Social Media Tips and Content Strategies with Latisha

I am super excited to welcome Latisha Sexton to The Abundant Christianpreneur™ Podcast!! 

Latisha is an Online Business Strategist and Marketing Coach with experience in creating and executing social media and business strategies for a vast variety of businesses online.

Latisha started her own social media business after responding to God’s call to be a stay at home mom with her three small children.

God was not done with her when he started nudging her to focus on working with Christian women to equip them with creative marketing and visibility strategies.

She is passionate about helping Christian women and helps them create a strategy that works for their Christ-centered business while allowing them to build an online presence, increase visibility, and launch their new products and services.

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Latisha Sexton is an Online Business Strategist and Marketing Coach who equips Christian women with creative marketing and visibility strategies to help them create their powerful, profitable, and impactful business of their own.

She is also a stay at home mom to her three adorable children. Latisha always knew that she wanted to be a stay at home mom but still being able to help her husband bring financial income at home. 

She took a step of faith and decided to quit her 9 to 5 job and started her own business. 

She is passionate about helping women build a strategy that works for their unique business while allowing them to build an online presence, increase visibility, and launch their new products and services. 

For Latisha, there is never a better time to start your own business than NOW.  

Latisha’s Resources mentioned in the show:

Ready to create Your Powerful, Profitable and Impactful Online Business?

The 5 Day Bootcamp – “From Idea to Income & Impact” begins September 29th, 2020!

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Becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur™ is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income so you can finally leave that 9-5 that is sucking the life out of you.

Join me for the 5-day “Idea to Income & Impact” Bootcamp and learn the first steps to becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur, taking your idea to income and impact.

 In the Bootcamp you will learn how to:

  • Extract your God-Given Genius Zone (a.k.a Your Knowledge and Expertise)
  • Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online course
  • Get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have
  • Gain the confidence to step out in Faith and bring that dream to life

After the Bootcamp:  You will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences, and expertise and turn it into a powerful, profitable, and impactful online business and know exactly WHO it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact so you can eventually leave that 9-5.

Get on the waitlist today!! This 5-day Bootcamp starts on September 29th, 2020!

Lastly – don’t forget to share this podcast!!  Let’s all do our part to empower Christian Career Women who know they have a bigger purpose than their 9-5, step into who God created them to be so they too can fulfill their God-given Destiny!

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Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

Becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income. So you can finally leave nine to five that is sucking the life out of you. Join me for the 5-Day Idea to Income and Impact Bootcamp and learn the first steps to becoming The Abundant Christianprenuer and taking your idea to income and impact.

In the 5-Day boot camp, you will learn how to extract your God-Given genius zone, also known as your talents, your knowledge and expertise, how to turn that idea floating around in your head into a profitable, powerful. And impactful on my business, how to get paid for that knowledge and experience you already have and gain the confidence to step out in faith and bring that dream to life.

At the end of the Bootcamp, you will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge. Experiences and expertise and create that powerful, profitable, and impactful  business that has been your heart in order to make impacts and income. So you can eventually we leave that nine to five.

The 5-Day Bootcamp starts September 29th. Get on the waitlist today at The 5-Day Bootcamp begins September 29th. I will see you in the Bootcamp.

Do you know if you have a bigger purpose than that nine to five? Yes. Yes. You do. Welcome to the abundant Christianpreneur podcast. I am your host, Kristin Dronchi. I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus and I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll. Right now you are joined by other faith-filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences

Or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love. My goal is to inspire you, to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO and create that powerful, profitable, and impactful business. That has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact, and have the financial and time freedom to do what you want when you want. Then crank up that volume and let’s do this.

Welcome back to The Abundant Christianpreneur podcast. And today we have Latisha Sexton with us. She is an  online business strategist and marketing coach with experience in creating and executing social media and business strategies for a vast variety of businesses online and brick and mortar. Leticia started her own social media business after responding to God’s call to be a stay at home mom with her three small children. God was not done with her, started nudging her to focus on working with Christian women to equip them with creative marketing and visibility strategies.

So they could ditch the hustle and design a profitable Christ-centered business of their own. Today we talk about social media tips and content strategies for new Christianpreneurs, as they start their business to help them ditch the overwhelm and create.

Their powerful, profitable, and impactful business. She has a passion to help women build a strategy that works for their unique business while allowing them to build their online presence, increase their visibility, and launch their new products and services.

