3 Mindset Shifts You Need When You Pivot

Perfection is just an illusion. Nothing is perfect.

So stop trying to wait until something is perfect. If you are waiting to do something until the perfect timing, honestly, you are just procrastinating.

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

We have a choice. You have a choice and the most powerful thing you can do in your life is just to decide. For some of us, we wait for the perfect time, the perfect moment. And I want to tell you to forget perfection. Perfection is just an illusion. Nothing is perfect. So stop trying to wait until something is perfect. And if you think about it, if you are waiting to do something until the perfect timing, honestly, you are just procrastinating.

No judgment. I’ve definitely been there. You have an underlying false belief that needs to be looked at. If you want to pivot, forget perfection, it is just an illusion.

In an underlying false belief, no successful entrepreneur out there has created something incredible because it was the perfect timing. No one waited until it was perfect. Most of those great ideas and products came from struggle, internal struggle, and external struggle. businesses were built from struggles, from loss from depression, from pains, and from a craving to be more and wanting more successful online businesses were created from everything you might be feeling right now. But one thing it wasn’t built from was perfection. It was built from failure from fear. And the most important of them all, it was built because they decided to surrender to the purpose that was in their heart. 

Resources mentioned: www.ideatoincomeandimpact.com

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 In the Bootcamp you will learn how to:

  • Extract your God-Given Genius Zone (a.k.a Your Knowledge and Expertise)
  • Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online course
  • Get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have
  • Gain the confidence to step out in Faith and bring that dream to life

After the Bootcamp:  You will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences, and expertise and turn it into a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business and know exactly WHO it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact so you can eventually leave that 9-5.

Get on the waitlist today!! This 5-day Bootcamp starts on September 29th, 2020!  www.ideatoincomeandimpact.com

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Full Episode Transcription:

Becoming the Abundant Christianpreneur is the fastest way to quantum leap, your impact and income. So you can finally leave that nine to five that is sucking the life out of you. Join me for the five day idea to income and impact boot camp and learn the first steps to becoming the Abundant Christianpreneur and taking your idea to income and impact in the five day boot camp, you will learn how to extract your God given genius zone also known as your talents, your knowledge and expertise, how to turn that idea floating around in your head into a profitable, powerful and impactful online business, how to get paid for that knowledge and experience you already have, and gain the confidence to step out in faith and bring that dream to life.

At the end of the bootcamp, you will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences and expertise and create that powerful, profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart in order to make impact and income. So you can eventually leave that nine to five. The five day boot camp starts September 29 get on a waitlist today at www.ideatoincomeadnimpact.com the five day boot camp begins September 29. I will see you in the boot camp.

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. Today, I want to talk about three things you need to have a mindset shift about when you pivot. And by pivoting I mean changing direction, either due to a loss of a job, or relationship, a loved one.

Specifically, I am talking to you that Christian nine to five career woman who knows you have a bigger purpose than that nine to five, you’re at a job that is draining you and you know without a shadow of a doubt that you are created for more you want to do more, be more, have more and take a step of faith to create that powerful, profitable and impactful business, extracting your God given genius zone so you can do what you love while making income and impact. So three things you need to have a mindset shift about when you pivot.

Because if 2020 has taught us one thing, it is that life is short. It’s meant to be spent doing what you love with the people that you love. And I don’t know about you, but this past couple months of 2020 has made me slow down and realize what is most important in my life. So whether that is a pivot in a relationship, a job, a career, maybe you’ve lost your job, or got furloughed, maybe you realize like me that there are more important things in life than being at a nine to five that drains you. And is it worth it to be there another 5, 10, 20, 30 years? Is it pivot worth it? I believe it is. 

And I believe that the rest of 2020 is going to be a year of a pivot. Is that worth it? When you know you are created for so much more? When you have that inner craving to be more do more live life on your terms and live life by design God’s design? Is it worth a pivot when you know that you can extract your knowledge, your expertise, or take your life experiences and transformations or a hobby you love and create an amazing online business that helps others makes an impact and gives you the time freedom, financial freedom you are craving. 

Is it worth a pivot? Yes. I wholeheartedly believe it is. Is it worth it when you feel lost? You don’t know what to do with yourself because you don’t even know who you are anymore. You’ve been at this nine to five for so long that it’s drained you is a pivot worth it. We have a choice. You have a choice and the most powerful thing you can do in your life is just to

Decide. And for some of us, we wait for the perfect time, the perfect moment. And I want to tell you to forget perfection. Perfection is just an illusion. Nothing is perfect. And by whose standards are you comparing perfection to anyway, we know that our Creator, our God is perfect. We were created in his image. So in my mind, you are already perfect, you are created in his image to do amazing things. So stop trying to wait until something is perfect. And if you think about it, if you are waiting to do something until the perfect timing, honestly, you are just procrastinating. And no judgment. 

