Quick Tip: Creating A Purpose Driven Morning Routine

ep 8 Creating a Purpose Driven Morning

Welcome Back to The Abundant Christianpreneur™ Podcast!

A Purpose Driven Morning Routine can create success for your entire day.  Implementing these 3 ideas I mention in this episode, will help you feel more grounded, positive, at peace and more proactive during the day!

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Welcome to another Quick Tip Thursday Episode!

These quick tip episodes, are where you’re going to learn a tip or a strategy that will help you transition from that 9-5 employee mindset to the Christian CEO and Step into the role of The Abundant Christianpreneur™ to create & grow that Powerful Profitable and Impactful digital business God is calling you to create so that you can make that impact, help more people, increase your income and finally leave that 9-5 that is draining you.  It’s time to live the life God has designed you to live!

Free Resources Mentioned in Show:

Let’s dive in…..

A Purpose Driven Morning Routine can create success for your entire day.  Implementing these 3 ideas I mention in this episode, has helped me tremendously.  I am more grounded, positive, at peace and more proactive during the day.   It wasn’t always that way!  I would hit my snooze button at least 5 times… then rush around, trying to get out the door, bite my husband’s head off and reacted negatively to things that went haywire throughout the day.

More importantly, I had lost my spark, didn’t know who I was anymore, and I definitely was not living how God created me to live – we are meant to have an abundant and joyful life.

  • Purpose Driven Morning Routine Idea #1: Have an Attitude of Gratitude
  • Purpose Driven Morning Routine Idea #2: Create Positive Statements about yourself
  • Purpose Driven Morning Routine Idea #3: Eliminate decision-making tasks in the morning.

Free Resources Mentioned in Show:

How to use the Daily Planner:

  • The night before, write down everything you need to do the next day in the “to do list” section.   
  • Then look and see what are the 3 Top tasks that need to get accomplished.  Write those in the “3 Top Priorities” section. 
  • Place the 3 Top priorities in the appropriate time slots first, then place the rest of your “to do” items in the appropriate time slots.   
  • As a daily reminder to be grateful write a few things you are grateful for at the top.  Each time you looked at your to do list, fill your heart with gratitude. 
  • At the end of the day, reflect back on your accomplishments.  Write down a few you are proud of.  

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Becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur™ is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income so you can finally be leave that 9-5 that is sucking the life out of you.

Join me for the 5 day “Idea to Income & Impact” Bootcamp and learn the first steps to becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur, taking your idea to income and impact.

In the Bootcamp You will learn how to:

  • Extract your God-Given Genius Zone (a.ka. Your Knowledge and Expertise)
  • Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online course
  • Get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have
  • Have the confidence to step out in Faith and bring that dream to life

You will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences, and expertise and turn it into a powerful, profitable and impactful online course and know exactly WHO it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact so you can eventually leave that 9-5.

Get on the waitlist today!! This 5 day bootcamp will open towards the end of September  www.ideatoincomeandimpact.com

Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

Wouldn’t it be Epic to do a certain ritual for 15 to 30 minutes every morning and increase the likelihood of having an extra ordinary day every day? Well, it turns out one thing that unites all successful people is they have a carefully crafted, healthy purpose driven morning routine. And this quick tip Thursday, I am going to show you three things that I implemented in my life to create a purpose driven morning.

Do you know, you have a bigger purpose than that? Nine to five? Yes. Yes. You do. Welcome to the abundant Christianpreneur podcast. I am your host, Kristin . I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus, and I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll. Right now you are joined by other faith filled women.

Who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences. Or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do what they love. My goal is to inspire you, to take a step of faith and transition from that employee mindset to the Christian CEO and create them.

Powerful profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart. This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live life by design, make an impact and have the financial interest, freedom to do what you want when you want.

Then crank up that volume and let’s do this.

Welcome back to the abundance Christianpreneur podcast. In this quick tip Thursday, I am going to dive into three things that I implemented in my morning to create a purpose driven morning routine. Now I’m going to preface this by saying I love mornings. I love getting eight hours of sleep and I love getting up at the crack of Dawn to watch the world wake up.

Now, if that’s not you totally. Okay. No judgment whatsoever. Okay. My husband is a night owl. I on the other hand am not. I absolutely love mornings. You just need to find what works for you and make that happen because there is something about creating a purpose driven morning routine that does create success for your entire day.

I am going to talk about three ideas that helped me tremendously. I became more grounded, more positive, more at peace. And I actually became more productive during the day. And honestly, it was not always that way. I would hit the snooze button at least five times. And this is getting up for work in the morning, not on the weekends, what I love getting up early and watching the world wake up, but this was having to get up for work.

