Quick Tip Thursday: Your Identity & Differences IS The KEY To Your Success!

God gave you a unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, experiences and personality so unique that no one else on earth has that same recipe as you. So you can achieve your destiny, your purpose here on Earth.

All you need to do is just be yourself ,know who your identity is in Christ, and stop comparing your gifts, talents and abilities with others. 

Your difference is your unique recipe.

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Welcome to another Quick Tip Thursday Episode!

These quick tip episodes, are where you’re going to learn a tip or a strategy that will help you transition from that 9-5 employee mindset to the Christian CEO and Step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur™ to create & grow that Powerful Profitable and Impactful digital business God is calling you to create so that you can make that impact, help more people, increase your income and finally leave that 9-5 that is draining you.  It’s time to live the life God has designed you to live!

Let’s dive in…..

God gave you a unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, experiences and personality so unique that no one else on earth has that same recipe as you. So you can achieve your destiny, your purpose here on Earth.

All you need to do is just be yourself, know who your identity is in Christ, and stop comparing your gifts, talents, and abilities with others. 

Your difference is your unique recipe!

Key Takeaways To Tune In For

      • [2:27] 300 downloads giveaway mechanics
      • [3:18] Let’s talk about your identity
      • [4:18] What the enemy does with our identity
      • [5:49] God’s viewpoint about us must come first
      • [6:59] It’s important to know who you are and who your identity is in Christ!
      • [7:34] Only you can be you!
      • [8:45] You have your own special unique recipe
      • [9:55] God gave you your unique recipe to stand out and to be yourself so you can achieve your destiny and purpose here on Earth!
      • [11:36] Don’t let them shrink you down into a mold of who they think you’re supposed to be
      • [13:37] Win a private coaching call with me!

Resources Mentioned:

Join other 9-5 Christian Career Women who are ready to create their Powerful Profitable and Impactful Online Business that God is calling them to create! Hop on over to The Abundant Christianpreneur Facebook Group!

I am going to have a giveaway celebrating the 300 downloads! I am giving away a book from Priscilla Shirer. I am going to be giving away her book called Fervent.  This book was so instrumental to me and my family praying for my husband, my kids, and the plan for my business. So I am giving this away to a blessed listener. Yay!

Giveaway mechanics:

  1. Screenshot an episode, any episode that resonated with you.
  2. Tag me in your Instagram stories with that screenshot and an “Aha!” moment or just what you love about this podcast.
  3. Tag me @kristindronchi and use the hashtag #theabundantchristianpreneur.

And you will get entered into this giveaway. I am going to be running this through October 10th. You can have multiple entries, screenshot, share on your IG stories all you want.

I’m so excited for the blessed listener

Lastly – don’t forget to share this podcast!!  Let’s all do our part to empower Christian Career Women who know they have a bigger purpose than their 9-5, step into who God created them to be so they too can fulfill their God-given Destiny!

I would LOVE it if you would rate and leave a review on iTunes! This helps me bring more amazing guests on the show!  You can do that by clicking here!

Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast.

I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. And today is Quick Tip Thursday. These quick tip episodes are where you are going to learn a tip or a strategy that will help you transition from that nine to five employee mindset to the Christian CEO, and step into the role of the Abundant Christianpreneur to create and grow that powerful, profitable and impactful online business that God has placed in your heart to create so you can make that impact your craving to make serve and help more people, increase your income, and eventually leave that nine to five that is draining you.

Do you know you have a bigger purpose than that nine to five? Yes. Yes, you do.

Welcome to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll.

Right now you are joined by other faith-filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset, and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences, or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love. My goal is to inspire you to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO. And create that powerful, profitable, and impactful business that has been on your heart. This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs, tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact, and have the financial and time freedom to do what you want when you want. Then, crank up that volume. And let’s do this.

I am so excited that you’re here with me today. And before we get into the episode, I want to remind you that I am doing a special giveaway, we are celebrating 300 downloads. And as of this episode, I believe we’re over 400 downloads now. So thank you so much. So we are celebrating, all you need to do to get entered into the special giveaway is take a screenshot of an episode, any episode that resonated with you, and tag me in your Instagram stories with a screenshot and an aha moment of what you loved about that episode or what you loved about this podcast and tag me @kristindronchi using the hashtag #theabundantchristianpreneur. And that will get you entered into this giveaway. I’m going to be running it through October 10. So you can have multiple entries. So screenshot and share away on your Instagram stories.

Today, I want to talk about your identity and remembering who you are. Because we have an enemy. We have an enemy that is dead set and destroying all we hold dear. He does it strategically. He does it specifically. That enemy truly knows how powerful we really are. When we step into God’s will and God’s calling for our life.

He knows that our success is inevitable. I truly believe that your success, my success in anything we want to achieve in life, and stepping into the role of the Abundant Christianpreneur. So we can make an impact we can make income we can create and bring that idea to life and our profitable, powerful and impactful online business to make an impact in this world to change people’s lives.

He knows how powerful we are. And he’s dead set and destroying that he does not want you to know how powerful you really are. So what does the enemy do? He devalues our strength, he magnifies our insecurities. The enemy works hard to make sure you never realize what God has given you. The gifts, the talents, the abilities that you have. He’s going to make you doubt yourself. So you never step into who God created you to be. So you doubt the power that God put in you. And it all boils down to our identity.

