My Story & How God Led Me Here!

Ep 01 My Story

In today’s episode I share my story of how I was bit by the Entrepreneurial Bug, how God Led me to create this Podcast and start my online business. 

My story is one of realizing that I was stuck, lost and craving to make more of an impact in this world.

I knew that if I felt that way, there HAD to be other Christian Career Women who felt the same way.

Full Transcription of Episode at Bottom of the Blog

Show Notes:

Welcome to Episode 01 of The Abundant Christianpreneur™ Podcast!!

In today’s episode I share my story of how I was bit by the Entrepreneurial Bug, how God Led me to create this Podcast and start my online business. 

My story is one of realizing that I was stuck, lost and craving to make more of an impact in this world.

I knew that if I felt that way, there HAD to be other Christian Career Women who felt the same way.

And… lo and behold there was. 

The Podcast as well as the Facebook Group, The Abundant Christianpreneur™ will provide topics that are relevant to your life, where you are at now – at any level, and Guide you through transitioning out of that 9-5 employee mindset, extracting your God-given Genius Zonewhat I like to call your unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, knowledge and life experiences so you can to you can create a powerful, profitable and impactful online business that aligns with your passions and who God created you to be.

I pray that God uses me and that I will truly make an impact in this world and in your life. You can get un-stuck and live the life you dream of!

Lastly – don’t forget to share this podcast!!  Let’s all do our part to empower Christian Career Women who know they have a bigger purpose than their 9-5, step into who God created them to be so they too can fulfill their God-given Destiny!

If you found value in today’s show, I would love it if you would subscribe, rate and leave a review on iTunes! This helps me bring more amazing guests on the show!  You can do that by clicking here!

Ready to create Your Powerful, Profitable and Impactful Online Business?

The 5 Day Bootcamp – “From Idea to Income & Impact” begins September 29th, 2020!

Sign up at:

Becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur™ is the fastest way to quantum leap your impact and income so you can finally be leave that 9-5 that is sucking the life out of you.

Join me for the 5 day “Idea to Income & Impact” Bootcamp and learn the first steps to becoming The Abundant Christianpreneur, taking your idea to income and impact.

 In the Bootcamp you will learn how to:

  • Extract your God-Given Genius Zone (a.ka. Your Knowledge and Expertise)
  • Turn that idea floating around in your head into an online course
  • Get paid for the knowledge and experience you already have
  • Gain the confidence to step out in Faith and bring that dream to life

After the Bootcamp:  You will have a complete blueprint on how to package up your own knowledge, experiences, and expertise and turn it into a powerful, profitable and impactful online business and know exactly WHO it is you want to serve in order to make income and impact so you can eventually leave that 9-5.

Get on the waitlist today!! This 5 day bootcamp starts September 29th, 2020!

Thank you!! ~ xo Kristin.


Join us in The Abundant Christianpreneur™ FB Group:
Instagram: @kristindronchi

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Thank you!! ~ Be blessed!


Full Episode Transcription:

Do you know you have a bigger purpose than that? Nine to five? Yes. Yes. You do. Welcome to the Abundant Christianpreneur Podcast. I am your host, Kristin. . I am a wife and mom who loves Jesus. And I’ve also been known to bust a few moves to some old school rock and roll. Right now, you are joined by other faith, build women who are using their commute to redefine their life, change their mindset and turn their passions, knowledge, life experiences Or even their hobbies into a powerful online business that allows them to have the freedom to do, do what they love. My goal is to inspire you, to take a step of faith and transition from that employee, the mindset to the Christian CEO and create them. Powerful profitable and impactful business that has been on your heart.

This is your show to learn from me and other Christianpreneurs tactical tips that will empower you to bring that dream to life. If you’re ready to live life by design, make an impact and have the financial interest, freedom to do what you want. When you want, then crank up that volume and let’s do this.

welcome to episode one of the abundant Christianpreneur podcast. I am so excited. The day is finally here. I am. Your host, Kristen. . I am a wifey as my husband likes to call me and a mom of two amazing step kiddos. And we have a Husky that we just absolutely love as a child. I grew up in a Christian home, on a dairy farm out in the country, hashtag best life ever.