My nine to five, I would hit that snooze button at least five times. And then I would rush around trying to get out the door and bite my husband’s head off throughout the day because I reacted negatively to things that went haywire throughout the day. I was being more reactive. To my day, instead of proactive, I had lost my spark for those of you who listened to my journey and my story on where I am today and how I got there.

In episode one, I talked about how I lost my spark, how I didn’t know who I was anymore. And I definitely was not living and being how God created me to be. We’re meant to live. I have an abundant joyful life, and that was not my life over a year and a half ago. And honestly, it was not a fun way to live. I certainly was not living a significant life.

Now, one thing that I do differently in the mornings, Whether it’s getting up for my nine to five, or if I stayed up to lay on the weekend and my alarm goes off because I still like to get up and start my purpose driven morning, I use the five second rule and that was coined by Mel Robbins. She has a book called the five second rule.

So that book, and that’s what I started to implement. I would say five, four, three, two, one in my head. And then I would pop out of bed, helped me tremendously. So that’s just a side tip that you can start doing as well. If you have it trouble getting out of bed in the morning and hitting that snooze button, don’t hit this news countdown real quick in your head.

Five, four, three, two, one, and get out of bed. All right, let’s dig into the three specific morning routines that I implemented each morning. To get out of the funk of feeling like a robot and routines that helped me be more proactive throughout the day and created more joy in my day. And turned it into a purpose filled day.

If you study successful people, one thing that you will notice quickly is that they share a bunch of similar habits. Their daily morning habit is one of them. So you can take all three of these ideas and implement them each day for 30 days, and you will look back and see an amazing transformation. I promise and being busy.

Isn’t an excuse to be completely honest. In fact, The busier we are, the more we need to implement a successful and purpose driven morning routine. Even if you just start with one idea that I talk about today, that’s okay. The goal is just to start purpose driven morning, routine idea. Number one, have an attitude of gratitude.

Zig Ziglar said gratitude is the healthiest of all human emotions. The more you express gratitude for what you have. The more likely you will have more to express gratitude for. And let me ask you this. Did you know that it is impossible to have a negative attitude and a grateful attitude at the same time?

You just can’t be angry and happy all at the same time. So the first thing I started doing in the morning, even before I got out of bed, I would think of five to 10 things that I could be grateful for. What could I be grateful and thankful for? I would just think of five to 10 things and even more powerful.

Is to say those things out loud. Trust me, it may feel weird at first and your husband might wonder if you’ve lost it your mind like mine did, but after a few days, it’ll just become a great habit. What you’re grateful and thankful for. It can be the same thing every day or something different each morning.

Just more importantly than what it is. The goal is to get into a morning routine habit. Of having a positive attitude and being grateful and thankful for at least five to 10 things, as soon as you wake up. So try it right now. Say I am grateful and thankful for my bed. I am grateful and thankful for sunshine, whatever it is.

Say it out loud. There’s power in speaking positive things over your life. Sometimes it’s a lot easier for us to focus on what we don’t have rather than what we do have. And it may take a few days to establish this habit, but so don’t worry. I wasn’t that great at it in the beginning. And here are a few suggestions to be grateful and thankful for it to spark some ideas, the sunshine time, fresh air.

How about just waking up? I am so grateful and thankful Lord that I woke up today. Challenges learning from mistakes. There’s a lot of things that you can be grateful and thankful for. And here are a few tips. Set gratitude reminders on your phone throughout the day to remind yourself to be thankful and in gratitude for what you have another tip, purchase a notebook and call it your gratitude journal and start writing down.

As you say, the 10 things each morning. Purpose driven morning, routine idea. Number two, create positive statements about yourself this morning. Routine motivation idea is also known as I am statements. I’m sure you’re familiar with affirmations. I am statements. And honestly, I believe that the two of the most powerful words.

You could ever say an ever speak over yourself is I am for what follows I am, is going to define you. So speak on purpose. Life and death is in the power of the tongue. I am a blessing. I am quick, bright, rich, and a major blessing. I am are two very powerful words. So an affirmation or an I am statement are powerful, positive declarations that set your goals, your life and your day in motion.

And when they are repeated over and over. Just like the gratitude statements from idea, number one, it affects your emotions and your feelings, whether you know it or not, you are always using affirmations, but probably not the ones you want to use and speak over your life. Most of the time we use negative affirmations.

Like I can’t afford it. I’m not smart enough. I’m tired. Can’t. So today, especially start to be mindful and listen to him, how you speak to and about yourself. You will start catching this negative talk. I promise. And when you do be quick to flip the script on it and speak life over yourself, or if you catch yourself saying I’m tired, flip that right script and say, I am full of energy.

Just put a pause, positive affirmation in its place, whatever you find yourself, speaking negatively over yourself. Stop flip the script and speak a positive affirmation in its place. So if I say I can’t afford it and I catch myself saying that I’m gonna flip the script to, I am blessed and prosperous.