Welcome, Latisha. I am so excited to have you with us today. Thank you for having me. I’m excited too. You are so welcome. So tell us a little bit about your story and how God called you to be back at home with your three children and what inspired you to create your own online business? Yeah. So, um, growing up, I always knew, like, I want it to be kind of like a stay at home mom and everything, but, you know, um, just a lot happens.

And so I was working and I had three children in three years, so they were all very small and it was very close together. And I was like, I just knew that I wasn’t supposed to stay where I was, but I didn’t know what else to do. And, um, I knew that I wanted to be home, but it was like the whole, you know, finances.

It was like help being there to help support my husband and to, you know, bring financial income into the home. Um, and one day, right. I remember this very clearly. I was driving to Walmart and I had this thought that like, Oh, you should start a blog. And I was like, Why should I start a blog? I don’t like writing.

I don’t, you know, I don’t like this. It was just a weird random thought. And then a few months went by and I actually saw an ad on Facebook. For becoming a Pinterest VA, a Pinterest manager. And I was like, what is this? And so I just kind of like went down the rabbit hole. I didn’t know this whole online world existed.

So that was like, kind of like the, like, Hey, there’s more than this, like start looking onto online, you know, um, I thought that the only thing you could do at home, like that was, you know, be like a sales rep or something for like Amazon, you know, a cost center. And so I didn’t know this even existed. And so when I realized that, Hey, this is like a legit business, I just kind of took that, you know, I talked to my husband, I’ve done the research and I just kind of took that step of faith and quit my job and then started my own business.

I love that. And it sounds like your story is a little bit similar to mine and that I had no idea something like this existed either. I just knew, you know, the nine to five typical career, but then I joined a network marketing company about 10 years ago. And. You know, that’s kind of where I got that entrepreneurial bug that bit me, but I had no clue that something like this existed where you could take what you love to do, your gifts, your passions, and even your knowledge.

And create a powerful, profitable, and impactful on my business. And like you said, you’re like, do people really make money at this? Yes. Yes, they do. Right? Yeah. I thought it was like a scam at first. I was like, this has to be a scam. Yes, I totally, I can relate. And then I ran across to Amy Porterfield and all those multi-millionaire successful online entrepreneurs.

So. It’s nice to feel that I wasn’t the only one that felt that way.

Obviously, you know, there’s tons and tons of entrepreneurs in every market and every niche possible. Why did you choose social media and decide to become a social media, strategist, and marketing coach? Did you have an educational background in that or was it just a passion that kind of grew over time and something that you love to do?

Um, it was, it wasn’t that just kind of grew over time. Um, it started with the Pinterest idea. And so initially when I started out, I was going to offer VA services and I was going to do like, um, Transcription, and just general admin things. And then along with some social media management, but as I started like niching down and everything, I was like, I don’t really want to do this other stuff.

And I decided that I really, we want it to focus in on the social media management and learning more about that one space and just having a business that. Um, it really is best to niche down and not offer so many services like that. And so that it just kinda grew from that. And the more that I got into it, the better at it, I became and really realizing that, Hey, I actually, you know, kind of have a knack for this and I can actually do this well.

And so that’s kind of just where it snowballed from there. Right. And I hear that so many times that people kind of have an idea, they start somewhere like you started with Pinterest and then clarity came by actually taking the steps by doing something the clarity came. Would you kind of agree? Yes. I like to say, um, imperfect action creates clarity.

So just take that step. Um, And you know, are just, just do it. Cause if you don’t do it, you just stay back and you’re never going to make a change. Exactly. I love that in perfect action. Breeds, clarity. Yeah. Breeds, clarity, creates clarity. However, yeah, I love that. That is a great quote. And I love that in this industry, we can learn from others.

We can learn from other’s struggles. We can learn from their mistakes and we can even learn from their wins. So what was your biggest struggle? And starting your own business. And how did you overcome that? Really pinpointing the biggest struggle. I would say probably at first it was just knowing where to start and knowing really how to speak to people.

Um, because I’m very, um, I’m an introvert in, you know, and so it was just really kind of hard. Like what do I say? How do I talk to people? How do I get on sales calls and sell myself? I’ve never done this before. I’ve never been in sales at all. So it was like really like a whole different window. And I was like, you know, I didn’t know how to do it, but for me to overcome it, It was really just doing it.

I just start, you know, I was like, okay, I have to make this work. And so I just started doing it and, you know, watching some trainings and tutorials and what other people talking about? Like, here’s how you can do a sales call. Well, you know, here’s how you can do a live or whatever it was. And just like, Hey, here’s how you approach people.