I’ve definitely been there, you have an underlying false belief that needs to be looked at. And most of the time I see this underlying false belief in my clients to be a belief that they aren’t good enough to do what they want to do. They don’t feel worthy enough, or they’re afraid of failure, which are topics in and of themselves. And we could talk about that forever. So for the sake of this episode, and for the sake of a pivot, forget perfection, it is just an illusion. In an underlying false belief, no successful entrepreneur out there has created something incredible because it was the perfect timing. No one waited until it was perfect.

Most of those great ideas and products came from struggle, internal struggle and external struggle. businesses were built from struggles, from loss from depression, from pains and from a craving to be more and wanting more successful online businesses were created from everything you might be feeling right now. But one thing it wasn’t built from was perfection. It was built from failure from fear. And the most important of them all.

It was built because they decided to surrender to the purpose that was in their heart. I want to ask you, friend, what is the purpose in your heart right now? don’t let all those emotions keep you from doing what you know what you’re called to do, because you are listening right now. Because you have a purpose in your heart to do more. And to be more you have a fire that is burning, and you know that there’s something greater than yourself, and you’re craving to make an impact. And another thing, we are just way too talented at talking ourselves out of the things we know we’re supposed to do, right?

We can think about all the reasons why we can’t do it, why we can’t be it. We allow people society social media, to imprint their impossibilities on our life. We compare ourselves. And then we stay in this place the safe place where we’re comfortable being complacent, or we’re comfortable being miserable, if you will. So no more of that, okay. No more of that. You have a mission, you have a calling. And honestly, it is disrespectful and selfish for you not to step up to the plate. There are people out there that need what you have. 

The greatest strikeout in life is not swinging and missing. The greatest strikeout is not stepping up to the plate, and I get it. It’s tough for everyone out there to step up to the plate to make a pivot to make a change. But you have to ask yourself, Is it worth it? I know it’s worth it. So here are the three mindset shifts we are going to talk about today that needs to take place while you’re making a pivot one. Life is less about what happens to you and more about how you respond to what happens to you. 

The Second Life is less about what happens to you. And it’s more about the meanings you give to what happens to you. And third, life is less about what happens to you. And it’s more about how you use what happens to you. Let’s start at number one. Life is less about what happens to you. And it’s more about how you respond to what happens to you. And let’s be honest, 2020 stinks. I’m sure you can agree this year definitely was not on my game plan. It was probably not even on your game plan, right. None of us could have prepared for this no matter how great our game plan was. But what makes a champion football team so special, or a championship soccer team or whatever sport that you like, what makes champions and championship teams so special. It isn’t their game plan.

That’s so great, because sometimes they get in the game and their game plan fails, nothing is working against their opponents, they’re losing the game. But the best teams, the championship teams know how to adjust their game plan and make a pivot, the people you see and admire online, life coaches, authors, speakers, these aren’t the people with the best game plans. They are the people who know how to adjust and pivot the best. So right now it’s 2020. And your game plan like mine probably crumbled. But don’t let what’s hard to do, keep you from knowing keep you from doing what you know, in your heart you need to do I know that everyone listening is a champion, you have a championship heart, and you know how to adjust your game plan and make a pivot. 

So my question to you right now is how are you going to respond? When life happens? And I’m not just talking about 2020? How are you going to respond when life happens? How are you going to respond when you step into who God created you to be and create your powerful, profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart and is not going well, at first? How are you going to respond? when people tell you, you’re crazy? Listen, I have failed over and over and over again, starting my online business. I was embarrassed over and over and over again. But I did not let those feelings of embarrassment and that failure keep me in a box. I know what I love to do. And I know God is on my side. So I continue to respond with greatness. 

How are you going to respond when you pivot and things don’t work out the way you want it to work out? How are you going to respond? How are you going to respond when you start your business? And maybe you don’t get the customers or the client tell you to get right away? How are you going to respond when people say you’re crazy for having these big dreams? And believe me, it happens? People try to hold you back. 

They say things, how are you going to respond internally, because when a pivot comes into your life, and you know, it’s time to do something different, you have to know these things, those people that are saying all those things that are saying that you’re crazy, are only saying that because you’re deciding to do something great. And it makes them take a look at their life and what they aren’t doing. So you have a choice? How are you going to respond? Are you going to look for the greatness the positive in the situation? Or are you going to complain? And look at the negative and the situation? So that’s number one. Okay, how are you going to respond? 

