Quick Tip Thursday: How to Increase Your Odds of Success by 42%

Writing down your desires increases your odds of achieving them by 42% When we write down our goals and our dreams, we’re most likely to achieve those desires at a significantly higher level than those who didn’t.

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Welcome to another Quick Tip Thursday Episode!

These quick tip episodes, are where you’re going to learn a tip or a strategy that will help you transition from that 9-5 employee mindset to the Christian CEO and Step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur™ to create & grow that Powerful Profitable and Impactful digital business God is calling you to create so that you can make that impact, help more people, increase your income and finally leave that 9-5 that is draining you.  It’s time to live the life God has designed you to live!

Let’s dive in…..

Writing down your goals and your dreams will help you to increase your success by 42%. Not only does writing help with getting all the information out of your head, but it also lets you achieve your desires at a significantly higher level than you not writing it.

Resources Mentioned:

Register to the 5-Day Boot Camp here

Episode 6 mentioned:  www.kristindronchi.com/06

Ready to create Your Powerful, Profitable and Impactful Online Business?

The 5 Day Bootcamp – “From Idea to Income & Impact” begins September 29th, 2020!

Sign up at:  www.ideatoincomeandimpact.com

Becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur™ is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income so you can finally be leave that 9-5 that is sucking the life out of you.

Join me for the 5 day “Idea to Income & Impact” Bootcamp and learn the first steps to becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur, taking your idea to income and impact.

In the Bootcamp you will learn how to:

  • Extract your God-Given Genius Zone (a.ka. Your Knowledge and Expertise)
  • Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online course
  • Get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have
  • Gain the confidence to step out in Faith and bring that dream to life

After the Bootcamp:  You will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences, and expertise and turn it into a powerful, profitable and impactful online business and know exactly WHO it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact so you can eventually leave that 9-5.

Get on the waitlist today!! This 5 day bootcamp starts September 29th, 2020!  www.ideatoincomeandimpact.com

Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Lastly – don’t forget to share this podcast!!  Let’s all do our part to empower Christian Career Women who know they have a bigger purpose than their 9-5, step into who God created them to be so they too can fulfill their God-given Destiny!

If you found value in today’s show, I would love it if you would subscribe, rate and leave a review on iTunes! This helps me bring more amazing guests on the show!  You can do that by clicking here!

Thank you!! ~ xo Kristin



Connect with us!!

The Abundant Christianpreneur™ FB Group: https://tinyurl.com/y6o8t4tc

Instagram: @kristindronchi

FB: https://www.facebook.com/theabundantchristianpreneur

Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

Becoming the Abundant Christianpreneur is the fastest way to quantum leap your income and impact. So you can finally leave it nine to five that is draining the life out of you. I am so excited to announce the five-day idea to income and impact boot camp, where you will learn the first steps to becoming the abundant Christianpreneur and taking your idea to income and impact in the boot camp that begins September 29th, you will learn how to extract your God-given genius zone, your gifts, talents, knowledge, and expertise, how to turn that idea floating around in your head, into an online business, how to get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have.

And gain the confidence to step out in faith and bring that dream to life. By the end of the five-day challenge, you will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your knowledge, experiences, and expertise, and turn it into a powerful, profitable, and impactful business. And you will know exactly who it is you want to serve in order to make an impact.

And income. So you can eventually leave that nine to five. So get on the waitlist today@ideatoincomeandimpact.com ideatoincomeandimpact.com. The five-day boot camp will start on September 29th, and I am so excited to see you on the inside of the boot camp. Do you know if you have a bigger purpose than that?

Nine to five? Yes. Yes, you do. Welcome to the abundant Christianpreneur podcast. I am your host, Kristin. I am awake and a mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to just a few moves to some old school rock and roll. Right now, you are joined by other faith-filled women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset, and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences.

Or even their hobbies into power. Well, am I in business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love? My goal is to inspire you, to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO and create a powerful profitable, and impactful business that has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live your life by design, make an impact and have the financial chill and time freedom to do what you want when you want to crank up that volume, and let’s do this.

Do you want to increase your odds of success by 42%? Well, first of all, I believe your success is inevitable. I believe my success is inevitable. And in episode six, I asked you the question of how would your life look different? What would you be doing differently? If you had the belief that your success was inevitable, I will link that episode for you in the show notes.