We worked hard, played hard and worked hard some more. And here’s the fun fact for you? I married my husband because I bought a school bus. Yes. A school bus. I was huge NASCAR fan in my mid twenties, early thirties. And honestly, ever since I could remember, I just loved NASCAR as a little Gail after church.

I would always find myself watching that black number three car go around and around on that track. Anyway. Yes. I bought a school bus with a goal to transition it into. I ask her bus, my friends all thought I was crazy. Anyways, I took all the seats out, painted the inside, put carpet down beds in it and made it into one of those NASCAR buses.

You had C and the infield of the races. And then I hired this guy to paint it. And what color you might be asking? Well, of course plaque, like the number three car. And that painter dude also known as my future husband and I were engaged about six months after that and married shortly after. It’s funny how God works.

I did kind of know of my husband in high school being from a small town, but we really never said two words to each other before that it just funny looking back and see how God orchestrates everything in our lives. He honestly has the perfect plan. If we just take those steps of faith, even though we can’t see where the path may lead.

And for those of you still wondering about the bus, we did use it a few times at the Michigan international Speedway, but it was very soon converted into that redneck family motor home, where we enjoyed quite a few camping trips with the kids. Anyway, enough about me back to the show. My goal is to inspire you that nine to five Christian career woman who knows you have a bigger purpose.

And that nine to five, that’s just sucking the life out of you. The podcast, as well as the Facebook group, the abundant Christianpreneur will provide topics that are relevant to your life, where you are now at any level. And guide you through transitioning out of that nine to five employee mindset, extracting your God, given genius zone.

What I like to do, call your unique set of gifts, talents, abilities, knowledge, and life experiences. So you can create a powerful, profitable and impactful online business. That aligns with your passions and who God created you to be. You’ll gain clarity on your vision and create that success mindset needed to step into the role of the Christian CEO and more importantly, build that unshakable belief that with God, your success is inevitable.

So, let me take you back. About 11 years shortly after I got married, I joined a network marketing company because we needed some extra income. I went from a single 30 year old to instant family. My husband was self-employed, which was great, especially when we needed him to stay home with the kids. And boy, Oh boy.

After I joined that network marketing company, did I have the entrepreneurial bug bite me? I had a taste of what passive income could do for my family. And I crave that freedom of time that I saw so many successful people having, I did pretty well at the company. Once some free cruises got a pretty hefty bonus, however, Nothing really seemed to change.

I was still working my butt off trading time for money, and wasn’t even close to where I could leave my full time job, looking back at that experience, because that is really the only way we can learn from our life experiences is looking back when we go through something. So I learned three things through that.

I learned that I loved personal development and growing. I love seeing the transformation as I poured into the woman on my team. And I learned that the number one thing that held me back that kept me stuck at a certain level in life, stuck at a certain level of income. A certain level of faith was my mindset.

Everything starts with your mindset. So why is this important because of Becky. Let me introduce you to Becky. Becky is a nine to five Christian career woman who knew something had to change her job was sucking the life out of her because it did not align with her calling passions and gifts who God created her to be.

Even though she really had no idea what they were, she felt stuck, lost unfulfilled. And honestly, she didn’t even know who she was anymore. She knew deep down she was created for more. And she had that inner edge to be more. And she constantly felt herself asking, is this it is this really all there is looking back on her life.

She realized that she definitely was not where she thought she would be by now. Becky had such high aspirations. She was going to. Go to college and have a corporate career with money and status. And she was going to change the world as a child. Her visions of her career in life in general were always colorful, meaningful, and bright.