The second mindset shift that needs to take place is life is less about what happens to you. And it’s more about the meanings you give to what happens to you. Listen, friend, nothing. And I mean, nothing in life means anything, except for the meaning you give it let that sink in a second. Nothing means anything except for the meaning you give it failure. Let’s talk about failure a second. 

What does that really mean? It doesn’t mean anything except for the meaning you give it. So you fail. You don’t reach a goal. You don’t get that customer, what meaning Are you going to give those things, and most of us give them the meaning that we aren’t good enough, which isn’t true at all. Maybe it wasn’t the person’s time to join our online coaching program. Or maybe we didn’t reach the goal because our gameplan needed to be adjusted. It doesn’t mean anything about us. It doesn’t mean anything except for the meaning you give it. 

So you need to detach yourself from your goal. detach yourself from what’s taking place. Because what happens in life only means what we make it mean, your perspective can either be your power, or your prison. So yes, 2020 is just a great gray. Right? But you know what, this year for a lot of people is going to be the best and greatest year in their lives. I already know a ton of online entrepreneurs who had some of the highest months of their income in their business ever this year. 

Some of you are going to look back and you’re going to say man, because of that it led me to this. Because of that year, that time that thing didn’t go how I planned but it led me to what was right for my life. It led me to create a greater strength inside because I lost my job I got furloughed or it allowed me to slow down and actually realize what was most important in my life. It led me to start my own business. I get out of the business.

Building someone else’s dream and I started building my own. So the meaning you give things are everything in your perspective is in your control your perspective can either be your power, or it can be your prison, life happens for you, not to you. And don’t forget that the journey is just part of the process. 

So many of us want the result of the process, and the result that the process brings. But we’re afraid to actually go through the journey, and the journey is the most important part. Okay, the third mindset shift, life is less about what happens to you. And it’s more about how you use what happens to you, I want you to take a minute and think about all of your life experiences, what you’ve gone through. 

And for some of you looking back, it may be painful. And I’m not discounting that at all. Some of you have gone through tragedies, and some of you have gone through things that we wouldn’t even wish on our worst enemy. So I’m not discounting that at all. It was painful. 

But I want you to think about how you can use what happened to you. That’s a mindset shift that needs to take place, life is less about what happens to you. And it’s more about how you can use what has happened to you. Something amazing can be created from our life experiences. And I challenge every one of you that’s listening right now, for you to discover, and go back and look at everything you went through and use it. 

There are certain things in my life that have taught me to be more coachable. It’s taught me to be more confident, it’s taught me to be more passionate and have the heart of Christ, your life experiences you’ve been through have shaped and molded you for such a time as this. So that’s something to ask yourself when you pivot. How can I use the things in my past to create and build my future because your experiences your skills, your knowledge, is something that you can extract and use to help others to serve others and create that powerful, profitable and impactful business. 

So you can make an impact, make that income. So eventually, you can leave that nine to five that is draining you people are wanting to learn from your knowledge in your life experiences. I like to use this analogy if you are going to hike a trail that you’ve never been on before. 

Would you take advice from someone who has never hiked that trail and didn’t have a map? Or would you take advice from the person that has hiked the trail and has the map, obviously, you’re going to want that person that has hiked the trail before because they know the ins and outs, they know the shortcuts, they know where to go, and where not to go. So think about that when you are pivoting. 

When you are wanting to create your online powerful, profitable and impactful business, you have the map, your experiences, your life experiences, your knowledge, your skills, is the roadmap that have gotten you where you are today.

 And that person who you are called to serve who wants to pay you for your knowledge wants to learn from you. Because you know the ins and outs, you know the shortcuts, you know where to go, what to do, where not to go and what not to do. 

So let’s quickly recap, the three mindset shifts that need to take place when you pivot when you want to make a change. One, life is less about what happens to you and more about how you respond to what happens to you. The Second Life is less about what happens to you. And it’s more about the meanings you give to what happens to you.

And last, life is less about what happens to you and it’s more about how you use what happens to you. So my friend, I want you to know that you are worth it. And it is worth it to pivot when you feel lost When you don’t even know yourself anymore because you are at a nine to five that drains you and you’re craving the freedom of time you’re craving to make a bigger impact in this world. 

So yes, a pivot is worth it. I hope you found value in today’s episode and I would absolutely love it. If you have not yet subscribed or left a review, head on over to iTunes and rate the show. leave a review because you never know. It might be your review that I read next in an upcoming episode.

That’s it for today Friends

It’s your time to step into the role of the abundant Christianpreneur and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from. I want you to know this. Feel this. And most importantly, be this. Never underestimate the impact and power you have. And hey, real quick before you go, do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? 

Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. And take me @kristindronchi using the hashtag, #theabundantchristianpreneur. And if you feel extra daring, share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. 

And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it if you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode.


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