And so I kind of like watched other people, but then I just had to take the action myself. Cause you couldn’t. Watch all day long, but if you don’t take action, it’s not helping you any so, right. Exactly. I love to say that knowledge isn’t power execution is power. You can have all the knowledge in the entire world, but until you execute your, like you said, you’re just kind of stuck and I love how you read it, reiterated again that you learned from other people.

So you saw someone who was where you wanted to be. So you went and in a sense, extracted their knowledge and learn from them and then applied what you learned, right? Yeah, absolutely. I love that. What advice do you have for someone out there who is ready to leave their nine to five? And venture into this amazing world of entrepreneurship.

I would say that if you really, we want to do it just like we’ve talked about already, just do it. I learned something like years ago and it was like, there’s never a better time than now because it’s the same thing with like having kids and, you know, like doing all this stuff, you’re never going to be prepared for it.

Because as soon as you think you’re prepared, there’s gonna be something else that comes up. So if you’re thinking about it, just, just jump in and do it. I love that. All right. We’re going to switch gears a little, but here, one of your specialties is helping business owners simplify their marketing, social media strategies, so they can make an impact and serve their audience without the overwhelm and burnout.

And I have definitely been there. Totally burnt out, spending way too much time on social media, spinning my wheels. And mostly because I think I didn’t have a clear vision of where I was headed among other things, but I was also struggling with what type of content should I create and trying to do hashtag all the things.

So before I ask you, Why you think business owners get overwhelmed with all of this? Can you quickly explain to our audience what you mean by social media strategies and marketing? Yeah. So, um, the stress, social media strategies. It’s, it’s your blueprint. It’s your plan? It’s how are you going to get your audience from point A to point B to point C?

Like what path are you going to take them down? Because if you don’t have your strategies and marketing in place and you don’t have your blueprint, then you can put out all the pretty means. And that are defending means in the pretty quotes and you know, all of this stuff and it’s not going to do any good.

You’re not going to see any conversions. You have to have that strategy and marketing plan. I love that. So what I’m hearing is you have to know the transition or the transformation that you want your client to get. So whatever you’re doing on social media eventually leads them down that path to get them from a to Z.

Yeah. How are you wanting them to work with you? Um, you know, most people have several different offers or they might have like some digital products or physical products and then offers. So what are you wanting that post to do? Are you wanting that to get more engagement? Are you wanting that to build your audience?

Some people will lock and follow you, or are you wanting that to, um, actually convert to where someone’s going to buy one of your products or one of your services? So why do people struggle? Why do we struggle? Um, I think honestly, it’s because you get out there and you start here, everybody tell you, okay, but you have to do it this way and you have to do it that way.

And my biggest thing that I tell my audience and my clients and everything, because there are so many lines, dark, social media, marketing gurus out there who are really good at what they do, but I’ve heard it over and over again, be on all the platforms you need to be putting out a hundred pieces of content a day.

You know, spread throughout those platforms, you need to be, you know, engaging with 50 accounts every day on each platform, just all of this stuff. And it overwhelms you because we’ll take that. And they’re like, I just, can’t absolute, you know, I can’t do this. There’s no way I can do this. But what they forget is that these people that are giving you this advice, they have marketing teams, they have built themselves up where they can hand it off to someone else.

They’re not doing it. So I always like to remind people, like, if you’re a solopreneur or you’re a very small business that doesn’t have people that can help focus on one, just take one platform and focus on one, because that’s going to really cut down on the burnout and the overwhelm. Right. And like, for someone like me, who’s still working a nine to five.

Because, and a lot of our listeners are because they’re using that now the five income too, supplement their online business and get it started, especially when you’re working a nine to five and you come home, you cook, you clean, you do whatever you need to do. And then you sit down and work your business for an hour or two.

That overwhelm can definitely set in and just be very overwhelming if you’re trying to be on all the platforms. So I love that. Just pick one platform, wherever your ideal client is hanging out and you figure that out through market research, and then you just work that platform, right? Absolutely. Yeah, because it is, you know, and then as you grow, you can always add more.

It’s not saying that you’re always going to stay just there, but, you know, simplify. And do it simply at first until you grow a team. Right? Definitely. I love that end. You can always repurpose your content too, once you, once you get going. Cause that’s what I found that, okay. I was doing Pinterest for a while and I was like, well, Hey, I can repurpose that and actually read my blog as a live.