But as she got older and walked the path of life, she became swayed indoctrinated. Even with seeking a career that was practical, traditional, and one that would pay the bills. She started to feel like the gifts God gave her, her abilities, her passions and dreams were all very separate from, she should be when she grew up.

And I’m honestly, no one even told her, not school, not church, not her parents, that they really should all fit together. Also nicely that God had made all of those things, her gifts, talents, passions, dreams, and career. To fit together like a perfect puzzle. So she could live a fulfilled, abundant life, doing what she loved while making income and making an impact in this world.

She did everything she was told to do. What the heck expectations of family members and society expects. I did go to school, get good grades, go to college. Find a degree in something you’re good at and get a good paying job that would support a family someday fast forward, 17 years, Becky is now just trading time for money at a job that is draining her.

She pours all her energy into a job in her family just gets the leftovers. She dreads going to work on Monday. She’s a totally different person. Friday through Sunday. Then Sunday night kicks in and she starts getting that anxiety feeling. Knowing tomorrow morning, she would be getting up for work instead of hanging out with her kids, cooking breakfast, spending hours, reading and doing the personal development that she absolutely loves her.

Faith is still there, but it’s fading and she’s becoming more and more resentful for not following her dreams and her desires. She’s actually kind of ticked off. She didn’t realize beforehand. That she was shaped and molded for a specific purpose and the dreams and desires and gifts that were placed in her even before she was born, could have been used in a much better way.

Then Becky starts to feel guilty for wanting more. She should be blessed, right? She should be grateful and thankful that she has a good job and a good life. She should just be content, right. She’s drained and craves fulfillment and wants to make a greater impact. And it’s now starting to affect her marriage.

Does any of this sound familiar to you listeners? Can you relate to how Becky felt I can because that story and I’m getting emotional was about me. I am a Christian career woman who has lost. And stuck at a career that wasn’t feeding my soul and my friends that leads me to where I am today, here with you.

About two years ago, I knew something had to change, but I had no idea how to go about it. One thing I did know was that I could no longer ignore. That inner voice, that inner calling that kept screaming, do something more meaningful. You are meant for more. I started listening to it and my goal in the passion that’s on my heart right now is that you start listening to that inner voice as well, because a few years ago, that was my time to look inwards and create something for my passions and purpose.

God gave me. And now it’s your time. So I dug into personal development. I reconnected with God and made my faith stronger. I started changing who I was from the inside out. I bought courses to work on mindset. Remember when I told you the entrepreneur bug bit me a few years ago. Yeah. That Mark is still there.

I started researching and came across ed my, let Tony Robbins, Dean Graziosi, Amy Porterfield. And some of those names may sound familiar to you and some may not, but I started soaking up their podcasts or videos, and I realized that the majority of the successful multimillionaires out there hadn’t even gone to college.

That was a huge mind shift for me. I mean, we’re taught that going to college is the best thing for you. And now college has gotten so expensive in the majority of college graduates. Don’t find a job after they graduate in an even higher percentage of those graduates. Aren’t doing what they even went to school for.

And there was a recent poll done that over 50% of people in the workforce. Are dissatisfied at their job. And these entrepreneurs I found were talking about petty and paid for your knowledge, your life experiences, and expertise about making an impact while serving others. That self-education was the new norm.

That was a new term for me. Self-education what is self-education and just side note, I’ll be talking about that in an upcoming episode. But I was learning that people were paying other experts in a certain area because they wanted to learn from them. They wanted to go faster. Tony Robbins says all the time, you can literally compress decades of information into months.

My mind was blown. I took it step of faith and hired a mentor and got involved in a 12 month intimate group coaching program for entrepreneurs who are ready to build a profitable, sustainable, and scalable online business from ground up. So that leaves us to where I am today. Remember that teaser trailer episode you just listened to, or maybe listened to a few days ago.

Go back and listen to that. If you haven’t, it’s the episode just before this one teaser trailer, it’s short. I mentioned that throughout this podcast, I will have honest conversations throughout the episodes about my journey from that nine to five Christian career woman to the Christian CEO. Have I left my nine to five yet?

