as well. Have an amazing blessed day.

If this podcast has been adding value to you, I would absolutely love it. If you would quick pause, head on over to iTunes, rate the show and leave a review. This not only helps spread the word of this podcast to other women who need to hear this message but also allows me to bring on more expert guests for you to learn from.

That’s it for today. Friends, it’s your time to step into the role of the Abundant Christianpreneur. And put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from you. I want you to know this. Feel this, and most importantly, be this. Never underestimate the impact and power you have.

And hey, real quick before you go. Do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. And take me @kristindronchi using the hashtag #theabundantchristianpreneur.

And if you feel extra daring share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show.

This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.


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A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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