Yes, my Facebook page. So, okay. Yeah. I love that. As online entrepreneurs, we want to put out that content that we were just talking about, whether it’s videos, blogs on Pinterest, a free checklist, whatever it may be. We know that we want to provide massive value and serve our ideal client through the content we create.

So how much content should we be putting out? And is there such thing as too much content? Um, yeah, that’s a really good question. So if you’re looking at, um, using the one platform and you’re on one platform, you want to make sure its value, you know, like it has a lot of value it’s valuable. And if it’s because.

It can be too much if you’re posting 10, 15 times a day and it’s not valuable content, it’s better to have four posts a week that are really have value than to have three or four posts a day that aren’t. So I would look at it that way, you know, How much value are you bringing in each post? Another way that I look at it is you have to make sure that you have time to engage with your audience because building the relationships is probably even more important than the valuable content, but they work together.

So if you’re just putting out valuable content and not building relationships, It’s not going to do you any good. And if you’re trying to build relationships, but you’re never putting out content, you’re never going to get any clients. You might be able to some relationships, but nobody is going to work with you because they don’t see any content.

So I think if you just kind of have a balance and so I’d rather see you people posting four or five times a week, like high quality content, and then engaging every day with their audience and building those relationships. Um, that’s going to bring them a lot more value and a lot more conversions. I love that.

So give us some tips on how to engage with your audience based on your platform. So, but really, truly, it’s just responding to comments, asking questions. Um, if they say something on your post, try to ask a question back to try to get a conversation started. Um, of course, if you’re like on Instagram, you can send them private messages, not spammy, don’t sell, but like, you know, Hey, tell me about yourself.

Let you know, build an actual relationship with them. Through stories on Instagram is really huge, too, like responding to their stories and then. On Facebook, if you’re in Facebook groups and stuff, building relationships in Facebook groups is really good. And how much time should we be doing that? Because I definitely catch myself just like, Oh no, it’s been about an hour.

Um, there’s probably not too much time that you can spend on that. Like if you have the time, but I would say a minimum of 30 minutes a day. Highly focused, like laser-focused on actually talking to people. Now, if you have more time than that, then absolutely do it. But I would make sure that you have like 30 minutes, um, at least like Monday through Friday to focus on building those conversations and relationships.

All right. What is the biggest piece of advice for an entrepreneur when it comes to marketing online? Ooh, to marketing online. Um, really what we just talked about is building the relationship ships because, well, what we’ve talked about this host section segment, I guess, is, you know, One platform simplified and then building those relationships because you’ve really have to have that.

And it’s really becoming more and more. I was just reading an article the other day, like even bigger companies. And I’m talking like big companies, like Nike Disney, whatever people expect to have, like personal customer service, they expect personal responses when they comment. And so building those relationships is really key to your online marketing.

Yeah, that human connection aspect is huge. And. A lot of times when people join online courses, especially I won’t name names, but especially like the bigger entrepreneurs just join their online courses just because they are so huge. They have so many people that join in so many powers that human connection is lost, even just starting and having just a small, intimate group of people.

That’s where you, like you said, you can build that relationship, which is key to your success over time. Yeah, absolutely. And one thing you made me remember what we talked about before, about how to cook, have relationships with connect with your audience. One thing that’s really good is to actually send voice messages to your audience.

Um, if you have a Facebook group or you get a new follower, you can send them a voice message because they know it’s personal. They know it’s not just a copy and paste response. They know it’s not just a messenger bot because you’re actually taking the time to send them like a welcoming. I love that.

That is such a great idea. Well, thank you so much, Leticia. I would love it. If you could tell the listeners where they can find and connect with you. Yeah. You can find me on Facebook and Instagram, just under my name. And you can find me in my Facebook group, Women Building Across Centered Business. And that’s where I hang out most of the time.

So. Great. And I will be linking all of Latisha’s contact information in the show notes as well. Leticia, is there anything else that you would like to add? No, just, um, I think what we said in the beginning, I think it’s a good note to leave on is, you know, the imperfect action creates clarity. So just get out there and do that imperfect action.

I love that. And I have one last question. And for you, what does it mean to you to make an impact? To me, I think making an impact. I think it probably depends personally is just being able to help other people. I really love it when I talk to people like from my group and stuff and just messenger and they’re like, Oh my gosh, you know, a light bulb moment or that’s helped me so much.

And. Even if they’re not paying clients, that to me is making an impact. I love that it is all about serving for sure. Yes, absolutely. Well, thank you again, Leticia for taking the time out and spending it with us today. Thank you for having me.


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