And money flows through me, or I’m not smart enough. I don’t think I’m going to be able to do what I want to do. There’s so many people out there doing this, and I’m just not smart enough. I can flip that and say, and smart, and I have the mind of Christ aware and mindful of how you speak to and about yourself and start catching that negative talk.

And flip the script and replace it with a positive affirmation. Write down positive affirmations about yourself, about your family, about your husband, about anything and print it off and put it on your mirror or put it close to your bed. So you have that in the morning as well because the daily use of positive affirmations will create great success habits.

And interrupt and replace the negative thoughts and beliefs, purpose driven morning, routine idea. Number three, eliminate decision-making tasks in the morning. Another way to have a productive. Purpose driven morning routine is to get a head start on it the night before I would always be running around like a chicken with my head cut off in the morning, because I just never did anything the night before.

So what I started doing is writing out my daily to do list the night before. Actually I started on Sunday, what I need to do for the entire week. And then I, you get up day by day and what needs to get done. And the night before every night I sit down at my, to do list or my task list, what I need to do for my business, what I need to do for my family.

What do I need to do for me personally? And I make sure it’s updated the night before. I don’t know about you, but like I said, if I wake up in the morning after the, the snooze button was hit with 20 million things running through my head of things I need to do, what was I going to make for supper? Which kid was going, where it was so stressful and started the day off really cruddy.

So start your morning, the night before and get the, to do list done, get an idea of what you’re doing to make for supper that night. And honestly, like I said, I started that on Sunday. I had my whole week planned out and what I’m going to be cooking, what I’m going to be making. And then each and every night I just review it and make sure everyone’s on the same plan and this purpose driven morning routine idea.

Number three, eliminate decision-making tests in the morning. Was something I honestly started way before all the others. I mentioned because once I started to write down each time I ask, I need to accomplish that week and accomplish that next day. When I started doing it the night before I noticed I was getting a more restful night’s sleep instead of having 20 million things went around in your head of what you need to do.

If you have it all down on paper the night before. You are going to have a more restful night sleep. At the end of this episode, I will also include two free readings sources that you can download and use to start creating your purpose driven morning routine. The first one is a list of, I am affirmations that you can print off and tape on your mirror, put next to your bed or on your desk.

And the second one is a purpose driven daily planner that I use the night before to write down everything that needs to get done. The next day, I write that down in the, to do list section. And then I take a look and see what my top three priorities are three tasks that need to get accomplished that day.

And I write those in the three top priority section. Then I placed the three top priorities in the appropriate time slots first, because I know those are the things I need to get done. Then I placed the rest of my to do list items and their appropriate slots around those three top priorities. Now I only have three main top priorities that I need to cover each day.

And I recommend you do the same, at least one to two, if you don’t want to have three, because if you have more than three main things, you need to get done each day and you don’t get them done. How does that make you feel like a failure? So set yourself up to win. So, whatever that looks like to you, if it’s just only two top priority, main things you need to get done in your business that day, just right there, those two down, because when you get those accomplished, you’re going to feel like you won the day that you have accomplished your goals.

And also on that daily planner, there is a reminder to be grateful and thankful and write a few things that you’re grateful and thankful for at the top. And at the end of each day, Take that daily planner reflect back on it and your accomplishments. Remember sat here, self up to win the day and right down a few of the accomplishments.

You’re proud of. It doesn’t matter how small or big that accomplishment was. Just write it down. Maybe you didn’t hit the snooze button or maybe like me, you didn’t end up biting your husband’s head off that day because of things that happened around you, you created a purpose driven morning routine.

Maybe you can relate to that. Maybe you can. Yeah. But whatever it is that you accomplish that day and you feel proud of write it down. And then after the first two weeks, Grab those papers, look back at all the wonderful things you’ve accomplished and be proud of that. So don’t forget to grab your two free gifts.

I’ll put the link in the show notes of this episode. The daily affirmations that you can print out and use and the purpose driven daily planner. Thank you so much for tuning in today. I appreciate you and have an amazing blessed day. That’s it for today, friends. It’s your time to step into the room role of the abundant Christianpreneur and put to use the gifts God has given you.

There is only one you and you are the expert. Someone is out there waiting to hear from. I want you to know this, feel this, and most importantly, the, this never underestimate the impact and power you add. And Hey, real quick, before you go, you want to win a free private coaching call with me. Take a screenshot of an episode and post it on your IgE stories.

And take me at Kristen to raunchy using the hashtag the abundance. Christianprenuer and if you feel extra daring, share one of your biggest takeaways, that is how you will get entered into the monthly drawing. And if you found value in today’s episode, I would love it. If you would subscribe, leave a review and rate the show.

This not only helps me bring you more expert guests to learn from, but it also spreads the message to those who need to hear it. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode. .


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