Before we get started with the episode today, I am so excited to read to you a review from the podcast. If you have yet to subscribe, rate, and leave a review, had an over to iTunes, and do that today. Who knows your review will be the one that I read next. So G Jenn, 1973 said eager for more. I have found a person and the story that is familiar to mine, I can not wait to hear more.

Thank you so much DDA in 1973, I appreciate your feedback. And I am so excited to come alongside you on this journey. Going back through old journals and notebooks can be a theory. Eyeopening. I have written down notes from trainings, inspirational videos and lists, thoughts, dreams, and bits and pieces of ideas.

I’ve had about certain things over time throughout my life. I devour information from other successful entrepreneurs on a daily basis, and I’m always writing things down. I honestly have at least 20 notebooks lying around my house. I think I might have a problem. Every time I go to Walmart or Myers, I buy another notebook and pens.

I love pens. I don’t know who else loves. Notebooks and pens. I love them. I’m always buying them, but my husband just shakes his head at me and laughs. Especially when I say I can’t find my notebook. And he is like, uh, which one anyways, I would write down and I still do write down everything in notebooks.

I wrote in one journal of a dream that I had of where I wanted to make an impact in this world. I just felt this calling on my heart. To do something more. I wrote down, I wanted to speak on stages and pour into other women and inspire them to step into their God. Given, calling to step into that calling God has for them to do something that they love.

I would write down goals and things I wanted to do accomplish, even when I didn’t know how. And it just seemed crazy. I wrote down that I wanted to hire a mentor to help me figure out what I did. I didn’t know, and how I could go from a to Z a lot quicker than doing that my own. And one by one, certain things started coming to fruition and that isn’t surprising.

That’s just, there’s really just something about writing down your dreams, your goals, your ideas, and your thoughts. There was a study done by a psychology professor. I believe at a university in California that shows that you’re 42% more likely to achieve your goals. If you write them down, they sampled a group, including men and women ages 23 to 72 from around the world.

All different walks of life, entrepreneurs, educators, there are health care professionals, artists. Um, I believe there are lawyers and bankers and this group of scientists divided the participants into two groups. Those who wrote down their goals and those who didn’t. And at the end of the study, the results were very clear.

Those who wrote down their goals achieved those desires at a significantly higher level than those who didn’t. And honestly, as basic as it is, it seems most people still don’t write down. What’s most important to them. If I was thinking about making a bet and you told me that I wrote the bet on paper, I had a 42% higher chance of winning that bet.

Oh, you bet. I would definitely do that. I would be writing my BA on paper if I was undergoing some kind of medical protocol or surgery and my doctor said, Hey if you write this down, you’ll increase your chances of healing faster by 42%. Am I not going to listen? Yes, I would, right. I mean, who doesn’t want those kinds of ads?

And even without this study, writing down what you want, just make sense. It gets all of that information out of our head and on paper, it’s also the number one way to help you stay focused, writing down your dreams, and your goals forces you to be very clear and specific about what you want. So writing down your goals and your dreams are very important and not to mention it’s what we naturally do in every other area of our life.

Right? When we want to produce results. For example, if you are going to renovate your kitchen, you’re not just going to wake up one day and take a sledgehammer and start removing the sink right? You’re going to design a plan on paper first. How about when you go pick up groceries at the supermarket? You probably write a list first.

What if you’re going on a trip? You’re definitely going to map out the destination, right? No matter what you want to figure out, one thing is for sure. Writing it down is a fundamental step to making it real this quick tip Thursday. I want you to get in the habit. If you aren’t already to write down on your goals, your dreams, your thoughts, and a journal on a daily basis.

And look at it often, this will keep your ideas, your dreams, and your goals at the top of your mind. That’s it for today, friends. It’s your time to step into the role of the abundant Christianpreneur and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one. You and me, you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from.

I want you to know this, feel this, and most importantly, the, this never underestimate the impact and power you have. And Hey, real quick, before you go, do you want to win a free private coaching call with me? Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IG stories. And take me @kristindronchi using the hashtag #theabundantchristianpreneur

And if you feel extra daring share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it. If you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. This not only helps me bring you more expert guests.

To learn from, but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode. 


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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