Our identity is in Christ. We know that right? But the enemy wants you to suffer from a case of mistaken identity, he is working overtime to keep your identity who you are in Christ masked, to keep the truth from coming out that you are indeed alive and free and empowered by God’s own spirit to fight strategically and victoriously against him, the enemy. That pesky enemy would rather us be mourning and grieving and complaining over who we wish we were, instead of being thankful and relishing in who we really are, he tries to keep us crippled in self-doubt. And the truth is that God’s standards, God’s viewpoint about us must come first in our hearts, and in our minds if we want to be effective in the battle against the enemy.

Ephesians 2:10 says, we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand so that we could walk in them. He already prepared the plan for us, he has an amazing plan for our lives. He created us in the image of him. Another verse I absolutely love First Peter 2:9, you are a chosen race, a royal priesthood, a holy nation of people for God’s own possession, so that you may proclaim the excellence of Him who has called you out of darkness into His marvelous light. The first part is the part I like, a lot. You are a chosen race, oh, royal priesthood. My friend, you have royal blood flowing through your veins.

It’s important to know who you are, who your identity is in Christ. It’s just as important for you to be yourself, especially when you’re stepping into the world of entrepreneurship. Being yourself and knowing your identity and who it is in Christ is going to help you stand out from the competition. It’s also going to allow you to stop comparing yourself to others and what they’re doing. Because you know, your identity is in Christ. And you know, it’s important to be you.

And honestly, only you can be you. I know we struggle with our differences. And we struggle with comparison. But the person that you are here on this planet to serve and to help with your powerful online business, wants you wants your personality, wants your take on things in your viewpoint and wants you to help them. So you need to be you and be strong in your identity.

I think about chocolate chip cookies for a minute. There are multiple brands of chocolate chip cookies on the shelf at the grocery store, right? So if we just focus on two brands, Chips Ahoy, and Mrs. Fields, you’re not going to find a Chips Ahoy. Cookie, trying to be like a Mrs. Fields cookie Will you? No, and you most certainly won’t find the Mrs fields, trying to figure out what Chips Ahoy is doing with their cookie recipe either. Why? Because each one has their own unique recipe. And if one of them tried to become like the other, there would be no space on the shelf for them.

The same goes for you. You have your own special unique recipe. God gave you a unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, experiences and personality so unique that no one else on earth has that same recipe as you.

So you can’t stand out and be who God created you to be when you’re trying to be like someone else, or comparing yourself to others, other people and too many times we try to copy steal or figure out someone else’s recipe, because we’re looking at Oh, she’s doing that so well. I need to do it like her, or her Instagram story was on point or her live was amazing or she created that I need to do that.

Too many times we’re trying to figure out someone else’s recipe. Instead of owning and cultivating our own unique secret recipe God gave us you have your very own recipe for success. So in order for you to have a space and the shelf of your destiny, you need to own and embrace that unique recipe that is already in you.

God gave you your unique recipe to stand out and to be yourself. So you You can achieve your destiny, your purpose here on Earth, all you need to do is just be yourself. know who your identity is in Christ, and stop comparing your gifts, talents and abilities with others, you’re different, I’m different. And your difference is your unique recipe. It helps you stand out.

So cultivate that unique recipe that is already inside of you. There is plenty of room already in this space, in this entrepreneurship world for you, and the shelf of destiny. And the only way for you to find that space on the shelf is just to be you.

If you don’t embrace your different unique recipe and just be yourself, it’s going to be more difficult for you to get the success in life you longed for. And then the enemy is going to swoop in and remind you of everything you’re not remember, he’s dead set and destroying everything you hold dear. And that is your vision and your destiny as well. So you need to embrace who you are, embrace that unique recipe and know your identity and who you are in Christ.

Yes, it can be difficult to stand out, I understand it can be difficult, and painful to be vulnerable. It’s just plain hard sometimes to be who God called you to be. Sometimes people want you to tone it down, or you’re too loud for their likings or you’re too passionate about a certain topic. They want you to fit a specific mold and fit into their limited idea of who you’re supposed to be. Don’t let them Don’t let them shrink you down into a mold of who they think you’re supposed to be.

When you focus on your unique recipe and use the gifts God gave you. You’re going to be operating in your calling in your passion and amazing things will happen. And not everyone is going to embrace how you’re being different, your unique recipe.

But if you embrace who you really are, you will be who you are designed to be and do what you were designed to do in the people that you’re called to serve and help through that powerful, profitable, and impactful online business you’re called the Create will be attracted to you and your own unique recipe. And too often we think we need to compromise who we are in order to open the door to our destiny. But your difference. Your unique recipe is the key to opening the door of your destiny and success. And remember, only you can be you and only you with the help of your amazing creator can unlock the door to your destiny and success.

Thank you so much friends. I hope this quick tip Thursday episode resonated with you. And I would love it if you would head on over to iTunes, and rate the show and leave a review if you have not done so yet. Thank you Have a blessed day. And I’ll see you on the next episode. That’s it for today. Friends, it’s your time to step into the role of the abundant Christian, newer and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from. I want you to know this. Feel this. And most importantly, be this. Never underestimate the impact and power you have.

And hey, real quick before you go. Do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. And take me @kristindronchi using the hashtag, #theabundantchristianpreneur. And if you feel extra daring share one of your biggest takeaways. That is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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