No. Do I have a plan for that? Yes. Have I created my powerful, profitable and impactful online business. Yes. And it’s a work in process. I am learning as I go and I’ve never had so much fun. I have a vision. I invested in a coach, an online program. So I could learn from someone who was already where I want to be.

I was learning from their knowledge, their expertise. And their gifts and their talents that they extracted to teach other people. And I was learning from someone who had already done it in our, where I want to be in the future. So back to my Becky story, I knew that if I felt this way, there were other women out there who felt the same way.

Imagine for a moment that you know exactly what your God given genius sown was. How to extract your gifts, abilities, knowledge, life, experiences, and all you needed to do was put all the puzzle pieces together and merge it with what you love to do. The passion God gave you and create that powerful, profitable, and impactful online business that impacts an eager audience of people waiting to hear from you the expert and make income.

So you can do what you want when you want live the life you want to live and eventually leave that nine to five that is draining you. It, that changed your life. How would that change your family’s life or the world? That my friend is the question I want you to reflect on today. You have a dream inside and that dream was given to you by God.

Otherwise it wouldn’t be there. There are people in every market that you can think of doing what they love and getting paid from softball, coaching to personal finance, diet and exercise, fly fishing. In my mastermind, I’m in, there is a lady that is teaching other women how to survive and succeed and be successful in life after divorce.

There’s another girl that lost her child a few years ago. And now she’s on the other end of that. And she is showing and teaching other moms how to survive life after a death of a child, maybe you racket social media, Jasmine star is killing it with her social curator online course, maybe you just love to cook and you just make some amazing recipes.

Everyone’s asking you, how do you do that? From mandolin playing to homeschooling personal development and marriage coaching. The list goes on an ad where people are extracting their knowledge, what they love, the transition and transformation they had in life. They’re taking what they know and extracting it and teaching others how to go faster.

And don’t think for a moment that you can’t do it too. If someone can make $4,000 within five minutes of his online course, launching teaching, fly fishing of all things, and God can use your gifts, passions, and knowledge to do some pretty amazing things to Ephesians two 10 says for we are God’s masterpiece created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.

He has already predestined you to do some pretty amazing things. You have a message and a story to share, and I truly believe that God has calling Christian women like you to rise up and take that step of faith because he needs more good people with a abundant amount of money to do some pretty amazing things in this world and make an impact.

And I am going to talk more about that in the, in a future episode. Because our limiting belief about money, that story we tell ourselves about our worth is a roadblock that holds so many of us back stay tuned. That will be in the near future. And if you have not yet joined us in the abundant Christianpreneur Facebook group, head on over there, we can’t wait to meet you.

Thank you so much for spending time with me here today. I hope you found value in today’s message.  It is your time to step into the role of an abundant Christianpreneur and put to use the gifts God has given you. There is only one you and you are the expert.

Your people are waiting to hear from. I want you to know this, feel this, and most importantly, be this never underestimate the impact and power you have.

And Hey, real quick, before you go, if you found value in today’s podcast, I would love it. If you could take a screenshot and post it on your IgG or Facebook stories and tag me at Kristin Dronchi

Hashtag the abundant Christianpreneur and together we can inspire other women to step into who God created them to be. Don’t forget if you have not yet left a review or subscribe to the show to get registered, to enter the special B I P prelaunch giveaway that we will be doing. First four episodes of this podcast, make sure you head on over to iTunes.

Subscribe, leave a review and rate the show. Thank you so much for taking the time out of your day and spending it here with me. I appreciate you and see you next episode. .


Ps. Be Sure to Join our private VIP FB Group The Abundant Christianpreneur™ 

A place where Faith-filled women are coming together to take that step of Faith and becoming who God created them to be to fulfill their destiny on this side of Heaven…all while making income and impact!

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